According to many opinions [some Say 27th of Tammuz] Tonight Wednesday Night/ Thursday is the Yartzeit of the
Holy Yosef HaTzadik Son of Yaakov Avinu A”H Zecher Tzadik VKadosh Livracha.
Many will light candles lilui Nishmasoi [In his memory] and will daven [Pray] that in his merit we should be worthy
of Kedusha [Holiness and Purity] in regards to the Bris.
Just as Yosef who withstood the most
difficult tests so too we his descendants
should merit the same.
It is also known to be a great time
for one to ask forgiveness for any
Aveiros [sins] of the past in regards to this area.
May Yosef HaTzaddik plead for mercy and compassion from The Holy One, blessed be He, for Yonathan ben Malka Pollard... and all those held unduly in the 'pits!!!