
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Motzei Shevi''it

I have had a version of this blog post sitting in my drafts for over 10 years.  In 5772 [secular  year 2012] we all expected Moshiach. Even the Mayan Calendar ended in December 2012.  

Vilna Gaon

It is a tradition from the Gra [Vilna Gaon], although he did not put it in writing, that the Geula will begin 5772.  It is thought that Hashem may have delayed the Geula by ten years, bringing us to now: 5782.

The Vilna Gaon quotes the Gemara Sanhedrin 97A  that Moshiach will come Motzei Shevi'it - which means "after the seventh".

The Zohar, in its description of this year, refers to it as being motzei shevi'is [after the seventh] - the shmittah and the Yovel -  [Zohar Chadash Beis, Parshas Balak]

But 5772, the Gra's first choice for Redemption, was not "motzei shevi'it".  So perhaps the Gra also knew that the Geula would be delayed by ten years. [I don't know I'm just speculating]

There is a principle that Hashem loves all sheviís [the seventh] - all sevens are special.

We see from Tikkunei Zohar 28b that HKB"H will destroy the Erev Rav between the 6th and 7th hour, which is the time that they sinned with the golden calf - because that is when the Redemption process begins. And that began at the time of 6.5 hours of the day, during Minha Gedola.  Source: Yeranen Yaakov

We are currently in the 7th hour of the sixth day 12pm-1pm: 12.46pm actually, if you look at the Cosmic Clock in my left column.

The Zohar even states that it is not God’s will to reveal the arrival date of the Moshiach, but when the date draws near, even children will be able to make the calculation [Bereishis 118a]. According to the Vilna Gaon, there seems to be little problem making the calculation from his commentary, but one who does must promise not to reveal his finding to another: “And from here [what I have just written] you can calculate the time of the Final Redemption if, God forbid, we do not merit [to bring it earlier]; however, I have imposed an oath, in the name of the God of Israel, on the reader of this that he should not reveal it.” [Biur HaGra, Sifra D’Tzniuta, Chapter Five]
Source: Rav Shalom Yehuda Gross


  1. See sanhedrin 97 and 98. We have not yet experienced the 7 year cycle described. I believe with perfect faith he can come at any time.... but is sure looks like we have one more very difficult shmeittah to go... which includes 3 to 4 years of famine... and this aligns nicely with 5790 which is 210 years before 6000.... 210 is credit for time served in mitzrayim...and then 5791 which is techiyat ha metim... rav Sholom y gross brought sources that H-shem can bring the 7 years in a much shorter period..... worst case one more shmita cycle...which will not be fun.

  2. But if MBY is supposed to be here 7 years before MBD, then perhaps we will see MBY very soon ?? and as Hashem can bring the 7 years in a much shorter period..... hopefully not one more shmita cycle.... then I'm still hopeful.

    I'm also expecting major things to happen at the time of the Queen's funeral - all those Heads of Countries in one place together...... But there's a limit to how many of my own expectations I can put on the blog. Not long to wait and see.

    1. I agree we are going to see something huge between now and hoshannah rabbah. Look at every shmittah year 1987 and 1994 crash, 2001 9.11, 2008 crash, 2015 also declines... and now 2022 we are headed into famine war and economic disaster and potentially nuclear war in europe.... or maybe something as simple as the powergrid going down which would be as awful as all put together. Only true teshuva and achdus can save us... as we are an orphaned generation.

  3. Queen's funeral is 19 Sept corresponding to 23 Elul which is the same Hebrew date as 9/11 was.

  4. Regarding 23rd Elul, quoting Dov bar Leib:

    23rd of Elul is one of the Days of the Dove of Noah (16/17 Elul, 23rd Elul, and Rosh HaShanah). The Geulah event for 17th of Elul when the Dove "found no rest" was when Hitler invaded Poland on 1 Sept 1939 (17 Elul 5699). The Geulah event for 23rd Elul which already occurred was the World Trade Twin Towers collapse in 5761 for which Rashi says better are the bitter fruits of the Hands of G-d in Eretz Yisrael than the sweet fruits from the Hands of the descendants of Noach. The Rosh HaShanah (1st day of 1st month) "event" where the dove never goes back to Galut has not yet occurred.

    These Days of the Dove are determined by the fact that the Dove was sent 3 times at 7 day intervals, the 3rd time being on the 1st day of the 1st month (before Yetziat Mitzraim). According to the more accepted opinion of Rav Eliezer, that day before Yetziat Mitzraim was 1 Tishrei. Only starting with Yetziat Mitzraim did Nissan become the 1st month. In ancient times before the existence of Israel, Elul could have 29 or 30 days, meaning the 3 days days of the Dove could be the 16th or 17th of Elul, the 23rd or 24th of Elul, and 1st of Tishrei (which is set in bedrock by the text of Genesis 8: 12-13).

  5. bs" d
    Please no more negative "predictions " regarding another shmittah year.. Find all the blessings in your lives and praise Hashem!! Praise and glorify His Great and Holy Name and look deep inside to see where we can each try to do any one thing better than before. Wishing all Shanah TOVAH with the coming of the Geula!! May it be with rachamim and may we all dance together rejoicing in the coronation of our KING!!

  6. I wouldn't say it is a negative prediction - the Gemara in Sanhedrin 97 says what the 7 years will look like before Moshiach comes - we haven't had that 7 year cycle yet... but it sure looks like we are headed there now... It is being realistic....

  7. No link, just saw on FB - five pure red heifers have just arrived in Israel.

  8. Please remember all good prophecies will be fulfilled the other prophecies do not have to. So let us be appreciative for what hoshem has given us.

  9. תשפ"ג משיח

    On Chanukah this year, the Admor Rav David Abuchatzeira shlit”a spoke these holy words in front of a large audience.

    In the course of his shiur Rav David Abuchatzeira said that the nine months will begin on Shabbat Chanukah which was also Rosh Chodesh Tevet.

    In order to understand the words of Rav Berland and Rav David Abuchatzeira shlit”a, we need to count the nine months from Shabbat Chanukah-Rosh Chodesh Tevet, and nine months later would be Rosh Chodesh Elul. However, because this year is a “pregnant” (leap) year, we have two months of Adar. Therefore, if we count the two months of Adar as one Adar, the nine months conclude on this coming Rosh Hashanah, 5783.

  10. תשפ"ג אין יותר דחיות לגאולה | מסר מצדיקים נסתרים משיח
    אין יותר דחיות לגאולה | מסר מצדיקים נסתרים

  11. When Moshiach comes, Hash-m will do miracles that are greater than the miracles of Yetzias Miitzrayim. Hash-m can do anything. We'll only understand the unfolding of the Geula once it has happened and we have that much greater daas that we will get in the Future.


    The Talmud has a precedent for the red heifer being provided by a non-Jew. The Talmud (Kiddushin 31a) tells the story of the non-Jew named Dama who would not wake his father, Netina, to get to the key under his pillow to retrieve the stones to sell for the breastplate of the High Priest at a price of 600,000 dinars. Dama forfeited this great sum simply so as not to disturb his father’s sleep. He was rewarded the following year by finding in his flock and selling a rare red heifer to the rabbis for the same sum.
    From the time of Moses, who personally prepared the first heifer, until the destruction of the Temple, only nine red heifers were prepared. Nonetheless, this was sufficient to maintain the ritual purity of the entire nation for almost 2,000 years.According to Jewish tradition, there will only be ten red heifers in human history with the tenth heifer ushering in the Messianic era. Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides), the most renowned medieval Jewish scholar known by the acronym Rambam, wrote in his explanation of the mitzvah that “the tenth red heifer will be accomplished by the king, the Messiah; may he be revealed speedily, Amen, May it be God’s will.”

  13. Very interesting, thanks Anonymous 5:58

  14. Please explain something in this sentence:

    'between the 6th and 7th hour, which is the time that they sinned with the golden calf - because that is when the Redemption process begins. And that began at the time of 6.5 hours of the day, during Minha Gedola. Source: Yeranen Yaakov'

    Between the 6th and 7th is within this time frame in the 6th millenia.
    How can it be 'the time that they sinned with the golden calf'?

    Technically, practically, how is this so?

  15. "A thousand years, in Your eyes," says the Psalmist, "is like yesterday's day." The Kabbalists explain that the seven days of creation are replayed, on the macro-historical level, in the seven-millennia course of human history, which also consists of six workdays followed by a seventh millennium that is "wholly Shabbat and rest, for life everlasting"--the age of Moshiach.
    [source: Chabad]

    What you mention is actually the key, according to the Vilna Gaon, of understanding the redemption process (Kol HaTor, p. 465). If you divide 1,000 (years) by 24 (hours), each “hour” of creation corresponds to 41.67 years of history. See

    To be honest... my maths is not as good as Yeranen Yaakov [or Rav Fish who he is quoting] and I may have to refer this question to Yaak for clarification. My brain is also overloaded and I don't think I can give you a satisfactory answer right now, so just hang on and I'll get back to this.

  16. Actually you don't need maths.... I'm pretty sure it means they sinned with the golden calf just before Shabbat began.... the same time Adam and Chava sinned with the Tree of Knowledge.

  17. The Tikunei Zohar says that they worshipped the Golden Calf after the 6th hour of the day. (בשש can also be read "besheish".) Similarly, we are between the sixth and seventh "hour" of the daylight hours of the Sixth Millennium.

  18. New-agers say 2012 (5772) is very significant in that in that year, there was a consensus among all of the earth's souls for the earth to "ascend" in the near future. Based on descriptions of what will happen during ascension, this sounds like y'mai moshiach. It could be that some kind of precurser to the coming of moshiach happened in 5772 which is what the GRA saw and what these New-agers sense. (I'm not saying their interpretation is right, but since the y'mai moshiach will happen, they could be picking up on that).

  19. If the erev rav will be destroyed between the 6th and 7th hour, and we are already in the 7th hour, as one of the quotes says, that should mean that the erev rav has been destroyed, which does not appear to be the case. Any thoughts or clarifications on that?

  20. Well perhaps it's true that the Geula was delayed by 10 years.
    Things do seem to be happening quite fast at the moment, financial crises and blown up pipelines.. we can only hope that we're on the final leg of this long race to Geula.


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