
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Nibiru - Star of Moshiach?

Update to this post:  Please see comments for information regarding the Kochav Yaakov - Star of Moshiach, as written in the Zohar.  Maybe this is Nibiru.

Have you been reading Devash's posts about Nibiru?  I am fascinated by the whole thing, and have been looking at video sightings of it for quite a few weeks now.  This video below was just posted on You Tube and clearly shows Nibiru next to the sun.   I have no predictions or thoughts regarding its close encounter with Earth in the near future, but would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Also see: Nibiru - Torah Codes - Star of Yaakov


  1. Go on Tomer Devorah site, Benjamin has prediction about Nibiru there...

  2. Interesting. But has anyone that understands these things verified that it was another sun or Nibiru as it is called. Maybe it is just a reflection of the moon as we see sometimes in early morning or who knows what else. Maybe Menachem from Absolute T. can expound on that video.

    1. It's not a reflection of the Moon.

    2. Nibiru is a dark dwarf star, a companion to our sun in a binary star system. There are so many videos on YouTube from around the world showing its progress as it came towards our sun and is going around it. Later this month (February, in early Adar alef) all the world will see it everyday, weather permitting, as it will be on the same side of the sun as the Earth. As we get closer to it, Nibiru will grow in size from smaller than than the moon to many times the size of the moon.

      The danger is not Nibiru hitting Earth, but the tail of many asteroids, meteors and rocks that Earth will encounter. There are so many places in scriptures talking about Nibiru. I also found 202 places in Tanach where Nibiru is encoded with an ELS of 100 or less.

      It is real, and has been known about for thousands of years. NASA has been tracking it for about 40 years, but has been silenced by the evil global elite, who are counting on the population destruction for their New World Order implementation. NASA and the mainstream media are both funded and controlled by the global elite.

    3. "NASA has been tracking it for about 40 years, but has been silenced by the evil global elite, who are counting on the population destruction for their New World Order implementation. NASA and the mainstream media are both funded and controlled by the global elite."

      Menachem, you do know that media companies are all publicly owned with thousands and thousands of shareholders including individuals and pension funds? Are simple retirees now part of the evil global elite too? And, NASA is fully funded by the US Gov't and how do you know what NASA has or hasn't been tracking if it's been silenced?

      While I am not happy with the way our government functions, I don't consider it part of any "Evil Global Elite." It's more like a "Dumb, Incompetent Near-do-well Brother." It means well but can't do anything right. Why do you think Trump is so popular?! Are there nefarious people in gov't? Yeah, just look at the state department but that doesn't translate into the entire government or world. I believe in a greater conspiracy of pharma companies keeping useful drugs and cures out of the hands of people who need them than I do in your evil global elite and NWO. Stick to Torah and the scriptures, there's real substance there.--Diaspora RO

    4. Absolute Truth: Do you have any comment to make on why Nir Ben Artzi has never mentioned Nibiru? Instead, he is talking about 7 billion people turning on Jews.

  3. Most scientists discount Nibiru as nothing more than a myth--only conspiracy theorists and Doomsday prophets see something ominous in it such as world destruction. And Jewish Doomsdayers can't wait for the Erav Rav or other Jews and gentiles whom they dislike to be obliterated. This horrifies me as a sane and rational person. It also dismays me to think that good innocent people are being frightened out of their wits, cajoled into doing Teshuva and feeling sick about not being able to emigrate to Israel before the world explodes in March. How can any of this be a good thing? How can Teshuva be heartfelt when terror is its core and not true love and belief in Hashem? Also, these Doomsday Chicken Little's don't realize that by yelling that the sky is falling again and again and by propagating bubemeinsahs they do more harm than good and turn people off because they lose credibility. If and when Hashem decides to shake up the world and obliterate it, I guarantee no one will see it coming or how. My motto is be the change you want to see. You want more goodness in the world, be good and charitable. You want fear and terror--you will create that world for yourself but don't do it for others. You want people to have Emunah and do teshuva--great! Do it with love, not terror. --Diaspora RO

    See links below:

    1. You make some good points, but there is no denying that Nibiru exists, I've seen a lot of videos from all over the world, and there is something there. The link to NASA's clarification did not clarify anything at all for me.

    2. On your first point , ok..either you think this is real or not. But your second point is not what people are saying on these sites. What they want is change from a healthy Jewish perspective. They don't want anyone "good innocent" to be 'frightened out of their wits." Sometimes the threat of terror precedes Teshuva in the Torah and Nevviim for sure, because "love " and the other concept "turning the other cheek" doesn't beget a better world! Love as you put it is a Christian concept in this context and is quite foolish from what we've seen throughout history. Yes, the prognosticator's lose credibility if they keep pushing the can down the road. Not a good thing for us when we become obsessed with them, if that is the case!

    3. ANON, 1:13pm

      Instead of the word Love, I should have perhaps used Hesed --compassion and/or mercy with regard to Teshuvah. Those are my feelings only. It's because of compassion for others that I have learned to see many of my own failings and ask Hashem for forgiveness. It's not just my suffering but the suffering of others that has opened my eyes. The concept of repentance in Christianity is not at all about love from what I understand. It's all about damnation, hellfire and brimstone which I despise. "Repent or die!" is their ethos. Not particularly loving if you ask me or conducive to heartfelt repentance.

      I guess I'm a dafke mensch. You force me to do something I'm not ready to do or don't want to do, I may just do the opposite. A wise boss once told me that you catch more bears with honey. With regard to Teshuva, I'm all for honey regardless of what's in the Torah and Neviim.

      With regard to Nibiru, hooey! --Diaspora RO


  4. Zohar: Terumah 172b
    Could it be the Star of Moshiach? Kochav Yaakov.

    ''Then the 7th window will open in the entire world, and it’s star is “kochav Ya’akov”, and this is the one about which Bila’am said “a star shoots forth from Ya’akov”, and this star will be luminous for 40 days and 40 nights. When Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, and all the people’s of the world will be gathered to him, then the verse will be fulfilled which states (Yeshaya 11:10): “the root of Yishai, which stands as a banner for peoples, to him shall the nations inquire, and his peace shall be [with] honor.”
    See more about ''The Star of Moshiach'' at Vision of Geulah

  5. A planet that would block the sun for 40 days would have to be enormous, it would also have to be moving at a snail pace. It would also be impossible for any amateur astronomer to not easily find with even a less than professional telescope.

    In short, nibiru is just propaganda. Whatever that 2nd 'light' is in all those videos is, it is definitely not a stray planet. At the size suggested in all those videos that thing should have either passed by long ago or been visible on a daily basis with the naked eye.

    Use your head guys, don't just cave into madness because you want it to be moshiach.

    1. "A planet that would block the sun for 40 days would have to be enormous"

      not really. The moon is really tiny and it covers the sun almost completely during an eclipse, why? because it's really close to us. If a planet is big enough and close enough, it can easily cover the sun for several days without having to be enormous.

  6. Use a dictionary, Genoism, "luminous" does not mean a blocking of the sun.

    1. ''Then the 7th window will open in the entire world, and it’s star is “kochav Ya’akov”, and this is the one about which Bila’am said “a star shoots forth from Ya’akov”, and this star will be luminous for 40 days and 40 nights. When Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, and all the people’s of the world will be gathered to him, then the verse will be fulfilled which states (Yeshaya 11:10): “the root of Yishai, which stands as a banner for peoples, to him shall the nations inquire, and his peace shall be [with] honor.”
      See more about ''The Star of Moshiach'' at Vision of Geulah

      Did you read this? It's a legit prophecy. But I don't believe it means a planet...not saying entirely impossible, just unlikely.

    2. Just to add, in order for there to be 40 nights, it would mean it blocks the sun for 40 days. How you have 40 days of no nights, who knows.

  7. I don't put my faith in scientists only in HaShem, with that in mind people should be more motivated to do teshuva then not. Nibiru or no Nibiru whatever HaShem is going to do we will either feel it or see it. A fool would only ignore and dismiss what is happening in this world and HaShem is sending us signs to do teshuva this is the only message that I see. So don't be frighten and don't dismiss anything just do your best and come closer to HaShem because that is your salvation no matter what will happen. Remember you are where your thoughts are... Devorah I don't know where it is written but there is supposedly 15 days of darkness happening I think before Moshiach arrival, maybe you can look it up.

  8. @jewgirl "At that same time the Holy One blessed be He will awaken his power against all the nations of the world and the King Mashiach will be known in all the world and the Kings of the world will unite to go against him and many of the evildoers of the Jewish people will unite with those nations to wage war against the King Mashiach and then the world will darken for 15 days and many of the Jews will die on those days of darkness and on this episode it is written (Isaiah 60:2) “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the people; but Hashem shall arise upon you, and his glory shall be seen upon you”. (Zohar ha Kadosh II,Shemot 7a)

    1. akapla1 thanks posting the info...

  9. Unbelievable shtuss. Bad reflections in cell phone videos is evidence of a... varying descriptions of comet, large asteroid, stray planet, dwarf star, full size star??? Varying impact dates of 20 years ago, 10 years ago, October 2014, Dec 2015, this Shushan Purim?

    Lets be more clear - ignore scientists if you will, but today there are hundreds of thousands of amateurs with reasonable quality science level equipment that would capture and publish images or data to the Internet. (Any large object, planet / star size, would cause noticeable wobbling in the Sun, easily detectable by anyone who observes such things. This is how science is detecting planets around distant stars. They would also detect the black-out as any large object blocked parts of the sky.)

    G-d willing we will see REAL prophecies come true and Moshiach come (may it be today)! We don't need this goyisha sthuss!

    BTW, IF we pass Purim or whatever date and don't see a dwarf star or rogue planet, CAN WE FINALLY AND PERMANENTLY DISCOUNT THESE PEOPLE AS FALSE PROPHETS? And ignore all future pronouncements from them?

    1. Akiva,

      Exactly what I said to one of them. No, he said "I didn't predict anything." This is their mantra! Make a "bold prediction" and when it doesn't happen, make believe you didn't say it. Then make another prediction, for there are always people tuning into this soap opera and it gets good ratings!

  10. It's a pity to see Judaism being tarnished by the false prophets of today. Although some bloggers have good intentions (such as Devash) their promotion of the new prophets such as the handicapped children Binyamin, Menahem, and Daniel, talking about the star Nibiru, the bunkers and underground cities, borders insanity.
    The comments posted above by DiasporaRO and Akiva emphasize the rationality of Judaism, as should be followed by the Jews understanding their fundamental mission given by Hashem.
    The doomsdays bloggers should wakeup to the voice of reason. Ad matay Devash?

  11. Whatever it is or isn't will eventually be known. So far, there is NO actual factual information about this Nibiru, and maybe there will not be, because the unknown is scary. I find it difficult to believe that HaShem would orchestrate a planet/star/? to damage the Earth, and leave such devastation (and a mess to clean up) that would resemble (almost) tohu-v-vohu. I do believe that scare-ing Jews into Teshuvais a good thing, because the limits of Judaism are being stretched to limits not seen in our history. Even after WWI when Jewish women threw off their head-coverings in order not to be identified as Jews, it was not to the degree that we are witnessing today. What Jews need to concentrate on is strengthening their EMUNA and BITACHON. Devorah very often brings us videos and written shiurim about strengthening Yiddishkeit. Jews need to 'return' to the basics of Judaism and to have total faith in G–D that whatever He sends us is what we need. We are being tested in various ways BEFORE Mashiach can come on the scene. This is called a birur, a separating the chaf from the wheat, the believers from the doubters (remember Amalek?). It makes for good conversation because it causes people to think of what's important, what they want to be (for Hashem or otherwise).

  12. No one knows anything yet for sure. But, to Diaspora Ro, you are the one who is living in la la land if you believe the media. Most know that they are always the right arm of governments worldwide and you always get managed news - and that's not news. There is a great chance that this Nibiru 'might' turn out to be the 'Star of Moshiach'.

  13. Anonymous 3:34

    Who says I live in lala land just because I don't agree with you? And, who says I believe everything I read or hear? I am an intelligent, discerning person who questions. That is after all the Jewish way. Secondly, as my Mother used to say, "Saichel is a tiere sach" No one should buy these wildly unproven unsubstantiated Doomsday pronouncements without asking proper questions and looking at sources. Do you buy into everything without question? That's how cults are born and followers become sheeple led to the slaughter. Scientists base their lives and careers on facts--they have no reason to be dishonest. You don't want to believe an expert--okay, your prerogative. I believe Neil DeGrasse Tyson and that doesn't make me wrong or ignorant. If you dislike scientists, stop going or listening to your doctor--they too are science and medical professionals.

    Please don't buy into narishkeit--you only hurt yourself. Let me be clear, I am NOT discounting Torah or genuine prophecy from REAL PROPHETS or saying don't do Teshuva. I am just saying rely on Hashem and do Teshuva for the right reasons--it's Hashem's show not ours and what will be will be. Don't rely on people with no credibility to lead you astray and warp your mind with worldwide meglomaniac conspiracy theories. I've read the panic on some blogs written by people who are fearful of not making it to Israel before the Big Impact. To see my fellow Jews in such a frightened state really bothers me and that's why I am speaking out loud and clear. --DIASPORA RO

    1. Nicely said. But, one thing. You, "believe Neil Degrasse Tyson and that doesn't make me wrong or ignorant." No, but most probably makes you a progressive liberal if you're quoting him. I believe there are more seasoned scientists to look to for explaining our universe.

    2. Anon 6:52

      Why would believing Dr. Tyson's opinion on Astronomy make me a liberal progressive? He is a highly regarded scientist and whatever his social predilections are... ARE HIS BUSINESS and I can take it or leave it. Judging people and labeling them is wrong. On rare occasions I may agree with Obama even though I despise the man--does that make me an Obama supporter? Not at all. And I bet my definition of a liberal progressive is a far cry from yours since you feel it is some sort of insult. I believe in education, activism, and helping others less fortunate through charity, and other means. Is that a bad thing? I don't think so. DIASPORA RO

    3. A primer in Jewish concepts is in need Diaspora Ro. When the Torah talks about anything in the realm of charity, activism , kindness, education etc.. it always, is referring to Jews helping Jews first. Charity begins at home! Tyson's opinions and his "predilections" are part of his whole package, and I choose not to take it and to leave it. It surely is my "business." Would u quote a great Talmudic scholar that runs a brothel the same way as one that has a food bank? Judging people (not Jews) and labeling them is not a bad thing when one points out what's behind their reasoning and what drives someone. And, yes there are differences in people, nations, races. Again, why someone thinks the way he does and what he says is many times clouded by his inner thoughts, prejudices, and even oh my, shocking as it may be to you, his political orientation. That is a bad thing!!

    4. Anonymous 3:55

      Do you know what happens when you "assume" things about people you don't know? You make an "ASS out of U and ME." That old saying makes sense for a reason. Judging people when you don't really know them or anything about them is wrong because it leads to flawed assumptions.

      As it happens, I know very well that charity begins at home. Where have I ever said that I don't try and help my fellow Jews first and foremost? You made that assumption because you've labeled me "a liberal progressive" and based on your definition, I can't possibly care about or help my fellow Jews. Rubbish. So I really don't need a primer from you.

      You also asked me if I would quote a Talmudic scholar who runs a brothel over one that has a food bank. It depends on the quote and on the subject! I would most certainly quote the Talmudic scholar on the subject of sin if he acknowledged his own and apologized to his degraded women victims, and to the community and made appropriate teshuva. As a sinner, his quote would carry more weight than someone else who ran a food bank. However, if I were writing about hunger, I would quote the rabbi running a food bank over the other. Would I quote them equally about the same Torah passage? It would depend on who was more erudite and credible but I would not be qualified to say because I am not a Torah scholar.

      As for Dr. Tyson--you don't like him. That's okay. I do. I have tremendous respect for his accomplishments and knowledge. He is a Harvard- and Princeton-educated Astrophysicist and cosmologist so when he says Nibiru is a hoax, I'm inclined to believe him. The fact that he's likely a democrat or an agnostic doesn't matter to me. It is his choice. He is not hurting me or others--committing any crimes or being accused of any. If he were to write a diatribe against Israel and Jews--that however would be a different story.

      Whatever your feelings are about DR. Tyson--you are free to have them, just as I am free to have my opinion to the contrary.

    5. Diaspora Ro

      Your foolish projection "with regard to Teshuva I'm all for honey regardless of what's in the Torah or Neviim" tells more about you than you wanted to reveal. You're not being judged but you're very defensive when someone points out your own words to you! We don't get to pick and choose what part of the Torah suits us. I don't like that, don't kill commandment,when it comes to abortion. Don't impose your sexual mores on anyone, as long as they're two consensual adults. Or you prophets, don't say certain people are bad, it hurts my feelings. Talk with " love " only and let honey drip from our tongues! There's a time and place for everything, including warning people. There's nothing wrong with that. Grow up! As to the point of my question to who you would quote, your answer is weak and misses the point. A scholar with a flawed personality, is less reliable than one with good traits. I'm not asking you to quote from a scholar that acknowledged his sins. He "runs" a brothel! He's in it for the dirt and money. But he's brilliant in gemara. That's nice that he has a facility for learning too. In today's parlance "you're fired." Reishis chochma yeiras shamayim. Yes, Tyson is an agnostic and it makes no difference that it doesn't hurt you. His lack of belief in G-D could affect why he thinks what he does about Nibiru.

    6. ANON 4:13

      Your obsession with me is also telling. Get over yourself. Tyson's beliefs about Nibiru are predicated on science. Agnostic means he doesn't know whether there is a G-d or not. An atheist means he does not believe that G-d exists. Tyson is the former not the latter--know the difference.

      Your statement, "A Scholar with a flawed personality is less reliable than one with good traits." Here's a true story to ponder. There is a Haredi Rabbi who ran from the States to evade indictment on sexual abuse/molestation charges. He travels from country to country now to avoid extradition. He is renowned in his community as a Torah Scholar and has been quoted on many blogs regarding Moshiach and his arrival. His followers insist he is "a great man" who should not have to face his accusers. If he is indeed guilty he should acknowledge his wrong doing against these women and accept punishment! If innocent, he must return, face the charges and fight them. Instead he chooses limbo. Whether guilty or innocent, should what he is accused of negate fifty years of study and faithful service to his community? Should everything he says be trashed regarding Moshiach and Torah? Since I've seen his pronouncements on blogs, he obviously still has supporters. Who decides that he must be pilloried or respected? Is it you who are his sole judge and jury? Uh-oh! Jews are not black and white; everything that happens to them isn't black and white either--and nobody thinks the same way about anything. So YOU Grow Up!

      Every human being is flawed and some deeply in order to learn, do tikkun, repent and teach others by example. Look at King David--he was an adulterer and murderer. How flawed can you get! And yet he is revered with MBD as his descendant. Should we not recite psalms because of his sins?

      I don't believe Hashem stands still just because you have. If Hashem wills everything in this world, then he wills different streams of Judaism for a reason--to expand and improve our thinking and understanding. It is your choice to think the way you do but RESPECT that I have the same choice. Again, there is nothing wrong in urging people to do teshuva but frightening them with half-baked BS conspiracy theories is wrong.

      This is my last response to you. DIASPORA RO

    7. Diaspora,

      I have no obsession with you, just your naivete that i feel compelled to challenge. I'm more than "agnostic" on your capacity to understand what's being said to you. But, I'm trying to get through that thicket of secular discombobulation that you own. You seem to be phlegmatic about everything good that people are trying to say here. Being a liberal which you most certainly are doesn't make you a real progressive as the term used today is a misnomer. What you want is not for the world to improve, but to regress to the state of Sodom and Gemorroh with all your foolish pratter about how we're all flawed, moral relativism and the need for redemption! Improvement and moving forward in this world, require Jews to teach the rest of the world through good example, moral clarity and studied action, not your ideas of misplaced compassion or quoting us stories about people that mean nothing. The Hasidic rabbi's followers insist he is a great man. I'm sure they do! Naar!! King David "was" the author of Psalms,( which I highly recommend you study why,before you recite them), would be a bad comparison to the Rabbi you quote, above. Bernie Madoff enriched and served his community well too for many years, yes? Every story in the Torah, if you haven't noticed.. most probably haven't.. is a lesson in humanity. Oy! The greatest of all prophets, Moshe, or do u prefer Moses, is called to task by way of exegesis. We as Jews don't hide the flaws of our antecedents, but beseeched to learn from them, and not stand in abeyance. Living in Epcot and dumbing ourselves down for the sake of wanting to be liked is not helping the liberal world you so much want to be a part of! Whether G-D stands still or not, only you seem to know, for you're the great arbiter. Do you believe Obama is a real brilliant , Harvard trained constitutional lawyer who was editor and chief of the Harvard Law Review? After all the media tells you he is. Is he a scholar because of his "credentials?" Would you call what people say about him conspiracy theories too? He even won the Nobel peace prize. Must be a man of peace, as you know it! What I KNOW, is that the Torah has portions called the Tochacha. Have you heard of it? It is scary and full of alot of not nice "frightening" threats to whom? To us! G-D is "frightening" us to do his will! So there are major precedents of talking in such a harsh manner about doing bad and the consequences thereof. Regardless of whether you're mature enough for the message. Ignorance is not bliss! In your case plead the fifth!!

    8. Go back to your bunker Chicken Little where it is safe to twist what I and others may say to suit your goals. --DR

    9. Guess that was your penultimate response! I didn't mean to ''frighten" you!!

  14. By the way, thank you Devorah for your Blog and trying to present all perspectives fairly so that people can decide for themselves. Other bloggers aren't that generous because they don't want their views challenged under any circumstances. So Kudos to you!-- Diaspora Ro

  15. On the blog Vision of Geulah can be found relevant texts from the Zohar in relation to the star of Mashiach and the Geulah unfolding.
    The stars and the flames are to be regarded as world powers, the swallowing of stars or flames meaning military defeats. The most powerful star is the Mashiach himself.

  16. Comments upon Shemos 7a: The pillar of fire is the Mashiach who will rule the world for 40 days, i.e. 40 years like his ancestor King David. Prior to it Mashiach will be empowered to shake the world. A star (world power) will arise in the East making war with 7 other stars that may be 7 of Yishmael's powers attacking India. They will be defeated, i.e. they are swallowed.

  17. Comments upon Balak 212b: It's about the rise of Yishmael terrorising and destroying Rome, i.e. the Western World, but Mashiach as "star will shine" as a great king defeating Yishmael. The star (Mashiach) will be cancelled, the Temple area becoming full with the Shekhinah power, as "strong fire to burn the world", i.e. to purify the world. To the Mashiach will then "be given the malchus".

  18. Comments upon Vayera 119a: When Mashiach will be 66 years of age he is revealed.
    Prior to it the star on the East side (i.e. India) will swallow seven stars on the North side, powers related to Yishmael. The treasury of souls, guf, will be empty, for all souls incarnate to be judged, i.e. the world population starts to decrease dramatically.

  19. Comments upon Terumah 172b: The opening of the 7th window means the time of final judgement has arrived. The star is Kochav Yaakov, i.e. Mashiach who will be luminous for 40 days, i.e. 40 years.

    1. If you listen to this shiur he talks about the 7th window, it is from the story of Devorah - very interesting.

  20. Final comments: There is a collective perception nowadays of the existence of a star, but the collective consciousness got it wrong believing to be a cosmic heavenly body instead of the spiritual body, the Mashiach as the star of Yaakov.

  21. Diaspora Ro, think you are the one that doesn't want her views challenged. People commenting are just giving their views which might be contrary to yours, i.e., making none absolutes, as nothing has been proven yet on this matter. BTW, Devorah is always balanced in the topics she presents; on that we can all agree.

    1. Anon 2:50

      I don't mind intelligent rational debate just not bubemeinsahs pushing conspiracy theories as fact...Diaspora Ro

  22. There are many interpretations to everything; but what has always been clear to me is that the spiritual has its physical aspect to it in this lowly world. That's why we have rituals all representing the spiritual. Maybe it is the physical star which represents the spiritual aspect. The bottom line, all is hidden from us, except to the very few who are on the level of understanding where we cannot understand. Why else, would not all the learned rabbis agree 100% with each other? Zach

  23. New Hebrew shiur here: Planet X -

    1. Even if you don't understand Hebrew, there are parts of that video that are in English. You will get the general idea. Worth watching. It is from Rabbi Yuval Ovadia, who has worked with Rabbi Mizrachi on other videos.

  24. The gematria of Nibiru is 278 - the same as וְעָבַ֣ר - will pass - Shemot 12:23 - ''The Lord will pass to smite the Egyptians, and He will see the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, and the Lord will pass over the entrance, and He will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses to smite [you].'' Perhaps it is a hint that Nibiru [on Pesach] will pass the houses with Mezuzot and the plagues/troubles will only be directed at the evil ones.

  25. Re new video (NIBIRU!Florida Sarasota 2016-02-03 17-18-pm). I believe Nibiru could be out there but could that be just a break in the clouds and the sun is shining through at that break?

  26. Someone recently left a stack of pamphlets about Nibiru at my shul in Jerusalem. I'm frankly surprised that people buy this. If a planet-sized object were sweeping through the inner solar system, amateur astronomers around the world would have high quality photos. You wouldn't have to squint at blurry sunset videos.

  27. Was just reading the comments here and was also appalled by what Anon. who has been sparring with Diaspora Ro on their differing outlooks had written. What bothered me was Anon's comment on Dovid HaMelech. How dare he call him an adulterer & murderer. How dare anyone slander G-D's beloved (David, means G=D's beloved). Firstly, he was the king of Israel and if Anon would know any Torah, he would know what Chazal say about his relationship with Batsheva, etc. Would suggest that he/she do not blaspheme our holy ancestors. Chazal tell us the world was created for Moshiach and he will be Dovid's descendant. So much ignorance out there. The reason for this generation to merit Moshiach will be only because we are standing on the shoulders of our ancestors, who were giants compared to us.

  28. First of all the holy Dovid Hamelech was not an adulterer and to suggest that he was is infantile and naive. If you do not learn the oral Torah, like the Xians, then you may very well misinterpret the actions of Dovid Hamelech. Chazal explains that Batsheva was divorced from Uriah her husband. When warriors went to battle they gave their wives divorce so that they would not be left agunot if they disappeared or were taken into captivity. DOvid Hamelech saw through ruach Hakodesh that Batsheva was destined to be his and would mother the next King Shlomo. Dovid also knew that Shlomo Hamelech was destined to build the Beit Hamigdash, which was Dovids holy life work. Dovid's error was that he took Batsheva prematurely and didn't wait for Hashem to arrange the events.Batsheva was destined for Dovid from the creation of the world and they were both well aware of it. If it had been illicit Dovid would never have been permitted to remain with her and any children would have been mamzerim. So clearly, in no way had Dovid committed adultery. Chazal also tell us that when the Beit Hamigdosh was completed upon its dedication Shlomo tried to enter and the doors refused to budge. They did not open until Shlomo cried out |"in the name of Dovid Hamelech open". Dovid did not merit to actually build the beit Hamigdosh even though he assembled everything in readiness, because he was a warrior and his hands were blood stained.(Not a murderer chas v chalilah, but a warrior, everything Dovid did was le shem shamayim) Do you honestly believe that Hashem would allow the doors to his holy pure House to open for a murderer and adulterer? I'm sorry but this is incorrect.... Dovid was a holy saint and beloved to Hashem, to say otherwise is misleading and sacrilegious.
    The truth is everyone should just do teshuvah and be prepared and for goodness sakes stop ripping each other apart - the Beit Hamigdash was destroyed bc of sinat chinum. CSS


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