
Friday, September 23, 2016

Nibiru: Tamar Yonah Interviews Rabbi Alon Anava


  1. Ok with no disrespect to R Alon but if the planet was actually 400km away from earth then it would be here technically within the hour since the slowest meteor travels that much distance in about an hour....

    1. Just listened to this fascinating interview. Rabbi Anava clearly estimated that the star system Nibiru (fyi...not a planet) is about 400.000 km away. The speed of travel is up to Hashem. Ms. AP

  2. Thank you so much, Devorah, for having put this audio on your blog. Always loved Tamar Yonah's show when she was on Artuz 7; have missed listening to her and now I know where she is so can listen. She always the out-of-the-box guests.

    This audio with Rabbi Anava was fascinating as both host and guest are the best!

    Shabbat Shalom & Shanah Tovah!

  3. 1 Kilometer = .62 miles

  4. Given how many times I've seen online videos showing a second sun, if that was really the planet then also factoring in how often people post videos of it, one could say that this planet has passed us by more frequently than the moon.... Especially if it was 400km away. I do think something is definitely up, just not what everyone's thinking it is.

    "3 things are unexpected in this world. Finding a lost object, a scorpion in one's shoes and moshiach." No one's going to know when it happens or it wouldn't be unexpected. This is a quote from the gemara Sanhedrin.

    We should realize that there is another world around us that we don't normally see like angels and demons. Who knows what those things are that we occasionally film. It will be interesting to eventually find out.

  5. A star system is a sun with possibly several planets revolving around if it was a star system 400km away from us...chances are that we would have been burned to a crisp from its sun a very long time ago, along with the entire planet itself.

  6. 400 thousand, not 400.

  7. its so nice to sweet our ears with things that we want them to happen.... like the brexit, people were hoping to stay(if we see it as a controversial thing to happen) but was the oppossite. its a time of things to become controversialy true!!and as we have the options:

    1. seeing nibiru approching to earth, even if doesnt touch us will make a huge damage to our planet or...

    2. interesting will see the other planet or a brother to this earth and thats will be amazing!!

    hopefully H' will bring to us the second option... but what for?? and also what for to force us to do teshuvah making caos?? har sinai scenario?? hmmmm


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