
Friday, July 5, 2019

Gimel Tamuz and the World of Lies around Us

Art Robert Kremnizer

Seems I can't even leave the internet for a few days before someone posts something deliberately provocative designed to bring me back !   This is just a special blog post in honour of the yarzheit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe: Gimel Tamuz [3 Tamuz].  

I was spurred to post it due to something I just read on another blog which made me very upset.  

People who did not grow up with the Rebbe should really not make ridiculous statements about him.  I will not link to the ridiculousness, but I will post my own evidence to wipe out their nonsense.  

As it was the Lubavitcher Rebbe who gave me a bracha to blog, I cannot let lies and mistakes be published on the internet without standing up for the truth.

What did the Lubavitcher Rebbe say about Gog u Magog?

You can hear for yourself, in this video:

What did the Lubavitcher Rebbe say about the Holocaust?  Read it for yourself here at Chabad.

Did the Rebbe foresee another ''Moshiach'' 30 years ahead?  [hey it's not 30 years it's only 25 years but I am quoting the nonsense].....  No he did not,   I believe he WAS the Moshiach of that generation.  We did not merit to receive the Moshiach back then, and so here we all are today, 25 years on.   The Rebbe still appears in dreams - to give chizzuk to many people around the world, Jews and nonJews - just last week a close friend of mine whose mother passed away had a wonderful dream of the Rebbe.  

Whoever will be the Moshiach, will be as great a tzaddik as the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and may we see the revelation speedily in our days.


  1. B”H a very nice respectful and meaningful post. The confusion, delusion, and nastiness will continue, and even get louder, as we go thru the “birth and delivery pains” for this Golus.

    So delighted to see you posting again. Your voice is needed.

  2. I believe there is no way for us to understand how an action can go according to multiple different views and still occur as truthful according to each view. When it happens, we will be given the knowledge which goes against all logic now but will be totally understood later. This means that each tzaddik who says or said years or centuries ago how something will turn out according to the Torah in how he interprets it, it will happen. It will all happen simultaneously or one right after each other but it will happen if it is good, and hopefully will be nullified if it is bad. The lack of achdut that is created when we say different rabbis disagree with each other in how the geula will unfold is just terrible and unnecessary. We should accept all Torah scholar's views and look forward to being able to understand how it will all be revealed as true in the near future,be'ezrat Hashem. Even if Hashem doesn't have the plan that the tzaddik says, Hashem will make it become true in his honor. The words of a tzaddik become true.

  3. I believe that The Rebbe ztl most probably was Moshiach ben Yosef who is supposed to prepare the world in a more physical way for Moshiach ben Dovid.He certainly achieved all that in his lifetime.

  4. hi Deborah, we need you heare,please do not leave us and continue blogging, OK? although I'm not always agree with you. Sorry. leah

  5. Hashem bless you Devorah,

    Everything happens for a purpose and a reason.

    This was Hashem's way of telling you, to start blogging as so many need you.. I feel i need this blog of yours the most.

    I know its Shabbat already where you are. May Hashem bless you and yours. I feel energy returning to my body and my soul.

    Todah raba.. B'H...



  7. thank you so much for your blog. for years, yours was the first to be opened up. through your blog, i've learned so much...

  8. This blog Shirat Devorah as anyone can see has inspired many Jews the world over לשם שמים , and it's not surprising that you feel this way about the Lubavitcher Rebbe , who was devoted to each and every Jew no matter what . Lubavitch has lead the way to bring enlightment back into the peoples lives
    כל הברכות
    From one of the inspired

  9. I hope you are returning and not just for Gimmel Tammuz. I love your blog.

  10. thank you for sharing the audio so we could hear the words of the rebbe ztl with our own ears
    i feel that if the rebbe gave you the brocha to blog...perhaps we can ask you to continue using your voice and expanding your influence your koach of malchus to bring loving messages to Hashems children. not with pressure to blog, but we each have a part to play in bringing the emes to those who are receptive to our voice.
    \regardless of your choice to blog or now i want to take this opportunity, to

    wish you all of Hashems brachos and nachas and good health ad 120 may you witness with your eyes the compassionate return of Hashem to Tzion to the third and eternal Bais Hamikdosh with every jew returning in complete teshuva,bmheira brachamim rabbim.

    good shabbos
    and thank you

  11. Good to have you back posting, Devorah; always be well and happy and continue your great mitzvah of blogging until Moshiach is here; that is if you wish to do so.
    Amen to all you wrote on this post.
    Also agree with Miriam's comment above. May all our holy Tzaddikim on high intercede together on behalf of our people to hasten the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu!

  12. If the Rebbe gave you a blessing to blog this means you must try to continue to do so (even if you must temporarily reduce your hours because of various reasons etc.)

    The Rebbe's vision was far reaching and therefore he surely saw the unique contribution your opinion makes.

    Regarding your statement that it is the Chassidim who referred to the Rebbe as Mashiach (not the Rebbe) this is false. There are too many examples of this in his writings but just one is the explanation of the acronym 'Miyad' being the Rebbe Rashab, the Previous Rebbe and the Mem for Mashiach. The Rebbe's hand corrected edited notes add that the Mem stands for Menachem the name of Mashiach as quoted in the Gemara.

    Many people were discouraged from referring to the Rebbe as Mashiach and many were encouraged as such (myself being one of those at several occasions).

    Therefore we cannot definitely say this is the way or that is the way because it depends on the specific situations. The main being ahavat Yisrael and Bittul/humility.

    We cannot truly comprehend how to reconciliate various teachings but we must do our best to understand those we can and to believe with simple emunah those that we cannot.

    Too many people approach the topic of Mashiach as a sports competition where if such and such sage is Mashiach, this implies that every other tzaddik (and holy pathway) 'loses'. The Rebbe taught the opposite that Mashiach will come to enhance the respect and admiration of every tzaddik. This means that each person will be encouraged in his holy pathway seeing more And more Mashiach aspects and levels in one's master. Every tzaddik has a unique role to play and the Mashaich will encourage this uniqueness as did the Rebbe.

    One thing no one can disagree with is: the Rebbe said numerous of times to learn and disseminate his teachings as this will lead straight to the ultimate redemption.

    Wishing you and yours a happy Gimmel Tammuz,
    Jordan Wing

  13. Your blog is like a beacon of light in these seemingly dark times. Thank you for deciding to post, it would be so appreciated if you would kindly reconsider your decision.

  14. The evil spoken in this generation? The UN. That is the war against us. It's up to us to have yirah shemayim and commit to acts of chessed. Yes, of course we prepare for our safety etc. Yes, but understand the ridiculousness of those who lie about us is a tool for us to speak better amongst each other. Shemirat haloshon. No loshon hara. Achdut.
    Shabbat shalom.
    Good and timely post Devorah.

  15. Shavua Tov Devorah.

    So glad that you returned to the blog and what a post to share.

    May we all continue the message of the Rebbe of AHAVAT CHINAM. It is so much needed in a world lacking in achdut.

    He touched so many and continues to touch through his life devotion to others.

    Rabbi Sachs tribute to the Rebbe is a deep insight into the legacy that he left.

    Keep on keeping on Devorah

  16. Thank you everyone. The reason I had to stop blogging was very simple... I could not use my right arm due to a shoulder injury. I took this as a sign from Above that I should stop. My doctor thought it was very serious and would take months to heal. I guess we don't appreciate our arms until we lose the ability to use them, but I spent eight days being unable to lift my right arm up. Lo and behold, as soon as I posted the End of Blogging Days post, my shoulder began to heal. And now my arm is almost back to normal thank G-d.

    I don't know what caused the injury or why Hashem decided to give me that particular test, and I also don't know whether I passed or failed it. All I do know is that I'm a very happy person now and extremely relieved.

    I will respond to some of these comments once I have read them again properly.

  17. Firstly, with all the people on the internet proclaiming various people as Moshiach [some named and some just un-named rumours].... do any of them trace their lineage back to King David? because that is a requirement for the Moshiach.

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe was a descendent of the Maharal of Prague - Rabbi Yehuda Lowie; Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1600’s; A rabbi, leader and author of many titles on Jewish philosophy, ethics, law and bible who traces back his lineage directly to King David.

    Jordan Wing yes you are correct in everything you say. I needed a reminder of all that.

    Miriam you make some good points.

    Lea you are definitely entitled to disagree with me whenever you like.

    Achdut yes that is what we need, and kindness and tolerance and less ego / [mis]judgment of others from some of the bloggers out there.

  18. Just wanted to add to Vivian's comment above that the Lubavitcher Rebbe, z't'l, was (or maybe is) a candidate to be Moshiach Ben Dovid, not Moshiach Ben Yosef. MBY can be from any tribe of Israel or maybe not even an individual but maybe even the IDF (winning wars against our enemies) but the Rebbe was a descendant of the Royal House of David, who are the only ones who can be the eternal Moshiach Ben Dovid.


  19. A few days ago, a young man father of five suddenly passed away. He was a Chabad shaliach in Los Angeles, and by all accounts he devoted his life to doing good. If you want to give tzedaka to help his family, please click here

  20. Welcome back!

    I'm a little confused by your words, please forgive me. You said:

    "Did the Rebbe foresee another ''Moshiach'' 30 years ahead? [hey it's not 30 years it's only 25 years but I am quoting the nonsense]..... No he did not."

    Do you mean that the Rebbe didn't foresee any other Moshiach at all, after himself?

    thank you

  21. That ''foresee'' was being quoted from the blogger who wrote the nonsense about the Rebbe.... they were trying to suggest that the Rebbe had foreseen one of the rumoured Moshiach's which are around at the moment. No, the Rebbe never foresaw a Moshiach coming 25-30 years later. Everyone at the time expected the Rebbe to be the Moshiach.

  22. Devorah, did you see this:

    [1] The Berland family stem from the Davidic dynasty through Rav Eliezer Zev the Rav of Buchetch in Romania.

  23. Very interesting! Thank you CS

  24. Do you think Rav Berland is the Moshiach?

  25. Anonymous I have no idea who Moshiach is. The first I ever heard of Rav Berland was when he was mentioned by the autistics and it was blogged by Devash. Subsequently, someone else on the internet debunked everything the autistics ever said. Since then I have heard a lot about Rabbi Berland, the terrible things written in the media which I do not believe, and the other good things said about him by tzaddikim such as Rav Kook in Tiberias and the Psak Din issued a few weeks ago forbidding anyone to speak Lashon Hara about Rabbi Berland. Obviously he is a man we should take seriously. However until now I never knew about his Davidic Dynasty lineage, and that only makes me think he could definitely be a candidate for Moshiach.

  26. This is the lineage given by for the Rebbe: Levi Yitzchak II Schneerson//Baruch Schneur Schneerson (Shneerson)//Levi Yitzhak I Schneerson//Rabbi Baruch Shalom Schneerson, (RABASH)//Admor Menachem Mendel Mendel Schneerson (Altschuler), Tzemach Tzedek - 3rd ADMOR of CHABAD]//Rabbi Shalom Shachne Altschuler, [father Tzemach Tzedek]//Noach Altschuler//לא ידוע אלטשולר//דוד אלטשולר // Yechiel Hilel Altschuler//Arie Leib Altschuler (Altshuler)//Petachia Altschuler (Chayot)//Pinchas Chajes//Rabbi Menahem Meinish Chajes/Chayut, ABD Vilna// Yitzchok AB''D Prague Chayis (btw not a descendant of the Maharal of Prague)//Avraham Chayos (Chayot) b.1500 in Portugal//Pinches Chayes//Chayes: b. 1435- 1495//אב born before 1495. So Geni gives a Sefardic ancestry, and tradition maintains that the House of David was exiled in Spain (Sefarad).
    This is from Wikipedia "Davidic line" entry:"A number of Jewish families in the Iberian peninsula and within Mesopotamia continued to preserve the tradition of descent from Exilarchs in the Late Middle Ages, including the families of Abravanel, Benveniste, Hajj Yachya and Ben-David. One tradition also traces the ancestry of Judah Loew ben Bezalel to Babylonian Exilarchs (during the era of the geonim) and therefore also from the Davidic dynasty,[5] which is however disputed.

    In the 11th-15th century, these families referred as heads of the Diaspora or Exiliarchs from Babylon lived in the South of France (Narbonne and Provence) and in northern Spain (Barcelona, Aragon and Castile). These families received the title "Nasi" in the communities and were called "free men". They had a special economic and social status in the Jewish community. They were close to the government, and some served as advisers and tax collectors/finance ministers.

    These families had special rights in Narbonne, Barcelona, the Knights Templar and Castile. They possesed real state and received the title "Don" and "de la Kblriih" ("De la Cavalleria"). Among the families of the "Sons of the Free" are the families of ibn Ezra, HaLevi, Abulafia, Benvenisti, Shaltiel and others. There is evidence (including a mix of names) that some of these families married each other (especially Hasdai, Shaltiel, Halevi and Benvenisti) in Barcelona and Castile in the 12th-14th centuries."


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