
Thursday, December 30, 2021

How to Bring Moshiach Now

 New audio from Rabbi Mendel Kessin

"We know, as the Torah shows us, G-D must press the "restart button.” We’re already at the end of the tikkun process, toward the end, so He won’t destroy the world. The 4000-year-long exile of the Jews produced so much suffering enabling the world to be redeemed despite the depth of its depravity. "What we experience now is nothing more than evil dominating the globe. Why?---same idea. It’s part of the prosecutions of the Satan in the Heavenly Court who, rightfully, argues, 'Wait a minute! It is I who have the justified right to dominate---not goodness, righteousness, holiness!’ and he’s right because of the world being at the level of the 49th Gate. "G-D will, therefore, bring Mashiach—that’s right! We are the generation that will see Mashiach, first Mashiach ben Yosef, and then Mashiach ben David. The world is being prepared for that."