
Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Yanuka: Letting Go of Your Stubbornness

Hebrew with English subtitles 2 mins

[How to rectify the sin of the Golden Calf and of Adam]


  1. Beautiful video! Thanks for posting. Just a small clarification though for those reading the subtitles. The rav refers to מעביר על מידותיו which is translated as a person overcoming his “stubbornness.” A much more accurate translation would be overcoming (passing over, bypassing) his own negative middot—not just stubbornness. In other words, when confronted with a situation that angers, offends, annoys you, etc., you put your natural inclination aside and refrain from reacting or acting upon it. (Even better is to break the anger with compassion which sweetens any divine harsh judgments on the world.)

  2. Thank you, always appreciated when someone translates something properly.

  3. It actually amazes me how people manage to grow old and NOT change anything negative in their middot. I think it's just ego that makes them think they are great as they are, and everyone around them needs to just deal with their issues.
    Sometimes it's hard to have compassion for these kind of people, but the harder it is, the greater the reward if you can.

  4. Grateful for this post... I'm working on this at this very moment... just a quick question, what about one's "stubborness" for Torah? Can someone comment on this please... it reminds me of the middah of kinah, which is very bad, except if one feels envy towards a person who is greater in Torah and the kinah propels the person to learn more, this is seen as a good thing.

    I remain "stubborn" in my adherence to Torah in the face of things/people that bump up against me. Maybe this is gevurah?? Ok thanks for any feedback..

    And yes, I am really ready to give up my negative stubborness!!

  5. Any new shiur or vid re moshiach and geulah? Rafi

    1. No need for them anymore as we have more than enough signs that Moshiach is imminent and finally about to arrive!

  6. Blogger is having issues loading Recent Comments on the side bar. Hopefully it will return soon.
    Scroll down to the post about the hail, I added another photo there.

  7. Rafi, yes, there's a somewhat new one (Mashiach Now or Never) by Rabbi Palvanov.


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