
Monday, January 22, 2024

Moon Lights

As we head towards the full moon of Shevat, try and look at the moon at some stage, you might see something unusual.

This was the moon last night in Rumania photographed by G. Ciobanu

It's all about timing, being in the right place at the right time.


  1. This time it was unusual also here (Spain), it was more intense, like a ray of silver. You could easily read a book with its light.

  2. Absolutely, the moon is really showing off lately.

  3. Our son had just heard that the sun had a huge burst sent to earth and they said it will disrupt our communications and also our power grid then in the Pacific Northwest where we live 600 buildings lost power and they said it was a G2 or G3 in strength…. I’m not sure what that means…. But yeah.i believe things are happening so quickly…. No need for discouragement…. It IS happening…. No turning back at this point of time… HaShem only only is orchestrating this symphony… Ain Ode Milvado

  4. Has anybody else in NY noticed that it’s like daylight outdoors at 11:00 PM?


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