
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Kochav Yaakov/ Comet 12P Pons-Brooks

I just happened to tune in at the right time.... this is a Live video currently being broadcast, and I tuned in right on the dot as he started to talk about the Comet.  You will need to wait until he's ended the Live broadcast, and then go to the link and fast forward to the 28 min mark to hear what he is saying.

The video link is

I have typed up some of the main points he mentioned.

On April 8 the comet will be very visible as the daylight turns to darkness due to the eclipse and the comet flies through.  Astronomers are saying that this comet is doing things they have never seen before, it is developing wings and horns.

The eclipse itself will be longer than a normal eclipse, so I'm thinking that means we will have the darkness for a longer time and the comet will be visible for enough time for us all to see it.  He said the comet will be to the left and the planet Mercury will be seen at the 7 o'clock position.

He said he finds it strange that no-one is talking about this.

The video below is something I uploaded a while ago, showing the orbit of the comet. Heads up it has loud music.  21 April is two days before Pesach.   That is date of perihelion which means it is the closest to the sun at that point. 


  1. In the Zohar, the primary focus is on spiritual matters and the inner dimensions of the Torah. While the Zohar does not specifically mention Mercury, we can understand the concept of Mercury through a Kabbalistic lens.
    In Kabbalah, each of the seven traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) is associated with different spiritual qualities and influences. Mercury is often connected to the sefirah of Hod, which represents humility, gratitude, and acknowledgment of the divine.
    Mercury is also associated with communication, intellect, and quick thinking. In a spiritual sense, Mercury can symbolize the ability to connect with others on a deep level, to share wisdom and knowledge, and to be adaptable and flexible in our approach to life.
    Ultimately, the teachings of the Zohar remind us to seek spiritual growth and connection with the divine in all aspects of our lives, including our understanding of the planets and their influences.

  2. I wonder what to make of the prophecy that the Star would be seen on the 25th day of the 6th month.... if it's referring to Adar, then 25 Adar is 4 days prior to April 8.
    If it's referring to Elul, then how can we see it again if it only comes by every 70 years?

    1. The comet will be visible most likely from the last week or two in march depending on how much HKBH brightens it up. However it will be visible before sunrise at the eastern horizon when most folks are not watching. The appearance during the evlipse will focus the entire worlds eyes on it. It will continue to be visible for several days and again in June for the last days of the omer count. It is an immense cyrovolcanic comet so it could change form and brighten unpredictably. The Zohar reference to the numbef "70" repeatedly ties this 70 year star with the talmudic 70 year star. Zohar prophecies have levels of meaning not always perfect in peshat reality."

      The Zohar says:

      I will show you, but not for now, for these things will only come to be at that time, some after time and some in the Days of King Mashiach. "A star has gone forth from Jacob ..." (Numbers 24:17). This teaches us that in the future, the Holy One, Blessed is He, will build Jerusalem, and one star will spark within seventy pillars of fire and seventy sparks will receive light from it in the middle of the sky. The other seventy stars will be swallowed within it. It will give off light and blaze for seventy days. At the end of the sixth day it will become visible at the beginning of the twenty-fifth day of the sixth month. It will be gathered in at the end of seventy complete days and be visible in the city of Rome, and on that day, three great walls will fall and a great hall will fall, and the power of that city will die. (Zohar, Balak, 212b)…
      Some thought this was about 9/11 and the twin towers. It could be both. Elul and Adar being polarities in wsy.

      However, historically, all modern nations can trace their roots back to ancient peoples, and all modern day philosophies can find their roots in ancient philosophies as well. Rome the physical city may remain today in Italy, but the concept of Rome can be anywhere else in the world today, in part or in whole.

      Certainly New York City is seen by many to be the focal point of today's Western World, as was Rome. This is the implication of those who try to read in the above quoted passage a reference to the

  3. Is April 21 more important than April 8th for the comet? April 8th is Rosh Chodesh Nisan and it will be most visible on that day.


  4. Shira I think Margolis answered your question. Thank you for all the information Margolis, I can't wait for all this to happen, I'm still having trouble actually believing that something I've been blogging about for so long is going to happen. I'm stunned.

    1. Are you excited about it happening because you like astronomy or because you’re eagerly waiting to see if it will be around that time in April when Moshiach finally arrives (if not before then)?



  5. Dear Devorah,

    I feel very strongly that you are a Prophetess chosen by Hashem for times of this world.

    This - End time world.

    I believe that, and perhaps other readers too, who have viewed your blog for a long time.

    God bless you.

    Noahide- s.c.

  6. Devorah Thank you so much !
    Can you post the link for the video
    I can not get connected on that youtube
    site ?

  7. Wow! my Adar just got a lot happier!

  8. I was thinking that Elul leads to Rosh HaShanah which is judgment time for the whole world and the impact of 9/11 in a way impacted the physical earthly world.
    Adar leads to Nissan the New Year for Am Yisrael and the upcoming event of the comet can refer to the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu.
    Both times can be referred to as the new years, so sometimes the 6/7th months are Elul/Tishrei and sometimes Adar/Nissan is referred to the 6/7th months.
    Most importantly, may we see the coming of Moshiach very, very soon.

  9. SC I don't think I"m a prophetess but thank you anyway. However I was named after the original Devorah, and if you are named after someone you do have a small piece of their soul and I do have some sort of intuition but that is accompanied by a great lack of knowledge, which is often supplied by commenters here and for that I am very grateful.

  10. Anonymous 11:48, I don't know what video you mean
    There is a link in the blog post to this video
    where he is talking about the comet
    from the 28 min mark

  11. Chana - I don't know anything about astronomy. I'm excited about the fact that the comet we believe to be Kochav Yaakov is going to show itself.

    Regarding all the planets passing by very close... anything I know about that is from reading and listening to other peoples' knowledge, and my own sightings in the sky [not as much as I'd like to see, but I've seen enough to know that all the photos and videos are real].

  12. Devorah: in a very respectful way I would like to know why do you call it "cojav yaakov" with such optimism, you seem so sure about it...why? Am I missing anything?

  13. That's a very good question Patish.

    I don't have 100% proof of anything, but it started with a comment from Margolis on this post

    and another comment from Margolis on this post

    The things he is saying were backed up for me yesterday when Mr MMBB or whatever he calls himself spoke about it on the video I linked to above in this blog post "Astronomers are saying that this comet is doing things they have never seen before, it is developing wings and horns."

    It is also the timing of it, coinciding with Ari Goldwag's projected timeline, which may or may not be realized....and the current world events and the nations turning against Israel.... it seems like everything Geula-dik is happening all at once. We can only keep praying that it pans out the way w are hoping, and we have Geula sooner rather than later.

  14. Also, the fact that it is sprouting horns and a tail, means it will look a bit like a dragon, and this must be the dragon in the sky that many nonJews speak about, it is also the Chinese year of the dragon. I think this is a big deal for a lot of people. And yet hardly anyone is talking about it - which is not really surprising as the media is heavily censored and controlled and information is withheld from us.

  15. Buckle up everyone. More information has come out about the Comet aka Kochav Yaakov. It has a tail measuring 2.5 degrees in length which equates to over 5 million miles ! And it's getting longer and longer the closer it gets to the sun.
    I've given the length away now but if you go to this link
    and tune in from 14:07 he is talking about it.

    Also see and scroll down a fraction and you will see the info about the comet that he is talking about, and a photo.

    This is HUGE absolutely momentous, a 5 million mile long tail already.
    And no-one is talking about it.
    Are you starting to understand what I'm telling you... things are being hidden from us.

  16. Rabbi Glazerson:


    According to a weather person in Oklahoma, a level R3 Solar flare hit around the same time cell service went down across the U.S. for AT&T, Verizon, and many other providers.


  18. More stuff


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