
Friday, July 5, 2024

The Presidential Debate and the Hand of G-d

Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Clarification of the Jewish Understanding of Christianity


  1. Shabbat Shalom to you dear Devorah, and all your family.

    I wish a good Shabbat Shalom to all your dear readers and their families tool

    G-d bless you all. Amein.


  2. This is the year of general elections in all three countries with the largest Jewish populations outside of EY. Unfortunately, many Jews in these countries look to basar vedam in making their decision of where to live. Not long ago there was a poll of UK Jews in which a large (forget the no.) of them said they would leave the country in the event of a Labour government. Not just a Labour win, but a crushing landslide victory. Never mind the people, Hashem has spoken. If that is what it is going to take to get Jews to get up, that is what Hashem gave them.

    After Pittsburgh 2018 , I wrote on this blog that Jews should sell up and move their assets to Israel in anticipation of their aliya, so that they could do everything in a nice and orderly fashion.

    'Rosenbloom's advice: “If you can, consider selling assets or even your business prior to the next Budget."'

    If this is her advice for the general population, how much more so for Jews. Note she says, ACT NOW.

    This is Hashem speaking.

    Jews in other countries should take heed too. Act now, indeed, whilst you can do so on your own terms. Who says that you will always have the choice?

    Nachala, Act Now

  3. With all due respect, the context of the Rambam:

    He cites Sefer Daniel:
    the sons of the renegades of your people will exalt themselves to bring about the vision but they will fail.
    And is there a bigger failure than this? (talking of hte failure of the nazarene).
    ...then sets out a list of xn sins against Israel), 'killing , expelling, humiliating, replacing the Torah and LEADING MOST OF THE WORLD ASTRAY in worshipping a god that is not Hashem!' (the Rambam's exclamation mark).

    The above are the Rambam's words, before going on to say, that we cannot comprehend Hashem's ways etc, and that this is all to prepare the way for Melech HaMoshiach etc. The Rambam doesn't give a reason, sinat chinam, giving our mission to others etc. The opposite. He says that it is unfathomable, we don't know why.

    The end of the perek, when Moshiach is revealed, 'immediately they (ie the goyim) will repent and know that their ancestors bequeathed them a falsehood and that their prophets and ancestors lead them astray.'

    The Rambam says that xnity is a falsehood that Hashem is using, even though it is totally beyond human comprehension why. My comment, Hashem also used incest to kick off the geula process. These are Hashem's ways that we do not understand. Nonetheless, both incest and xnty are abominations to Jews. Also regarding xnty, a complete sheker, we are told, m'dvar sheker tirchak. Keep ourselves from a thing of falsehood.

    Xns do claim to replace Jews, that is what replacement theology is.

    Also if we are not fit on account of the susceptibility to sinat chinam how much more so xns, so many wars have been fought between different xn denominations. A xn wrote, 'no-one hates anyone as much as a xn who hates a xn from another denomination'.

    In our generation there is a HUGE missionary onslaught against Jews everywhere. See the Lausanne Movement. How to convert secular Israelis in Berlin, how to convert Israelis after the army in Peru, how to convert orthodox Jews, soldiers, gain access to yishuvim etc, etc. They've literally got us all covered, in all languages, chalila. Smartphones? Fabulous opportunity to bypass the gatekeepers, aka parents, to 'reach' (missionaryspeak for convert) children. There are so many missionary initiatives to cosy up to rabbonim, and other Jewish leaders, and inveigle their way into our midst. And to try to blur the boundaries. The geula process may have started with incest, but you do not allow incest and other arayot in your homes and communities.

    Whatever one's understanding of the Rambam is, no-one gives xns a remit for their spiritual war against us. For that is what it is. Rav Adis said that the war in shamayim is with the saar of Esav, who Be'D is dying, and that anyone who wishes to see yeshuot should prayer for the downfall of the notzrim.

    Nachala, Act Now

  4. I tried to represent the Rambam's words and meaning as accurately as possible, but obviously I'm just a fallible keyboard warrior. I'm sure someone will correct me if necessary.

    Nachala, Act Now


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