
Monday, September 30, 2024

After Nasrallah, Israel Must Liquidate Amalek the Snake

H/t Dave

Rav Ron Chaya -  29 September Jerusalem

Translation below

After Nasrallah, Israel must liquidate AMALEK the snake: IRAN and its allies in gunsight ? 

Translation of French to English

Hassan Nasrallah was killed yesterday B"H, 83 bombs, each one ton, he and other commanders . It's written that when the wicked die there's joy . On the other hand it's written When your enemy falls don't be joyous -- that is written about Jewish enemies but when goyim enemies, real enemies, who who have spilled Jewish blood fall, it is permitted to be joyous. 

In previous classes we've already talked about Zohar parshat Balak p212b.: 
On the 25th of Ellul that will fall on a Shabbos, will die a leader of Rome . How can we say that Nasrallah who's been killed on that day is a leader of Rome? Because Nasrallah, as the great kabbalists in Israel have said, is part of Amalek.  Hamas too is Amalek. (Jews are commanded to go into war with them and annihilate them.)    Rome is Esav and the grandchild of Esav is Amalek. 

Original version of the Zohar: it will happen on a Friday that falls on Ellul 25 but the commentators say that there can't be a Friday that falls on Ellul 25 because then Yom kippur will fall on a Friday and that is forbidden. So they've correctefdthe version of the Zohar and have said it's a Shabbat. So it's interesting because they killed Nasrallah on a Friday but a little before sunset so it was already Shabbat in Israel . So the Rav says he is very happy that everything corresponds.

Re. The star that has to appear - see previous class, is a Nova, same name as that festival of Oct 7th 2023.   The Jewish people are compared to olives, when you press them the good comes out. So that festival of Hamas .. there's never been so many Jews who are doing teshuva.. it's phenomenal! 
Result: Hashem is doing miracles for us that we haven't seen almost since the Exodus from Egypt. We do teshuva and Hashem saves us and in this week's parsha that we've read this Shabbat : you'll return to Hashem and He will bring all the curses that he wanted to place on you on your enemies Baruch Hashem. 

What's next? Two options: 1. As that Zohar says from that Shabbat Ellul 25 there will be 70 days of war in the world. Can happen very easily. eg. The FM of Iran has said last week that if Israel continues to annihilate Hezbollah Iran won't have any choice than to attack Israel and this will have consequences that can be worldwide. Is logical: before the FM of Iran spoke the US gov had already said that if Iran will attack, the US will attack too. If Iran attacks it will have the support of Russia and China and if the US will react, we risk getting into a world war. 

Why does the Rav think that they will attack: R Yehoshua Eshel of Apta texts from 250 years ago: in the end of days the nations will want to do war with each other and they'll see that the only one who'll benefit from it is Israel, and if Iran will attack Israel, that's great because the US will attack Iran and that is the end and Geulah, so the nations won't attack but the Rav Yehoshua answers that from Heaven they will be dragged into this war until their end, and he says that we can accept that from his mouth as if it comes from a prophet. 

So, understand that what's happening today is miraculous. 

The US refuses that 1) we annihilate Hamas 2) we annihilate Hezbollah ie. the method of divide in order to reign better. The US doesn't want a war and Biden, who always asked for a ceasefire, now says nothing anymore because of the upcoming elections. He's very close to Trump in the statistics and who will make the difference? The Jewish votes ! So now that he knows it's in his interests to be pro Israel he's given a green light for us to kill Nasralla, he's given eight billion dollars to Israel, etc.  Bibi is happy and now we can go into war and attack our enemies till Nov 4 at least.., Hashem's hand. 

So normally Iran will attack Israel, the US will attack too, the end and Moshiach will come. When?

Two options: a) Tikunei Zohar and Vilna Gaon brings that in Sefer Even Shema chapter 11: On Rosh Hashanah it will be the end of the decree of Hashem's enemies . It can happen very fast . If for example Iran attacks tomorrow... b) same Zohar that speaks re the king that will die on Shabbat 25th of Ellul, see above: 60 days of world wide war, a king whose I'd we ignore will rise and will wage war left and right - all the nations, it will bea  big balagan and afterwards : earthquake in Jerusalem, a cave will open, fire will come out of it and Moshiach will reveal himself. Approx on 5th of Kislev. 

So, says Rav Ron Chaya, we have to do teshuva and also wake up others , explain them what will happen and tell them to do teshuva . Yehezkel 36: Hashem will return us to the Land etc.. We see all this happening today so wake up dear friend. When Moshiach will be here not everyone will be able to survive (note: the Rebbe of Chabad, Menachem Mendel Schneerson disagrees with that) , it will be too late. I hope that the bar will be very low but there will be a bar - so return, do teshuva.  

R Yanuka said but the Rav hasn't verified it, that he hopes to be in his sukkah this Sukkot with Moshiach. We hope be'ezrat Hashem. Could be that we're mistaken but everyone understands that the things are moving forward, don't be blind . Baruch Hashem amen and amen.


  1. Saudi news channel Al Hadath reported that a man who came from Iran shook Nasrallah's hand and smeared it with a substance that Israel could track.

  2. The date of 25 Elul, the day Nasrallah was killed and the day of the Star...
    is day number 358 from October 7.
    358 gematria Moshiach/Nachash
    Nachash the snake

  3. 6th paragraph above
    Rav Yehoshua answers that from Heaven they will be dragged into this war until their end,

    Ezekiel 38:4 - the war of Gog u Magog
    G-d will drag them into the war

    38:4 "and I will turn thee about, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed most gorgeously, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords"

  4. Breaking: General Maher Assad, commander of Syrian 🇸🇾 army's security forces and the brother of president Bashar Assad, is most likely eliminated in an airstrike by Israel.

    He had a reputation for extreme brutality in numerous massacres he oversaw during Syria's civil war.

  5. several points, biden isnt running and barely knows what day it is!the overwhelming number of americans want no part of usa fighting in ukraine or the middle east so i doubt american military involvment. finally, the term amalek can be understood as any enemy of jews but we dont know how chazal meant it

    1. Correct, Biden isn't running.... it's basically Obummer's 4th term by proxy....

      Obummer vs Trump..... Yishmael vs Eisav.

  6. Replies

  7. Bibi addressing the Iranian people.
    I wonder what he is preparing


    1. I think Bibi hopes for the Iranian nation to revolt against its evil leaders. If that doesn't work , then..

  8. If the Yanukah hopes to see Mashiach in his Sukkah, how can there be 70 days of war that began last Friday?

  9. The portion of the Zohar he quotes states as follows. (The star) appears in "Karta d'Romi" on the next Sunday (Yoma Kadmaah.") "On that day, three high walls will fall from that city of Rome, and a great sanctuary shall fall, and the ruler of that city shall die." How does that apply to Nasrallah being killed in Beirut, Lebanon on a Friday?

  10. He already explained that in the post:
    How can we say that Nasrallah who's been killed on that day is a leader of Rome? Because Nasrallah, as the great kabbalists in Israel have said, is part of Amalek. Hamas too is Amalek. (Jews are commanded to go into war with them and annihilate them.) Rome is Esav and the grandchild of Esav is Amalek.

  11. Nasrallah is Gematria 376. The same gematria as Esav!

  12. Nasralla's successor's name: Hashem


  13. Gematria of Esav amazing.
    I think they pronounce it Hashum or with a different stress point, they don't pronounce it the same way we do.

  14. Iran's parliament Even dared to threaten the US


  15. US forces ready to deploy

  16. Nasrallah eliminated predicted in parshas NItzavim 3 min video

  17. The notion that Amalek should be equated with Esav/Rome is directly contrary to the Ramban on Bereishis 36:12. He writes there that Amalek is NOT a "Ben Eisav" because he was son of the pilegish of Eliphaz, the bechor of Eisav. He proves the point by noting that, while Bnei Yisrael are commanded to destroy Amalek, they are explicitly commanded to not even hate Eisav, much less harm him. So even if you want to say that Nasrallah is Amalek, it makes no sense to say that he was the ruler of Rome for purposes of the Zohar. Furthermore, according to the Zohar that ruler dies on Sunday, not Friday. The Zohar seems to be talking about the demise of the Pope, who actually resides in Rome, and whose holy day is Sunday, not Friday (like the Muslims).

    1. Here's that Zohar:
      Verse 502

    2. Anonymous @11:43am,
      I showed your comment to R Ron Chaya. He explained to me why Nasralla is yes Amalek. Unfortunately I don't have the time to translate it for you now cuz we're on the eve of Rosh Hashanah. He also said that that Zohar talks about Friday and shabbat, not about Sunday. If you can read Hebrew you can recognize it from Verse 502



    Breaking: Iran's 🇮🇷 former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

    “Iran's Secret Service had established a unit to target Mossad agents within Iran. However, the head of this unit turned out to be a Mossad operative himself, along with 20 other agents.” 🤣

  19. These are very exciting times but we musn't forget to a) be b'simcha and b) remember that this time of year is time for internal work, teshuvah and coming close to Hashem and not too much obsession with the news. (I am talking to myself here). Shannah Tovah to everyone. Gershon

  20. Amir Tsarfati update

    While the IDF has begun its ground maneuver into southern Lebanon - ALL Eyes on Iran:

    Is Israel going to attack the nuclear facilities?
    Journalist Ariel Kahana writes:

    🛑 The US warns against Iranian action against Israel.

    🛑 The Shin Bet publishes that Iran almost succeeded in assassinating Israeli officials.

    🛑 The Prime Minister threatens the Ayatollahs' rule for the third day in a row that Israel will respond if attacked.

    🛑 He is again preparing the public for "difficult days".

    🛑 The cabinet changed the goals of the war so that a war with Iran is possible on the agenda

    🛑 Israel conveyed messages to Iran through the US that it would act strategically if attacked

    🛑 Netanyahu received a document from people he values ​​recommending to take advantage of the opportunity to destabilize the regime in Iran.
    Background conditions:
    1. Israel has demonstrated the ability to reach the required distance.
    2. Israel has demonstrated the capabilities of bombing deep underground.
    3. Israel proved that Iran is an intelligence hole.
    4. The Iranian axis is in its most weakened state.
    5. If Israel is attacked by Iran, it will have international legitimacy to respond.
    6. The two candidates for the US presidency avoid saying that they will act against Iran's nuclear program.
    7. Iran is as close to the bomb as it has ever been.
    8. Removing the Iranian threat is Netanyahu's life mission.

    In 2012 Netanyahu threatened and also tried to act against the Iranian nukes. Ehud Barak, then the defense minister, wet his pants and ran away from him.

    It’s 2024, and nearly a year ago we went through a mini-holocaust.
    The nation is ready!
    Just do it!

  21. Iranian hardliners call for nuclear attack

  22. Russia-Iran vs US-Israel now ?

  23. Extract from Dov bar Leib's latest comment @

    Years of Awe

    note there are a zillion comments there, the easiest way to navigate to the latest comment is by clicking on POST a Comment, and it will take you to the final comments

    [quoting Dov bar Leib]
    From what I can see, Bibi is the Mashiach ben Yosef figure in Zekhariah 12. Countless times the last 9 yrs on this blog we discussed the precise yichus in Zekh 12:12-13. The portrait of those who mourn for him after he supposedly is assassinated by Armilus is Bibi. A Levite from the House of Natan who has the mantle of Shimi ben Geira aka Shimi ben Kish to destroy the Qlipah of Amaleq in the Persian Empire: that is Bibi. It seems that recapturing Rafach to unleash the 288th spark that fell upon the world during The Breaking of the Vessels, this has occurred. The Spirit of G-d seems to have fallen .... on Bibi's shoulders. I am not sure if he fully knows this, but the Death of Nasrallah on the 25th of Elul seems to have set a whole bunch of gears spinning. HaShem is now ruling the Nation from the level of Keter. There is no turning back.


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