
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Rosh haShanah Eclipse

On Oct. 2, 2024, an annular solar eclipse will pass over parts of the Pacific Ocean, southern Chile and southern Argentina. 

During an annular solar eclipse, the moon drifts in front of the sun while it's slightly farther from Earth than during a total solar eclipse, so it doesn't completely cover the sun's disc. Instead, it leaves a distinct ring of light around the moon, which is why an annular solar eclipse is also known as a "ring of fire" solar eclipse. 

At the point of greatest eclipse in the Pacific, the moon will obscure 93% of the sun's center, creating a "ring of fire" visible for 7 minutes and 25 seconds. 

More info:


  1. The geulah is imminent

  2. HaRav Abuchazeirah says Nasrallah was Armilus and the Geula is imminent.

    1. Is it a person or a thing?

    2. That's incredible! When did he say this?

    3. HaRav Abuchatzeira never said that. The video recording is not his voice. Anyone can claim that any Rav said anything. I’m exhausted and tired of people claiming things in videos without proof.

      -Shlomo (just a loving yid sick of waiting for the Geulah for so long)

    4. I agree with Shlomo. I’m not even sure why the audio was published here. It’s obvious to anyone who knows of Rav Abuchatzierah that the recording was not him.


  3. A person.

    Note that the final battle of Mashiach ben Yossef is said to be against Armilus, ruler of Edom. See the Messianic Midrashim Zerubavel; Agadat Mashiach; Vayosha etc. (Specific references are offered in R. Margolius, Malachei Elyon, part II, s.v. Armilas; and see also the sources cited below, notes 18-19.)
    Footnote 5 here:

  4. 馃摚Just before the sirens sounded today R Ron Chaya short about how imminent geulah is! He says maybe even on Rosh Hashanah bH


    1. Please translate!

      C S

    2. Bottom line of R Ron Chaya's short: "Moshiach's coming is very very very close. Everyone do teshuva!"

      If I'll have time I'll translate more bli neder. Check here again in about 9 hours from now.


  5. It could be immediate because if 5785 is the year, then it really could happen as soon as the year begins. We can only hope and pray.

  6. Found this, not sure if its accurate: In addition to the standard gematria system, there are several other methods for calculating gematria values, including:

    Ordinal Gematria: Each letter is assigned a value based on its position in the alphabet (Aleph = 1, Bet = 2, etc.), which may differ for some letters, especially when considering final forms. This is less common than standard gematria but can yield different results.
    Reduced Gematria: This method reduces larger numbers by summing their digits until a single digit is obtained. For example, if a letter's value is 18, it would be reduced to 1 + 8 = 9.
    Mispar Gadol: This method includes the values of letters used in their final forms (so, for example, the final forms of Kaf, Mem, Nun, Pe, and Tsadi have values of 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900, respectively).
    Let’s calculate the values for Armilus and Nasrallah using a few of these methods.

    1. Ordinal Gematria
    Armilus (讗ָ专ְ诪ִ讬诇ְ讬讜ּ住):

    讗 (Aleph) = 1
    专 (Resh) = 20 (instead of 200)
    诪 (Mem) = 13 (instead of 40)
    讬 (Yud) = 10
    诇 (Lamed) = 12 (instead of 30)
    讬 (Yud) = 10
    住 (Samech) = 14 (instead of 60)
    Total for Armilus:
    1 + 20 + 13 + 10 + 12 + 10 + 14 = 80

    Nasrallah (谞ָ爪ְ专ַ诇ָּ讛):

    谞 (Nun) = 14 (instead of 50)
    爪 (Tzadi) = 18 (instead of 90)
    专 (Resh) = 20 (instead of 200)
    诇 (Lamed) = 12 (instead of 30)
    诇 (Lamed) = 12
    讛 (Hey) = 5
    Total for Nasrallah:
    14 + 18 + 20 + 12 + 12 + 5 = 81

    2. Reduced Gematria
    Using reduced gematria, we would sum the digits of the total values calculated with the standard gematria method.

    Armilus: 351 = 3 + 5 + 1 = 9
    Nasrallah: 405 = 4 + 0 + 5 = 9
    Summary of Results
    Standard Gematria:
    Armilus = 351
    Nasrallah = 405
    Ordinal Gematria:
    Armilus = 80
    Nasrallah = 81
    Reduced Gematria:
    Armilus = 9
    Nasrallah = 9

    1. Nasralla in Hebrew is spelled with a samech and 2 lamed.

  7. I don't have much time either. Apologies to Rav Abuchazeira if he didn't say that.
    Everything is balagan before Moshiach.
    Don't expect clarity, expect chaos.

  8. All I have learned hard this year was is that I’m done wuth all the hype. I’m done with all the false predictions that never came true. I’m done with people claiming big rabbis said something that they never said. I’m done with thinking about Moshiach. I could wait until the deadline before 5790 if need to. It will come when it comes. It’s wrong to be so focused on predictions and hype. Shana Tova.


  9. I find joy in the thought that Moshiachs arrival could happen very soon, I am trying to do my part on a daily basis; the 3 T’s, Torah study, Tzedakah and tefillah. There are 10 percent of the Jews observing this, we are waiting for the 90percent of the Jews to get on board, recognize Hashem, do Yeshivah and then, Then Moshiach will come. And by the way, it’s not impossible, Hashem can perform miracles, he did at the Yom Suf. I think we just have to keep praying and strengthen our belief in Hashem.
    May Moshiach come this year! Amen


  10. I agree with Lisa.

    Shana tova


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