Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Noah's Ark and the Tower of Babel: Not What You Think!

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Where did all the water for the Great Flood come from, and is it scientifically possible? Was Noah’s Ark a simple wooden vessel, or something far more complex and of another dimension? What did the post-Flood generations really find in Shinar, and was their Tower of Babel some kind of space ship? 

Find out in this class where we also discuss the secrets of the Holy Tongue, the “Watchers” and Nephilim, ancient technology, and why it is that most cultures from around the world have similar myths and ancient legends. 

This class is based on the essay "Noah’s Ark and the Tower of Babel: Not What You Think!" in 'Garments of Light, Volume One', available by clicking here.


enricoariel said...

thank you for the link, I bought the book

Anonymous said...

Efraim Palvanov is amazing. I can't wait to listen to his shiur. Thank you for posting, Devorah!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely in agreement with 3:41am, as R'Palvanov introduces such enlightening topics, and renders them thoroughly, so thank you Devorah for having brought his series to our attention. I hope to get to this one, and to some of his other ones.

There was also another rav whom you occasionally posted (I don't mean R'Kessin, but someone else.) I can't recall his name, but he had a very long greying beard and sounded like he was struggling nasally with breathing. He had a very solemn manner, but was interesting and spoke on current events topics.

enricoariel said...

do you refer to rav Anava?

Anonymous said...

Excellent, excellent post! He's an excellent teacher.

Anonymous said...

enricoariel I was referring to a rabbi other than R'Anava, and other than R'Kessin.

I described him above, and that profile doesn't correspond with R'Anava or R'Kessin.
I believe he may be Chabad (older-generation, very-learned Chabad).