Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump & the Hand of G-d

Rabbi Mendel Kessin


Devorah said...

Now it's starting to make sense. Thank you Rabbi Kessin.

annie said...

President Trump needs a Rabbi…

Tomer Devorah said...

I'd just like to remind everyone that "Pro-Israel" means pro the Zionist Democratic State run by the Erev Rav. As soon as the extremist zealot fundamentalist Mashiach takes control of it - no more "pro-Israel" even from the vast majority of the world's Jews.

Devorah said...

From the sound of your comment, I don't think you've listened to the shiur.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Which Mashiach are you speaking about? MBY or MBD?

Tomer Devorah said...

I heard it in its entirety first thing this morning. My remarks are related to the final 4 mins or so. And that would be both MBY and MBD - their positions vis a vis Torah and mitzvot will be identical.

Anonymous said...

The Satmar Rebbe, who was the most anti zionist leader in the jewish world, would say that the gentiles who are anti Israel are essentially anti Jews and vice versa. They do not really comprehend the difference.

I believe that as soon as ''the extremist zealot fundamentalist Mashiach takes control of it'' will happen, they will come around to see the truth. Especially somebody like Trump. His beliefs are not Evangelical at all. He seems to be a G-D fearing person, albeit with lots of puffed up "gaveh", which is what give R' Mendel Kessin's outlook much more credibility. I expected a shooting on him any day, and I think many people wonder how he isn't dead yet with that amount of enemies. He is clearly protected by Hashem for a greater calling. It is simply too obvious. Do you remember any one person throughout history despised as much as he is, without being jewish???? I do not think that it existed thus far. The shooting now only shows the Satan is dying and is trying to grab a hold of the last attempt to change the liberal trend. He seems to be the only one with the stamina and guts to do that. Don't you think so?


Anonymous said...

I don't know if Rabbi Kessin has seen Trump's first campaign ad post-assassination-attempt. In it, he specifically says he will bring justice to America, and part of that is to obliterate the "deep state". In other words, Trump wants to clean up the corruption in Washington.
Also, immediately after Trump was shot, he decided to change the tone of his prepared speech at the RNC convention from a hard anti-Biden stance to one of unification. In fact, he told all the speakers at the convention to change their speeches to reflect this new direction. So, clearly the shooting has affected his perspective. Trump's speech is tonight, if anyone is interested.

Annie said...

Yes, I have listened to the shir... my thoughts are... President Trump/the better half of Esau... needs a Rabbi, such as Rabbi Kessin ... to help him understand the importance of his role in these days... If this is not what Rabbi was speaking of, I've missed the message..

SB Tovah said...

Trump already has a rabbi: "Rabbi" Kirt Schneider, an Evangelical who frequently "lays hands" on Trump in the name of the Nazarene! Is Schneider even a Jew?!

Devorah said...

Devorah Chayah: but the positions of MBY and MBD are very different. I'm quoting Rabbi Kessin now - MBY is a poor man who arrives on a "donkey" - so who will take any notice of him? He needs a Trump to assist his mission. That is Trump's mission - to assist MBY.

MBD, on the other hand, arrives in a miraculous way and will not need any assistance as everyone will know who he is.

As Anon at 12:43 already stated, Trump seems to have immediately latched on to this idea and has reacted to this miracle that happened to him. Trump is a G-d fearing man anyway. Hashem will be guiding and controlling him, if and when he resumes the Presidency.

I think for anyone who dislikes Trump - or should I say HATES Trump - there will always be an argument and a non-acceptance of anything he will be involved in.

Lisa said...

does anyone know of Rabbis' commentaries on the possible time involved between MBY and MBD? when the Bet Hamikdash, Techiat Hamasim, etc. occurs on the time line - not prediction of actual years, but the order of events?

SB Tovah said...

MBD has to be a male descendant of Yishai.
However the paramaters of MBY are considerably wider.
According to the Vilna Gaon's disciple Hillel of Shklov who wrote the Kol HaTor, the Midwives in Egypt & Queen Esther were the potential MBYs of their generations. And King Cyrus of Persia was the potential MBY of his generation i.e. MBY can be a woman, or even a non-Jew!
Claims have been made that Trump, who was a Presbyterian Christian, has quietly undergone some kind of a geirus, like his daughter Ivanka Yael Kushner.
And that should he fail in the USA, Trump intends to come on aliya, and run for PM or president of the State of Israel, which he would likely win!

Anonymous said...

To SB Tova @4:19 am: Rabbi Schneider or whatever his name is no rabbi.
He cannot bless Trump or anyone if he is an Evangelical and be called a
rabbi. We live in a world of complete chaos and where most Jews are completely ignorant of our Torah Laws. DJT is a non-Jew & a righteous Gentile
MBY can be from any of the 12 Tribes of Israel or even the soldiers of the IDF but, of course, MBD is a direct descendant from the Royal House of Dovid HaMelech who will be the eternal king moshiach!

Anonymous said...

Well from all I am reading here it seems that Mr Trump could even be Moshiach ben Yosef !! What do you think of that ?

Devorah said...

Trump does not fit the profile of MBY being a poor man riding a donkey.

Also regarding Trump's rumored conversion, I think that's nonsense because you can't convert whilst married to a non-Jew. He would need to divorce Melania before he could even consider conversion. Even if she converted as well, which is highly unlikely, they would need to re-marry as Jews.

Ron W Copeland said...

Anonymous said...

Moshiach is for the entire world, he brings peace and prosperity. Of course he knows Torah is truth and of course he talks to Hashem. Because of gilgul we do not really know which souls are contained in any one person. Be patient and watch what Hashem does.

Anonymous said...

Only a Jew can be MBY, from any tribe or even a group of Jews, but a non-Jew cannot be MBY. What Trump could be is an anointed person chosen for a special role to assist the Jews or be an honest ally, etc.
In fact, it might turn out that MBY & MBD will be one and the same person.

Yaakov. C said...

It’s all staged. Don’t believe anything you hear .he wasn’t even shot that’s how staged it was . No joke…

Devorah said...

Yaakov, I know a lot of people think that, but I don't believe it was. I'm pretty good at spotting fakery, I've had a lot of experience unfortunately, and that wasn't faked.

Anonymous said...

the whole thing is fake . It’s Impossible to be hit in his ear at that angle .

Trump is deep state remember he signed the Covid emergency bill and to this day speaks highly of the vaccines .please don’t try to make him look all nice and fuzzy he is a fake .

Sari said...


Devorah said...

Definitely Trump Derangement Syndrome