Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Hypocrisy of the World

In the history of the world, has there ever been a war where a country has warned the other side where they are going to bomb, so that people could get out of the way and move somewhere safe ?


Israel is the only country that has ever tried to protect innocent civilians and warned them in advance.

Just as Rav Ron Chaya said : did Russia warn the Ukrainians where they are going to send their missiles? Is the world attacking Russians because of the thousands of Ukrainians killed and displaced? 

Of course not, the world is just attacking Israel and the Jews!  

Have a look at this short video and see the reality for yourself.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Netanyahu Will "Pass on the Keys to Moshiach" [video]

Watch as kabbalistic Rabbi affixes mezuzah and tells a young Bibi he will hand the keys to Moshiach.

"You Can Stay Here Until The Arrival of the Messiah"

In his memoir released in 2022, Benjamin Netanyahu shares his unforgettable encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

I went to see the Lubavitcher Rebbe. It had been more than four years since our first meeting, and I came to say good-bye. He was not happy with my decision and tried to dissuade me, while lamenting the situation in Israel.

“There are no good tidings from Israel,” the Rebbe said. “Action is key and there is no action, but maybe you can influence from here the leadership there.” 

“I intend to return to Israel and to try to influence things there,” I answered. 

The Rebbe insisted, “There is still much to influence here at the United Nations…. You know there is a Jewish mitzvah [injunction] to influence the gentiles. This is your job to do.” 

I dodged this diplomatically. 

“I haven’t forgotten our first meeting,” I said, “and I have acted as the Rebbe said, standing proud and strong. Yet I have been here for years.” 

Evidently, this length of service didn’t impress the Rebbe. “You can stay here until the arrival of the Messiah,” he said.

Source: Anash

Prayer Before Rafach


Monday, May 6, 2024

Understanding Mashiach ben Yosef Part 2

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What does the Talmud really mean when it mentions a dying messiah? Why did Maimonides completely ignore this Talmud when codifying Jewish law? And did the death of Jesus have anything to do with the subsequent destruction of the Jerusalem Temple? 

Find out in this class as we continue to explore the ancient sources about Mashiach ben Yosef. Plus: who are the 15 ancient souls that return to help Mashiach? What did King Solomon say about the Torah of Mashiach? And who is the mysterious Rabbi Dosa?

Vermont Suns

These are screen shots taken from a video which I can't upload, there's actually three objects there, although only two are clear.  One is our sun, then there is a redder sphere next to it.

These images were taken at around 7.30pm in Vermont, there is only a 3 minute window where you can catch this.  If you can access FB this is a Public group which means anyone can view the video:

The Current Crumbling Process

Some excellent clarification on what is going on in the world, from Rav Itamar Schwartz of Bilvavi, can be found at Myrtle Rising:

Rav Itamar Schwartz of Bilvavi on the Current Crumbling Process, the Current Amalekite Era, World War III, the War of Gog & Magog, and How Can We Protect & Nurture Ourselves 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tzedaka is the Mitzvah at the End of Days


And now, at the end of the exile, the main way to release the Shechina and ourselves from the exile is through the mitzvah of tzedaka of which our great sages said, “Israel will be redeemed only through tzedaka.” 

Even though our sages equated tzedaka with Torah study, it was at a time when we had the great sages of the Mishnah and the Talmud, but our Torah study today is not at the level that can equal the mitzvah of tzedaka. 

And being that now we are at the end and the darkest part of the exile, the Shechina is found in the absolute lowest realms of the physical world, the only way to access it is through physical action, physical mitzvahs, and mainly the mitzvah of tzedaka.

That is just a small extract from an essay on the Haftorah of Acharei, you should read the whole thing which is here: Support the Fallen by Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz.