Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Miracle Within a Miracle


With these purple storms, anything is possible

''There was hail and fire flaming amid the hail'' [Va'eira 9:24]

The Midrash states that the Plague of Hail was a miracle within a miracle: the hail did not extinguish the fire and the fire did not melt the hail.  Rather, both elements joined forces in smiting the Egyptians.

R' Acha compared this to a king who had two very powerful legions of soldiers. To find greater favor in the king's eyes, each legion tried out-doing the other when they went out to war. The competition between the two legions escalated to the point that they hated one another.

This hatred continued for some time until a major war threatened to break out in the king's land. The king summoned both legions to appear before him, and he told them the following:

''I know'' said the king, ''that you are both very powerful and dedicated to my service. I usually send only one of you at a time to the battlefront. But now a major war looms on the horizon, and I need assistance from both of you. But what shall I do about your mutual hatred? You must make peace between yourselves and go out to war united. Then we will be victorious!''

So it was with the Plague of Hail. Hail and fire cannot co-exist because the nature of fire is to melt hail and the nature of hail is to extinguish fire. But in this instance, Hashem made peace between them and together they struck at the Egyptians.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Monday, January 8, 2024

Electric Blue Flashes over Fort Lauderdale

Anybody reading this from Ft Lauderdale?  Did you see the tornado yesterday? I think it was yesterday, but here is a video of it and I know it's real because I've seen it several times from different sources, one of them being a News channel.  It shows the tornado over Ft Lauderdale sending out electric blue flashes.

Yesterday also, so many people uploading photos of this fuchsia coloured cloud. No-one has ever seen a cloud that colour.   

Do You Hear It ?

For a long time now I've been hearing a strange noise, it's a cross between a plane flying above and a very strong wind.  Neither of those things are occurring when I hear it.  It last for about 30 seconds and then stops.

I asked one of my neighbours if she heard it, and she said yes but she thought it might be sounds from the main road and traffic.  It's not that.

Whatever it is, it seems to be coming from nowhere, it just IS.

So today I saw this article saying that 6500 people claim to hear this worldwide 'hum' noise.


Map of countries hearing the "hum"

It's not tinnitus, which is an ear problem, and I am not going crazy - although I guess that's not for me to say :) - and I know other people have mentioned this in various places on the internet.

So I was wondering if anyone of you have heard this humming noise....? 

Friday, January 5, 2024

Descent for the Purpose of Ascent

There is a principle in Chassidic thought that ''the higher something is, the lower it falls''.

Descent for the purpose of ascent: in Hebrew this is known as Yerida l'tzorich aliyah

Descent can be understood in two ways: [1]  the descent of the neshama into the body, and [2] the descent in the life of a person through circumstances.

No Pain No Gain

נס - Nes - Miracle

ניסיון - Nisayon - Trial

"All the affairs of the world, whether for the good or for the bad, are trials [nisyonos] for a man"… [Mesillat Yesharim* (Path of the Just) Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto]

When a person is destined to reach a level which is much higher than his present rung, it is necessary for him to undergo a descent first. [The Lubavitcher Rebbe]

Before a person experiences a miracle - נס - , he is given a trial - ניסיון. There is no ascent (aliyah) without a prior descent (yeridah). The lower the descent, the higher the potential ascent.

G-d tries the righteous, for knowing that the righteous will do His will, He desires to make them even more upright, and so He commands them to undertake a test, but He does not try the wicked, who would not obey.

Thus all trials in the Torah are for the good of the one being tried. [Nachmanidies, Commentary on the Torah; Genesis, p. 275; Chavel translation; ]

From here, we learn a number of important points. First, the purpose of a nisayon is not to reveal anything new to G-d, but to increase the spiritual reward of the person by bringing forth his or her latent greatness into actual deeds of righteousness.

Second, a person is only sent a nisayon that he or she has the potential to "pass," provided the person uses his free will properly.

Third (and this is implicit in the first point), the nisayon is intended for the good of the person—to elevate the person spiritually.

Nes can also be translated as "banner": The test is meant to "lift a banner" and reveal to the world, and to the person himself, the potential hidden within a human being.

*Learn Mesillat Yesharim at Sefaria

Total Eclipse Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5784


The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come.  [Joel 3:4]

We've had a lot of information about Geula taking place in Nissan this year.  So I was very excited to learn that on April 8 - which corresponds to Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5784 - there will be a Total Solar Eclipse and the sun will go dark.  

The moon turns red during a lunar eclipse, but lately we haven't been having lunar eclipses and the moon has been a myriad of colours, notably this bright pink the other night in Queensland Australia.

The sun has also gone dark at other times, and it has nothing to do with an eclipse. This happens when one of the planets blocks the sun for a minute or so.

Actual photo of the full moon in Queensland about 10 days ago.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


The term 'gaslighting' is used a lot these days.  The word originates from the 1944 movie 'Gaslight' in which a husband slowly manipulates his young wife into believing she is insane.

We are all being gaslit by the people who claim that the rape and torture of October 7 did not happen. Some of the idiots saying this are, actually, idiots! - they don't have a brain and they have zero 
knowledge of history or the Jewish people.  However, a larger number are not morons at all, they are just Jew haters and professional gaslighters.  They'll tell you that black is white, if it suits their agenda. 

First they will abuse you, then they will deny it and claim you brought all this misery upon yourself by your own actions.  

The world is currently being gaslit by these people.  Educated people can see through this, but unfortunately most of the world is not educated in these matters, and they get caught up in the lies, and think that Israel is the bad guy here.

If you look closely at what they are saying about Israel, it is in fact just a description of their OWN behaviour.  That is a typical gaslighting scenario: they blame YOU for what THEY have done.  One notable fact is that they say the Israelis are occupying their land.... actually it's the other way around, they are occupying the Jews' Land.

Sadly, some Jews have been caught up in these lies, and have joined the demonstrations to "Free Palestine".  

It's very interesting to see which famous Jews are speaking up now.  The latest one to speak up is David Schwimmer who had some good things to say, you can read it here "Friends Star Slams Hamas Rape Critics".

I don't think we need to worry too much about all the anti-Semitism, because it is just a means to an end. I feel that Hashem is sorting out the wheat from the chaff, and everyone is showing their true colours.

Who Merits Heavenly Assistance?


by Rabbi David Chananya Pinto

“So now, go! I shall be with your mouth” Shemot 4:12

The holy Or HaChaim, zt”l, explains: Moshe Rabbeinu wondered why Hashem was sending him to speak to Pharoah if he has “sealed lips”?! 

Hashem answered him: “So now, go!” I will only do a miracle for one who starts performing a mitzva; they are the ones who will merit to be assisted by Heaven and experience wonders. 

This teaches us a fundamental approach: One who wishes to experience Heavenly assistance must take the lead and perform some act and then help will arrive.

[Note: it has been documented that many of the people who survived the Oct 7 attacks called out "Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad" - and also Rabbi Anava noted that 
"Shema Yisrael" is the Jewish password for assistance from Above.]