Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Mad World

If you're reading this in the comfort of your home, consider yourself extremely fortunate... that you are not fleeing the wildfires in Greece, losing your home to massive flooding in India, China, Kenya, Afghanistan, the Philippines or Pakistan, living near an active volcano or being rain-bombed and dodging hail  in Europe.  

There's an all-seeing eye in the sky, watching everything we do... even when no-one else sees, Hashem sees.  We are living through the most incredible time, but most people go about their days as if nothing special is happening, and it's business as usual.   

What do these people think is going to happen next? Do they just close their eyes to it all? 

I think they do, I think it's too hard to even think about all this chaos and they just operate on automatic. They don't have the knowledge or belief in the coming of Moshiach, and even if they learnt about it once or twice they don't feel it or expect it. Or they have Moshiach burn out.  Fed up with waiting and given up.  

So whatever is coming has to be incredible enough to wake all these people up.  I can't even begin to imagine. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

Making Room for G-d

''You shall love Hashem,  your God'' [Va'etchanan 6:5]

Every individual, remarked the Dubno Maggid, is required to love Hashem with all his heart.  In order to do this, he must remove all negative and sinful thoughts from his heart.

To what can this be compared?  - to a farmer who arrived in a city on the market day and quickly sold all of his merchandise.

Now that he had a large sum of money in his possession, he decided to buy himself an elegant outfit, the type customarily worn by the city dwellers.  He entered a store that sold expensive silk garments and was given one to try on. The garment seemed too small, however, as the farmer was unable to get his arm into the sleeve.

''The garment that you have given me is too small'', said the farmer to the storeowner.

''The garment is exactly your size,'' laughed the storeowner, ''but before you try it on, you must first remove  your heavy farmer's coat.''

Only after a man removes all the wicked thoughts from his heart, explained the maggid, can there be room in his heart to love Hashem properly.

Source: Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein

Sunday, July 23, 2023

5 Av: Yarzheit Arizal

The Arizal [1534-1572] - Rabbi Isaac Luria was the most famous Kabbalist in the city of Safed, Israel who became known as the "Arizal" or ARI, an acronym for “The G-dly Rabbi Isaac of Blessed Memory.”

The Arizal passed away at the age of 38, and it was only during the last two years of his life that he met his foremost disciple, Rabbi Chaim Vital. The Arizal himself never wrote any books, however all his words were faithfully recorded by Rabbi Chaim Vital in what is known as Kitvei Ari, the “writings of the Arizal.” The Kitvei Ari is the key to the secrets of the Zohar, and it was the Arizal who formulated the Kabbalah into a comprehensive system. Rabbi Chaim Vital writes in the name of the Arizal that, “It is a Mitzvah to reveal this wisdom.” Until the time of the Arizal, knowledge of Kabbalah was not known outside of the tightly knit circle of the tzaddikim.

Planetary World Tour

Clouds do not clone themselves and go on a world tour. These are the base clouds of planet Napisiti, most recently causing widespread flooding from rain bombs,  purple lightning and giant hail in Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Italy... 

Sarajevo July 19

Croatia, 20 July

CONTAINS MUSIC: Mitrovika, Kosovo

Belgrade, Serbia

Australia June 2023

Netherlands July 10

Omaha Nebraska

Edward's County, Texas July 20, 2023



Friday, July 21, 2023

Red Star Rising

Here's an alternate picture of the second binary system. It's very confusing having two different images... and in the absence of any real definition from people who should be telling us....no-one knows who to believe anymore.  Everyone, however, is agreeing that we have a system passing very close by.

Some other exciting news is that the red star, which I call Kochav Yaakov, and other people call Nibiru [as above] is making itself visible in the night sky.

[Quoting] "Just about everybody's about to notice a different star in our Southern Hemisphere .. the tail of which will point straight down." I live on the east coast of USA in Maine . Last thursday shortly before sunrise i saw what appears to be exactly what this person described. It was rising above the eastern horizon just before the sun rose. Is it possible that what i see is what he is talking about? Its the fact that this thing i see is getting bigger all the time and that long tail pointing straight down has me a little bit mind blown. I have been watching this for a year now but just read this description of Niburu and it describes what i see in the sky.

I'll be looking up tonight, that's for sure.


Art Mike Worrall

The Gemara teaches us that three things come בהיסח הדעת - unexpectedly. 

One of these three is Moshiach.

“Three things come unexpectedly : Moshiach, a lost object and a scorpion.” – [Sanhedrin 97a]

The Lubavitcher Rebbe translates בהיסח הדעת not necessarily as "unexpectedly", rather as "with one’s reason set aside" [Likkutei Sichos, vol. 5, p. 171. Cited here]

This teaching does not mean that a person should not (G‑d forbid) think about the Redemption and anticipate its coming. It means that though his reason sees no possibility for Redemption, a Jew persists with an intense belief that transcends his reason. This meaning springs directly from the Hebrew idiom בהיסח הדעת (here translated “unawares”), which literally means “with one’s reason set aside.” [Likkutei Sichos vol. 5]

Rabbi Brod then cites the Rebbe in Toras Menachem and says: Distraction is the highest form of waiting for Moshiach [תורת מנחם כרך ט עמ' p. 111]

So, according to the Rebbe, Behesech Hadaas does mean unawareness (peshat reading). However, it should be read as "with one's reason set aside". That's the basis for the explanation of Rabbi Brod in sefer Yemos HaMoshiach.

The author ends with the explanation that when the situation is such that the mind and intellect see no place for redemption to come - this "distraction" is a sign of the coming redemption. This is בהיסח הדעת - Behesech Hadaas.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Birth of Moshiach and Preparation for TIsha b'Av

 Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

[don't listen to this and think he's going to tell you that Moshiach is coming Tisha b'Av.... that's not the content of this lecture, and no-one knows anyway]

Yanuka: Every Pain in the World

Every pain in the entire world is the pain of the Divine

Transcription below [he speaks like a poet!]

All of the troubles that we hear and all the pain that we see 
Is the pain of the Divine Presence 
Every person who has pain in his house 
Every pain in the entire world, is the pain of the Divine Presence 

There was the great R' Meir from Afta
At the end of his book Ohr Lashamayim 
He asks a question and he responds to the question 
He asks, what type of righteous person will be on a higher level 
Is it the righteous person who wants suffering
And will accept suffering upon himself to suffer for the sake of the Jewish nation ?
Or a righteous person who does not desire suffering? 

And there he concludes that the righteous person who does not want suffering is on a higher level
than the one who desires suffering.

There he explains the reason for this. 
He says that we know that every pain and affliction that any Jew has -
Regarding this it says: "in all their troubles He was troubled" 
Hakadosh Baruch Hu feels the pain of this affliction just as the Jew feels pain 
The pain of the family and the pain of the person 
This is pain that is drawn above 
And some of the pain of the Divine Presence descends down to us. 

The pain that we feel here is infinitely small to the extent that we cannot imagine compared to the pain of the Divine Presence 
The Divine Presence is crying 
And when a person leaves the world there is the sound of a cry that is heard from one end of the world until the other
We see that Hakadosh Baruch Hu, He is in pain and He is pained by the situation that we the Jewish people find ourselves in  

Hashem informs us of this pain so that we must understand that we cannot continue in this exile 
But today the exile has reached the situation that the majority of the world thinks that it is possible to remain and function like this.

The exile is comfortable.

If there is an illness then people go to the doctor 
If there is [difficulty] earning a living, they go to the parents 
Eyes are not turned towards Heaven 
The eyes are a great distance away 

And then they see the great destruction that exists in the world 
They see the pain and the suffering that our nation is experiencing
We all, all of us, each of us experiences what he experiences whether specifically or generally  Everyone has something to contend with.

And this pain, this trouble, experienced by every man, by every woman this is literally the pain of the Divine Presence 
And a person who feels this pain must understand that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is hinting to him 
Pray for the Divine Presence 

Rabenu Yosef Chaim wrote a responsa called Rav Pe'alim 
In chapter 1,  He writes at the beginning 
Whoever wishes to delve into this – this is fascinating 
In order to understand what is the Divine Presence, in order to understand what is Tikkun Chatzot 
What is it that we say: "For the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Divine Presence" 

To understand these concepts well, it is worthwhile to study them 
In order to understand the depths of these things 
But what we must ask from Hashem
Every time, every day – is to pray for the Divine Presence 
To understand the pain that it has 
It does not come from wherever it is in the world
It is from the Divine Presence 
The Divine Presence informs us of this pain 
And asks of us – a request of mercy 
Ask for mercy for Me 
Ask that I  will not have this trouble 
Ask that there be a unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He, and His Divine Presence
Because I always recommend that everyone say A blessing before 

Before every thing to say: "for the sake of the unification of the Holy One, Blessed is He and His Divine Presence"