Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Rabbi Mizrachi Responds

I'm not going to link to all the articles, but in the past week or so, Rabbi Mizrachi has been accused of saying various offensive things.  The accusations were distortions of his words and taken out completely of context. Here he responds to those who have publicly attacked him. Comments are disabled, as I do not want to start another debate here.


Friday, January 1, 2016

Shana Tova on the New Year

Photo: Daily Mail

A story is told, about the Lubavitcher Rebbe, how one year on the 1st of January he wished someone a "Happy New Year". Seeing the surprised reaction to this open acknowledgment of this secular juncture, the Rebbe went on and quoted a verse in Tehillim [Psalms 87], where King David writes how "G-d takes into account the demarcations of time of all the nations of the world".

As Jews we don't ignore New Year, we acknowledge the world around us.

The Apta Ruv – The Oheiv Yisrael - used to bless people on the secular New Year’s “From now on, there should be a good year for Klal Yisrael” 

It is said that The Ropshitzer Ruv, used to wish people a happy new year’s in Polish “Szczęśliwego nowego roku” on the secular new year.

See more at : The Rare Minhag of Wishing ''Shana Tova'' on New Years

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Responding to Stress

Rabbi Dr Abraham Twerski talks about stress: just take two minutes and watch this. You won't forget it.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Australia's Prime Minister - A True Friend

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is a true friend of the Jewish people, and of Israel.  In this just-released video, you can see his visit to The Central Synagogue in Sydney in honour of Chanukah.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Geula Shiur for Women

HT: Rivkah Lambert Adler

The Rebbetzin has requested that this video is for WOMEN ONLY.  Obviously this cannot be policed on the internet, but you've been told.

Starting at 30:27, Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter begins talking about Geula. What should we be looking for when it comes to Moshiach? What is Gog uMagog and why should Jews who are trying to live by God's laws not be overly concerned? What happens to free will when Moshiach comes? And more.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Reincarnation [Gilgulim] Explained

Rabbi Alon Anava gives a comprehensive talk on Reincarnation. Videos Parts One and Two.


To see Part 3 click here

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The POWER of Modesty

An amazing class by Rabbi Alon Anava about The Power of Modesty and the great spiritual levels a woman can reach by being modest.  Enlightening and highly recommended.


Monday, November 30, 2015

The Clock of Creation Explained in a Video

HT: Dov Bar Leib

This video explains the Vilna Gaon's concept of dividing up the 6000 years from Adam into six days/ 24 hour segments, and where we are right now ahead of the Geula.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Russia, Turkey, Gog U Magog and the Prophecies of Geula

I copied this video from my favourite blog Yeranen Yaakov, who also has a Hebrew version.

To learn more about the Alter Rebbe's prediction of the year 5775 as mentioned in the video, click here.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Three Rabbis Speak [video]

Signs that show ''We are in Moshiach's time'' / Gog U Magog / Don't blame the secular Jews

Rabbi Asher Vaknin [English]; Rabbi Mizrachi [English]; Rabbi Amrami [Hebrew]


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Moshiach: What's going to happen ?

A video from Rabbi Alon Anava on events before and after Moshiach.  ''It's coming very soon''. 
Also contains vital information regarding prayer for pulling loved ones out of kelipah.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Domestic Abuse : Torah Advice from Rabbi Mizrachi

If you are a Jewish woman in a physically abusive marriage, if you are searching online for Torah guidelines on Jewish domestic abuse, if you have been given bad advice by someone and told to keep quiet about it for the sake of ''Shalom Bayit'', if you are in any way doubtful of whether you should go to the police or not, then please watch this very short video from Rabbi Mizrach. The Torah does not condone violence by a husband.
And to anyone who wants to comment that in this day and age people should know this..... I'm here to tell you that they don't.  Thank you Rabbi Mizrachi for speaking up.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Pollard and Moshiach ben Yosef

The release of Jonathan Pollard is imminent, and we will be one step closer to Geula.  The great mekubal Rav Mordechai Eliyahu zt''l added the letter hei to Jonathan's name because he saw that his soul contained a spark of Moshiach ben Yosef [first video].

Also some discussion here from Dov bar Leib in the comments : Gog U Magog Just Crossed Over the Threshold 

See POLLARD label below for more.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Why is Paris Burning? France, Napoleon, Islam and Alter Rebbe


Video from Jan 14, 2015 but relevant now

Why is Paris Burning? France, Napoleon, Islam and Alter Rebbe
a shiur by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

Note: for those who have limited time to listen, start at the one hour mark where it starts to get very interesting, although I strongly recommend hearing the entire shiur.  Also discusses the fall of Yishmael before Moshiach.

Beyond the immediate tragic events happening in Paris -- and the imminent threats around the world to Jews and all good citizens -- is there something bigger transpiring here? The best way to understand the here and now is to step back, lift ourselves above the fray, and take a birds' eye view of the unfolding drama. As always, placing things in the sweep of historical context, looking at the big picture, provides us with critical insight into the current frame and chapter, allowing us to forge a strategy and chart a direction going forward.

France and the Jewish people have a long complicated and tenuous relationship. The one time France is mentioned in the Torah is in the Book of Ovadiah [1:20], where it tells us how the Jews exiled in "Tzorfas" (France) will, at the end of days, prevail over their enemies and the ones that remained silent in face of their suffering, and how they will return to Zion. But until that happens, over the years, France has not treated Jews well. Some of the greatest Jewish massacres in the Middle Ages took place in France. In the 13th century King Louis IX expelled the Jews.

Then, during the Franco-Russian War of 1812, Jewish leaders disagreed about which side would be better for the Jews, with the Alter Rebbe supporting Czar Alexander I of Russia, because his victory would assure that the spiritual integrity of Jewish life would be preserved. Though Napoleon would provide Jews with greater freedom, emancipation and material comfort, France would also introduce a secular, self-made, anti-G-d attitude, which threatened to assimilate and all but destroy the soul of the Jews unprepared for the challenges of the modern world. Indeed, Alexander vehemently denounced the liberties given to the Jews by the French and demanded that the Orthodox Church protest against Napoleon's tolerant religious policy. He referred to the Emperor in a proclamation as "the Anti-Christ" and the "Enemy of God." Yet, the Alter Rebbe still supported Alexander! That was then; today, 200 years later, as France and the West became more refined, the Rebbe made it clear (in a talk delivered at the end of 1991), that we can now indeed engage, benefit from -- and transform -- the freedoms of modern society and thrive as Jews. And thrive we did. France has proudly experienced a renaissance of Jewish traditional life. Yet, the tenuous relationship remains. And now comes the latest Muslim insurgence into France and Europe, with the most recent attacks against French Jews and French citizens. What are we to make of all this? And what happens in France, history shows, affects the world. France clearly plays a central role and reflects the overall European Western world.

Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this eye-opening France/24 Tevet/Vaeira workshop and discover the hidden choreography behind today's events. Learn a fascinating Zohar (at the end of this week's portion) how at the end of days Ishmael will attack Esau (France and the West), and how it will impact the Jewish people. This and other inside "secrets" provides perspective to today's events in France -- and the world -- illuminating for us: why is Paris burning? Why is it, of all places, at the forefront of today's upheavals? And above all: After a long history of tension with its Jewish citizens, which of the two options will France -- and Europe -- choose: To make its peace with G-d and the Jews or to capitulate to the forces of Ishmael? The end, as Ovadiah assures us, will be victory. The only question is this: how will we get there and who will be on board?

Friday, November 13, 2015

Rabbi Rules on Moshiach

Rabbi Shlomo Amar, former Chief Rabbi of Israel who now serves as Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, made a ruling that Hashem must hasten the coming of Moshiach and the ultimate redemption. He did so at the request of Russia's Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar during a late night farbrengen gathering at the small shul of 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, NY, on Sunday night.


Also see:  Geula Update from Rav Berger