Sunday, November 17, 2024

Trump's Victory and the Purpose of Loving Mankind

Rabbi Shimon Kessin

I haven't listened to it yet, I have no idea what he's going to say.

This is the brother of Rabbi Mendel Kessin, for those who don't know.


Devorah said...

He says it's the beginning of the Geula.

Devorah said...

That makes at least two of us then Annie.

Anonymous said...

Devorah thank you for this shiur I thought it was wonderful. What a relief it is to hear.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does yemos hamoshiach being imminent sound too good to be true? We’ve gotten so used to this horrible and long golus that we can’t relate to the Geulah in any way. It seems like a fantasy. The end of all suffering and illness and the end off death? And techiyas hameisim? Seems like a dream!


Anonymous said...

Moshiach comes suddenly.

Stay away from negative thinkers.


Devorah said...

Life would be even harder if we think that way Sarah. It always looks darkest before the dawn.

Anonymous said...

In spite of the fact that we have Jews predicted worse to come, we also have many Rabbis saying Geula is close and some saying it has already begun.
Now is not the time to give up hope.

Devorah said...

we have sunk to "the lowest depths of exile".... and it is up to us... listen to what the Rebbe said on what we have to do and how to cope and bring Moshiach
I think it will answer your question Sarah...

Anonymous said...

It’s up to us to bring Moshiach? I thought Moshiach is a promise from Hashem with a deadline and comes whether we are are worthy or not? Doesn’t the Zohar clearly say that techiyas hameisim must begin no later than 5790, as a previous commenters have mentioned many times?


Anonymous said...

Live by the 3 T’s and moshiach will come sooner. Tefillah, Tzedakah and Torah.

Anonymous said...

Moshe came and took us out so it did happen before. Looking forward to new shiur from R'Palvanov that should be coming soon bzras H"

Anonymous said...
New shiur.