Imagine if someone told him that the gematria of his name equals the same as Moshiach ben David...
I am so amused by all this Messiah talk from the President..... yes he's joking.... and he's not.... but anyway I'm finding it all very entertaining.
Some people (and maybe bloggers) just do not understand Trump’s sarcasm, slip-of-the-tongue ‘hints’, and his humor. The man is too intelligent and witty for most people. It is the splinter in their eye that confuses most. And yes, he is likely to make spontaneous bursts of anger too. Yet, in relation to Eretz Yisrael, he is being guided by the most Powerful Force on Earth.
This comment is from Devash, but accidentally got deleted by mistake so I had to cut and paste.
Or it could be because his Christian Evangelical base has been telling him he was chosen "for such a time as this" for several years now. Why else would such a phrase pop into his head at that moment? It's not a normal thing to say or to think, regardless of whether it is in reference to trade wars or any other kind of war. Coming from such a narcissist and egomaniac as Trump, it's a very dangerous sign, i.e. at heart he really believes it. The man is an imbecile and anyone who thinks otherwise has been watching too much Fox News.
Posted by Devash to Shirat Devorah at August 25, 2019 at 6:42 PM
I like what a r kessin said about him...he is a reincarnation of esav...and America is the tov she' b esev. Esav was supposed to be one of the avot and rectify the physical world while Yaakov rectified the spiritual. Esav failed and Yaakov took on both burdens. Maybe now at the end of time Esav has come back to aid Yaakovs do we really know...we don't know anything that Hashem has planned. I immensely dislike when people pretend they know G-ds plans and I sometimes feel like there are Moshiach bloggers actively rooting for the entire world to perish beside an elite select group of Jews. I find it horrifying...shouldn't we be hoping people ...goyim included do teshuvah and are redeemed as well. We should only wish for evil to be destroyed sarah.
Devash, he was joking. It was clearly and obviously a joke. The man has an ego, but also a sense of humour, and that tends to drive people with Trump Derangement Syndrome completely crazy.
Why would it pop into his head at that moment? Because a day or so earlier, a popular Jewish radio host called him the "King of Israel" and "The Second Coming" because he's been so good to Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish People. Trump retweeted it, so it didn't just come out of some deep belief that he's the messiah. One second after he said "I am the chosen one", he brought it back down to earth by saying he was chosen by the American voters to do the best job possible for the country.
Barack Obama was the true narcissist with an actual messiah complex, and I thank G-d every day that he's out of office and an Ohev Yisrael like Donald Trump is in. Hakarat Ha-tov.
I hold by Rabbi Mendel Kessin's view of Trump. He may be all kinds of things... but having seen what happened in our election and all the forces of the sitra achra that were aligned against him... it IS an open miracle that he was elected. The Holy One Blessed be He chooses leaders of nations. And yes, He also chose Obama for reasons known only to Him.
The media and a lot of other people in this country have lost their sense of humor and their ability to look at things with their intellect and not their emotions. But that's alright. Redemption will come anyway. :-)
Yes, Devorah, it's obvious that the media (part of the global movement) purposely twists every sound, letter, word, nuance into a negative for him. Those who hate him are either naive or just oneI of the radicals and many are useful idiots. H' is in control of everything and when it comes to the leaders, HE is controlling the direction of the leader of the nation. Trump is very, very sharp. In the meantime he is going along the right way, once he veers off course and goes against the Will of H', it's a different story. We, according to Torah, judge man according to his deeds in the present; so far okay. It is we, Jews, who need to repent and go in the direction of H's Torah. Thus far, it is very disheartening to see that such a majority of Jews are so ignorant of Torah truth and have strayed from the Jewish mindset and who are now even siding with the enemies of our people. They need either to repent or be lost causes, just as the 80% who decided not to leave Egypt at yetziat Mitzrayim.
Devash I feel like your hatred of America is blinding you to everything else, it seems to be an obsession with you. Deedee is correct, the true narcissist with the Messiah complex was Obama. Rabbi Kessin has already explained to us the reason why Obama was chosen by Hashem and the job he had to do, prior to the election of Trump. I think the continued wishing of the destruction of America is not helpful to anyone, and i don't believe for one minute that it will occur.
He thinks like a true Misnagdim litvak that think because they are religious they are better than everyone and look down on non rigikus Jews or non Jews.
Redemption will include all Jews regardleas of background.
To Devash: Donald J. Trump 9 hrs · The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than ever before, happens to be, “Mr. President, why does the American media hate your Country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?”
You as an independent blogger, are doing exactly as the American media is doing... rooting for America to fail. And ironically you tell us that we are reading too much Fox News [we don't get Fox News here by the way, at least not unless you pay extra for Foxtel which I don't].
And ironically again most News shows here in Australia also enjoy making fun of Donald Trump. It is endemic in most people today to mock him. Just as they mock anything which seems to be against their radical mindset, while at the same time they are embracing anyone who is pro transgender/ LGBTQ. By continually urging people to hate Trump, you have unwittingly joined the democrats in their anti Trump and Torah viewpoint. And now you are quoting Evangelical prophets ! What is happening to you? Again I believe it is your blind hatred of America that is causing you to lose focus.
this conversation seems like a repetition of the known machloket (leshem shamaim) if the Romans are good or bad for the Jews. In "Taanit" , in the Judgment Day for the nations, clearly Rashbi sides with the Divine decision . But this on a general level- not on the personal ( 99,9% of the converts they come from "esav") Back to the question. US the good side of Esav? What a joke!!!---- Trump the good side of Esav ? We will see . From my restricted point of view, till now I'm gladly surprised from him (personaly)
I'm going to re-write that: Re 99.9% of the converts coming from Esav... that is perhaps on a physical level, on a spiritual level they always had Jewish souls, just needed to bring them down into their physical body. Chassidus teaches that the neshama [Jewish soul] of a genuine convert to Judaism is suspended over their heads until the time they do a kosher conversion, at which point it enters their body. Because they were always meant to convert as they were really Jewish from the start, but for some reason [usually a tikkun] needed to be born as a gentile and do a conversion. As for the converts who do so via Reform or other non-kosher versions, they are irrelevant as they are not Jewish at all.
Oh Devorah you are a baas kol to me today. I am a gieret and have heard a goy has no neshama till conversion but that Chassidish vort is music to my ears. Any chance you know the source? PS. Yes, this post was confusing bc I too am a Kessin political view fan and pro the Esav done teshuva theory of Trump and no FOX here either.
Lea, it's quite a complicated topic to discuss and I just gave you a throw-away line which i remembered from one of my teachers. I'm pretty sure it comes from the Sefer ''The Tanya'' which you will find here:
Learning Tanya is something you probably need a teacher for but you can read it online, I don't know exactly where in The Tanya you would find it, or even if it is there or if it is a teaching derived from it.
Best thing to do is to find a good Chabad rabbi and ask him. the Tanya was written by the Alter Rebbe [Lubavitch] and is a book for the soul. It is studied daily by Chabad.
You could also read Sha'ar HaGilgulim [Gate of Reincarnations] - also a mammoth task.
I actually have a friend who grew up as a nonJew in New Zealand. When she was very young, about six years old, she had dreams that the Nazis were chasing her. She didn't consciously know what a "Nazi'' was but in her dreams she was running from them. Later in her life, she converted to Judaism. That to me is evidence that she was always a Jewish soul, and was remembering her past life in the holocaust via her dreams as a child. Many Jews, after the holocaust, were born into non Jewish families, simply because there were hardly any Jewish families left to be born into. And later in their lives, they converted [back] to Judaism.
The Xtian radio host said - and i heard the quote myself - that Trump is like a King of Israel, and the Israeli people love him like a Messiah. Than that gets all hyped up into a hoax that they think he is that. But clearly even for most non native speakers as myself it should be clear, and could be, were it not for their domestic media. But with some effort, no excuses, it is LIKE that ! Trump is a non Orthodox, peculiar, grap them by the something, perfectly non perfect POTUS, and i can understand some people's recentment or caution perfectly well. But that is just shinning a light on the other side of the same coin or person rather, as we say in my language. But that is fair enough and could be useful. Just my idea and a code: American Liberal Jewish "leader" said Trump guestions Jewish loyalty to country, but he doesn't do that ! Het questions their loyalty to DNC, who themselves might be not so loyal to the country, and are anti Israel. So some people are all mixed up, unfortunately ! More so than the POTUS they are commenting about !
Yes, Efraim, America is the good side of Eisav. Built on rule of law, and individual liberty, including religious liberty. "All men are created equal" - that is, equality under the law. The founders took a lot of inspiration from Jewish concepts.
It's very fashionable to trash America these days, and yet still, it's the #1 destination of immigrants from all over the world. I'm not even American, but get offended on its behalf from all the maligning.
The Democrats and radical Leftists are trying very hard to demolish everything that's great and good about America, and maybe one day they'll succeed. I hope R' Kessin is correct, and Donald Trump is there to redeem it. As far as I can tell, the most far-reaching thing Trump has accomplished is changing the balance of the Supreme Court (and the lower courts) by adding conservative judges.
As Diasporas go, America has been the most tolerant, and Jews have flourished like at no other time in history. Yes, when things are too good, the Jews tend to lose their way. But this was true even in Eretz Yisrael (read Parshat Ha'azinu, where Moshe spells it out for the Children of Israel).
Apologies for the rant. I'll get off my soap-box now.
Deedee, may Hashem bless you for your words. I pray that our president will continue to support Israel. I know Hashem is with you. You are the Eternal Nation.
Vincent, the radio host who called Trump "king of Israel" is Wayne Allyn Root, who is a conservative Jew ... not a xtian.
By the way, Christians were offended by W.A. Root comparing Trump to "the Second Coming". To them it was blasphemous. But we understand what he intended by it.
Remembering that Chushim, the son of Naftali beheaded Esav at the burial of Yaacov.His body laid outside me'arat ha machpelah to rot whilst Esav's head rolled into the cave and lay in the bosom of Yitzchak.
There is a very deep spiritual lesson in this mystery. The material part of Esav is the corruption to be discarded whilst the spiritual part is still the son of Yitzchak and Rivka and worthy to be redeemed. Rav Kessin brings this consistently into focus.
You know, most people think Christians have three gods but really it's four. See, they credit the Satan with having powers equal to his Creator's. They imagine the two waging a war between them and sometimes the Satan wins. According to them former President Obama was a minion of the Satan while President Trump is God's man. In reality, whoever has the office is put there by Hashem, for "good" or for "bad." In that case, Obama was also "chosen", but how many of these brainwashed people can accept that?
Rabbi Kessin has explained why we had to endure Obama - he had a specific role to play - but I can’t remember exactly what he said - hopefully someone else here has a better recollection than me.
In my view, this is analogous to quoting Mein Kampf to European Jews before the Final Solution was implemented; however, I don't really hold out much hope for a better outcome this time around. They are telling people what they plan to do, but no one is taking it seriously.
With regards to taking sides, somehow the vast majority of people have come to believe what George Bush put forth in the aftermath of 9/11 - "If you're not with us, you're for the terrorists." To paraphrase: If you're not with the Republicans, you're with the Democrats, or if you're not with the Christians then you are with the Muslims.
No, no, no and no. I don't have to take a side in someone else's fight, especially when they are BOTH WRONG. I can be against both the imperialists and the terrorists. I can be against both the Fascists and the Communists. I can be against the false religion of Christianity as well as the false religion of Islam.
As a Torah Jew, I am on only ONE side - HKB"H's side - and I am against ALL others who stand in opposition to Him and to His Divine Will.
And finally, hate is a very strong word, but sometimes it is called for.
"You who love the Lord, hate evil; ...." (Tehillim 97.10)
"And I hated Esau, and I made his mountains desolate and his heritage into a habitat for the jackals of the desert. Should Edom say, "We were poor, but we will return and build the ruins"? So said the Lord of Hosts: They shall build, but I will demolish; and they shall be called the border of wickedness and the people whom the Lord has damned forever. And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, "The Lord is great beyond the border of Israel." (Malachi 1.3-5)
Unlike you, Devorah, I have a child, a grandchild, a mother, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews who are right there in the thick of it. Of course I do NOT wish for America's downfall, but my wishes don't enter into it. What is destined, what has been foretold by God's holy prophets is what will be. And unfortunately, America has richly earned her 'reward.'
I hope this clarifies matters. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity.
About Obama im machshamo, Kessin said that Hashem gave the yishmaelim a last chance messiah/imam to run out their z'chus. Like when slavery got harder to fill Paro's cup so he like Obama were somewhat wiped out altho as Paro seemed to have 9 lives Obama is still working behind the scenes. But it is all the bring geula (faster). Iy"H.
Focus on what happens after Trump is gone, will there be a backclash for Israel and Jews, and what other (potential) pittfals are there concerning this whole Trump saga i'd suggest people do that. The Evangelicals coming in the slipstream of let's say Pence, that is a legitimate concern. Although fair amount of them are not the worst people in the world. And why is Israel now totaly depending on one unstable man? How did that come about? Being concerned and aware of that type of questions/dangers, if you mean it that way, i agree. So keep us informed about that side of the bargain. What about Iran trade off, will there be one, a contrived Heglian synthetical solution with non excisting people in return? Will there be another Intifada? In that case no talks, but they didn't want that anyway. So Palies painted themselves into a corner, that only a miracle by their deity can save them out of. Will there be a war in Gulf? Will that give backclash also? Will American soldiers have to assist emergency Aliya? Waiting for second coming, won't happen. Waiting for a tree and rock to shout 'here is a Jew hiding' won't happen. I have another link for you
I think Trump was a masochist (vs. narcissist) to even run for president. While having plenty of blind spots, he wasn't so blind as not to know what he was letting himself in for.
Just as R'Carlbach was born to be a composer & inspire everyone (even galvanized to do so), likewise, in my opinion, Trump.
Yet, with all that said, note there are parts of Trump's ideology which actually work against me (and other fellow chronically ill people). And those parts actually fall in line with fellow frum republicans. So for me its basically - which candidates are the least of the evils?
Frankly, frum republicans are NOT "rachmonim bnei rachmonim" by wishing to dictate to ill people whether they may (or not) try Whole-Leaf "weed" baked into brownies, to see if it helps relieve their pain.
Ditto for opiates (just listen to the TEDx speech by attorney Kate Nicholson to find out the "other side of the story"). M.M.
P.S. I forgot to add yet another issue where Trump is misguided. And that's 5G technology, which he seems to be pushing, despite its potential for adversely impacting our health. The irony is the government/media crackdown on both measles and gun-ownership, even though 5G can prove to have way worse of a deadly impact, however "hidden" the cause & effect is. Israeli's may be aware of attorney Dafna Tachover's activism against 5G, and she indeed had some success in Israel, though i don't believe the same holds true with regards the U.S. M.M.
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov Biblical texts speak of a new star appearing in the night sky to herald the coming of the Messiah. Scientists predict...
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
"Referring to taking on trade with CHINA"
ReplyDeleteChinese (as in Chinese trade) = Sinai
סחר סיני
trade = 268 = rabbeinu רבינו
Nina M.
Interesting Nina, thank you
ReplyDeleteSome people (and maybe bloggers) just do not understand Trump’s sarcasm, slip-of-the-tongue ‘hints’, and his humor. The man is too intelligent and witty for most people. It is the splinter in their eye that confuses most. And yes, he is likely to make spontaneous bursts of anger too. Yet, in relation to Eretz Yisrael, he is being guided by the most Powerful Force on Earth.
ReplyDeleteI think some of them deliberately choose to misunderstand him so they can mock him.
ReplyDeleteThis comment is from Devash, but accidentally got deleted by mistake so I had to cut and paste.
ReplyDeleteOr it could be because his Christian Evangelical base has been telling him he was chosen "for such a time as this" for several years now. Why else would such a phrase pop into his head at that moment? It's not a normal thing to say or to think, regardless of whether it is in reference to trade wars or any other kind of war. Coming from such a narcissist and egomaniac as Trump, it's a very dangerous sign, i.e. at heart he really believes it. The man is an imbecile and anyone who thinks otherwise has been watching too much Fox News.
Posted by Devash to Shirat Devorah at August 25, 2019 at 6:42 PM
I like what a r kessin said about him...he is a reincarnation of esav...and America is the tov she' b esev.
ReplyDeleteEsav was supposed to be one of the avot and rectify the physical world while Yaakov rectified the spiritual. Esav failed and Yaakov took on both burdens. Maybe now at the end of time Esav has come back to aid Yaakovs do we really know...we don't know anything that Hashem has planned. I immensely dislike when people pretend they know G-ds plans and I sometimes feel like there are Moshiach bloggers actively rooting for the entire world to perish beside an elite select group of Jews. I find it horrifying...shouldn't we be hoping people ...goyim included do teshuvah and are redeemed as well. We should only wish for evil to be destroyed
Devash, he was joking. It was clearly and obviously a joke. The man has an ego, but also a sense of humour, and that tends to drive people with Trump Derangement Syndrome completely crazy.
ReplyDeleteWhy would it pop into his head at that moment? Because a day or so earlier, a popular Jewish radio host called him the "King of Israel" and "The Second Coming" because he's been so good to Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish People. Trump retweeted it, so it didn't just come out of some deep belief that he's the messiah. One second after he said "I am the chosen one", he brought it back down to earth by saying he was chosen by the American voters to do the best job possible for the country.
Barack Obama was the true narcissist with an actual messiah complex, and I thank G-d every day that he's out of office and an Ohev Yisrael like Donald Trump is in. Hakarat Ha-tov.
I hold by Rabbi Mendel Kessin's view of Trump. He may be all kinds of things... but having seen what happened in our election and all the forces of the sitra achra that were aligned against him... it IS an open miracle that he was elected. The Holy One Blessed be He chooses leaders of nations. And yes, He also chose Obama for reasons known only to Him.
ReplyDeleteThe media and a lot of other people in this country have lost their sense of humor and their ability to look at things with their intellect and not their emotions. But that's alright. Redemption will come anyway. :-)
Yes, Devorah, it's obvious that the media (part of the global movement) purposely twists every sound, letter, word, nuance into a negative for him. Those who hate him are either naive or just oneI of the radicals and many are useful idiots.
ReplyDeleteH' is in control of everything and when it comes to the leaders, HE is controlling the direction of the leader of the nation. Trump is very, very sharp. In the meantime he is going along the right way, once he veers off course and goes against the Will of H', it's a different story. We, according to Torah, judge man according to his deeds in the present; so far okay. It is we, Jews, who need to repent and go in the direction of H's Torah. Thus far, it is very disheartening to see that such a majority of Jews are so ignorant of Torah truth and have strayed from the Jewish mindset and who are now even siding with the enemies of our people. They need either to repent or be lost causes, just as the 80% who decided not to leave Egypt at yetziat Mitzrayim.
So you know it's not just me: Why Trump — and some of his followers — believe he is the Chosen One
ReplyDeleteAlso here: Evangelicals told Trump he was "chosen" by God. Now he says it himself
ReplyDeleteDevash I feel like your hatred of America is blinding you to everything else, it seems to be an obsession with you. Deedee is correct, the true narcissist with the Messiah complex was Obama. Rabbi Kessin has already explained to us the reason why Obama was chosen by Hashem and the job he had to do, prior to the election of Trump. I think the continued wishing of the destruction of America is not helpful to anyone, and i don't believe for one minute that it will occur.
ReplyDeleteHe thinks like a true Misnagdim litvak that think because they are religious they are better than everyone and look down on non rigikus Jews or non Jews.
ReplyDeleteRedemption will include all Jews regardleas of background.
If you are referring to Devash - it is she not he. I’ll let her respond to that if she chooses to .
ReplyDeleteTrump International Hotel now offers Glatt Kosher Menu
ReplyDeleteTo Devash:
ReplyDeleteDonald J. Trump
9 hrs ·
The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than ever before, happens to be, “Mr. President, why does the American media hate your Country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?”
You as an independent blogger, are doing exactly as the American media is doing... rooting for America to fail. And ironically you tell us that we are reading too much Fox News [we don't get Fox News here by the way, at least not unless you pay extra for Foxtel which I don't].
And ironically again most News shows here in Australia also enjoy making fun of Donald Trump. It is endemic in most people today to mock him. Just as they mock anything which seems to be against their radical mindset, while at the same time they are embracing anyone who is pro transgender/ LGBTQ. By continually urging people to hate Trump, you have unwittingly joined the democrats in their anti Trump and Torah viewpoint. And now you are quoting Evangelical prophets ! What is happening to you? Again I believe it is your blind hatred of America that is causing you to lose focus.
ReplyDeletethis conversation seems like a repetition of the known machloket (leshem shamaim) if the Romans are good or bad for the Jews. In "Taanit" , in the Judgment Day for the nations, clearly Rashbi sides with the Divine decision . But this on a general level- not on the personal ( 99,9% of the converts they come from "esav") Back to the question. US the good side of Esav? What a joke!!!---- Trump the good side of Esav ? We will see . From my restricted point of view, till now I'm gladly surprised from him (personaly)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to re-write that:
ReplyDeleteRe 99.9% of the converts coming from Esav... that is perhaps on a physical level, on a spiritual level they always had Jewish souls, just needed to bring them down into their physical body. Chassidus teaches that the neshama [Jewish soul] of a genuine convert to Judaism is suspended over their heads until the time they do a kosher conversion, at which point it enters their body. Because they were always meant to convert as they were really Jewish from the start, but for some reason [usually a tikkun] needed to be born as a gentile and do a conversion. As for the converts who do so via Reform or other non-kosher versions, they are irrelevant as they are not Jewish at all.
Oh Devorah you are a baas kol to me today. I am a gieret and have heard a goy has no neshama till conversion but that Chassidish vort is music to my ears. Any chance you know the source? PS. Yes, this post was confusing bc I too am a Kessin political view fan and pro the Esav done teshuva theory of Trump and no FOX here either.
ReplyDeleteNo source but I’ll look for one later when I’m not babysitting :)
ReplyDeleteLea, it's quite a complicated topic to discuss and I just gave you a throw-away line which i remembered from one of my teachers. I'm pretty sure it comes from the Sefer ''The Tanya'' which you will find here:
ReplyDeleteLearning Tanya is something you probably need a teacher for but you can read it online, I don't know exactly where in The Tanya you would find it, or even if it is there or if it is a teaching derived from it.
Best thing to do is to find a good Chabad rabbi and ask him. the Tanya was written by the Alter Rebbe [Lubavitch] and is a book for the soul. It is studied daily by Chabad.
You could also read Sha'ar HaGilgulim [Gate of Reincarnations] - also a mammoth task.
A few related links :
I actually have a friend who grew up as a nonJew in New Zealand. When she was very young, about six years old, she had dreams that the Nazis were chasing her. She didn't consciously know what a "Nazi'' was but in her dreams she was running from them. Later in her life, she converted to Judaism. That to me is evidence that she was always a Jewish soul, and was remembering her past life in the holocaust via her dreams as a child. Many Jews, after the holocaust, were born into non Jewish families, simply because there were hardly any Jewish families left to be born into. And later in their lives, they converted [back] to Judaism.
can you explain please the reason my comment been deleted ?
ReplyDeleteIt wasn’t deleted it’s there and I responded to you
ReplyDeleteThe Xtian radio host said - and i heard the quote myself - that Trump is like a King of Israel, and the Israeli people love him like a Messiah. Than that gets all hyped up into a hoax that they think he is that. But clearly even for most non native speakers as myself it should be clear, and could be, were it not for their domestic media. But with some effort, no excuses, it is LIKE that ! Trump is a non Orthodox, peculiar, grap them by the something, perfectly non perfect POTUS, and i can understand some people's recentment or caution perfectly well. But that is just shinning a light on the other side of the same coin or person rather, as we say in my language. But that is fair enough and could be useful. Just my idea and a code:
ReplyDeleteAmerican Liberal Jewish "leader" said Trump guestions Jewish loyalty to country, but he doesn't do that ! Het questions their loyalty to DNC, who themselves might be not so loyal to the country, and are anti Israel. So some people are all mixed up, unfortunately ! More so than the POTUS they are commenting about !
Yes, Efraim, America is the good side of Eisav. Built on rule of law, and individual liberty, including religious liberty. "All men are created equal" - that is, equality under the law. The founders took a lot of inspiration from Jewish concepts.
ReplyDeleteIt's very fashionable to trash America these days, and yet still, it's the #1 destination of immigrants from all over the world. I'm not even American, but get offended on its behalf from all the maligning.
The Democrats and radical Leftists are trying very hard to demolish everything that's great and good about America, and maybe one day they'll succeed. I hope R' Kessin is correct, and Donald Trump is there to redeem it. As far as I can tell, the most far-reaching thing Trump has accomplished is changing the balance of the Supreme Court (and the lower courts) by adding conservative judges.
As Diasporas go, America has been the most tolerant, and Jews have flourished like at no other time in history. Yes, when things are too good, the Jews tend to lose their way. But this was true even in Eretz Yisrael (read Parshat Ha'azinu, where Moshe spells it out for the Children of Israel).
Apologies for the rant. I'll get off my soap-box now.
Deedee, may Hashem bless you for your words. I pray that our president will continue to support Israel. I know Hashem is with you. You are the Eternal Nation.
DeleteVincent, the radio host who called Trump "king of Israel" is Wayne Allyn Root, who is a conservative Jew ... not a xtian.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Christians were offended by W.A. Root comparing Trump to "the Second Coming". To them it was blasphemous. But we understand what he intended by it.
Remembering that Chushim, the son of Naftali beheaded Esav at the burial of Yaacov.His body laid outside me'arat ha machpelah to rot whilst Esav's head rolled into the cave and lay in the bosom of Yitzchak.
ReplyDeleteThere is a very deep spiritual lesson in this mystery. The material part of Esav is the corruption to be discarded whilst the spiritual part is still the son of Yitzchak and Rivka and worthy to be redeemed. Rav Kessin brings this consistently into focus.
You know, most people think Christians have three gods but really it's four. See, they credit the Satan with having powers equal to his Creator's. They imagine the two waging a war between them and sometimes the Satan wins. According to them former President Obama was a minion of the Satan while President Trump is God's man. In reality, whoever has the office is put there by Hashem, for "good" or for "bad." In that case, Obama was also "chosen", but how many of these brainwashed people can accept that?
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin has explained why we had to endure Obama - he had a specific role to play - but I can’t remember exactly what he said - hopefully someone else here has a better recollection than me.
ReplyDelete"And now you are quoting Evangelical prophets ! "
ReplyDeleteIn my view, this is analogous to quoting Mein Kampf to European Jews before the Final Solution was implemented; however, I don't really hold out much hope for a better outcome this time around. They are telling people what they plan to do, but no one is taking it seriously.
With regards to taking sides, somehow the vast majority of people have come to believe what George Bush put forth in the aftermath of 9/11 - "If you're not with us, you're for the terrorists." To paraphrase: If you're not with the Republicans, you're with the Democrats, or if you're not with the Christians then you are with the Muslims.
No, no, no and no. I don't have to take a side in someone else's fight, especially when they are BOTH WRONG. I can be against both the imperialists and the terrorists. I can be against both the Fascists and the Communists. I can be against the false religion of Christianity as well as the false religion of Islam.
As a Torah Jew, I am on only ONE side - HKB"H's side - and I am against ALL others who stand in opposition to Him and to His Divine Will.
And finally, hate is a very strong word, but sometimes it is called for.
"You who love the Lord, hate evil; ...." (Tehillim 97.10)
"And I hated Esau, and I made his mountains desolate and his heritage into a habitat for the jackals of the desert. Should Edom say, "We were poor, but we will return and build the ruins"? So said the Lord of Hosts: They shall build, but I will demolish; and they shall be called the border of wickedness and the people whom the Lord has damned forever. And your eyes shall see, and you shall say, "The Lord is great beyond the border of Israel." (Malachi 1.3-5)
Unlike you, Devorah, I have a child, a grandchild, a mother, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews who are right there in the thick of it. Of course I do NOT wish for America's downfall, but my wishes don't enter into it. What is destined, what has been foretold by God's holy prophets is what will be. And unfortunately, America has richly earned her 'reward.'
I hope this clarifies matters. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity.
ReplyDeletedid that link get trough the proper way at all ? what a shame otherwise !
Yes Vincent the links came through. Devash I have half my family in the US.
ReplyDeleteAbout Obama im machshamo, Kessin said that Hashem gave the yishmaelim a last chance messiah/imam to run out their z'chus. Like when slavery got harder to fill Paro's cup so he like Obama were somewhat wiped out altho as Paro seemed to have 9 lives Obama is still working behind the scenes. But it is all the bring geula (faster). Iy"H.
ReplyDeleteFocus on what happens after Trump is gone, will there be a backclash for Israel and Jews, and what other (potential) pittfals are there concerning this whole Trump saga i'd suggest people do that. The Evangelicals coming in the slipstream of let's say Pence, that is a legitimate concern. Although fair amount of them are not the worst people in the world. And why is Israel now totaly depending on one unstable man? How did that come about? Being concerned and aware of that type of questions/dangers, if you mean it that way, i agree. So keep us informed about that side of the bargain. What about Iran trade off, will there be one, a contrived Heglian synthetical solution with non excisting people in return? Will there be another Intifada? In that case no talks, but they didn't want that anyway. So Palies painted themselves into a corner, that only a miracle by their deity can save them out of. Will there be a war in Gulf? Will that give backclash also? Will American soldiers have to assist emergency Aliya? Waiting for second coming, won't happen. Waiting for a tree and rock to shout 'here is a Jew hiding' won't happen. I have another link for you
ReplyDeleteDevash I’ll stick with Rabbi Kessins advice. you have been calling doomsday for many many years now and your theory is not one I believe will happen.
ReplyDeleteI think Trump was a masochist (vs. narcissist) to even run for president. While having plenty of blind spots, he wasn't so blind as not to know what he was letting himself in for.
ReplyDeleteJust as R'Carlbach was born to be a composer & inspire everyone (even galvanized to do so), likewise, in my opinion, Trump.
Yet, with all that said, note there are parts of Trump's ideology which actually work against me (and other fellow chronically ill people). And those parts actually fall in line with fellow frum republicans. So for me its basically - which candidates are the least of the evils?
Frankly, frum republicans are NOT "rachmonim bnei rachmonim" by wishing to dictate to ill people whether they may (or not) try Whole-Leaf "weed" baked into brownies, to see if it helps relieve their pain.
Ditto for opiates (just listen to the TEDx speech by attorney Kate Nicholson to find out the "other side of the story").
P.S. I forgot to add yet another issue where Trump is misguided. And that's 5G technology, which he seems to be pushing, despite its potential for adversely impacting our health. The irony is the government/media crackdown on both measles and gun-ownership, even though 5G can prove to have way worse of a deadly impact, however "hidden" the cause & effect is. Israeli's may be aware of attorney Dafna Tachover's activism against 5G, and she indeed had some success in Israel, though i don't believe the same holds true with regards the U.S.