Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Black Devil Fish Warning

I'm not making any of this up.  It's all true.

The Black Devil Fish, a creature of the deep, is adapted to a life of perpetual darkness, relying on bio-luminescence for survival.  

On January 26 this year it rose near to the surface in Tenerife and was captured on film.  

The earthquakes and Kolumbo underwater volcano threat at Santorini followed soon after.  

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Trump’s Gaza Plan is “The Final task before Messiah”

This is the relevant part of the article:

Rabbi Yekutiel Fish, a respected mystic rabbi from Jerusalem who authors a Torah blog titled Sod HaChashmal, praised Trump’s plan and predicted that its success was inevitable. 

“Trump is a successful man and puts together business deals that no one else could manage,” Rabbi Fish said. “For him, this is a deal that all sides benefit.” 

But Rabbi Fish saw Trump’s Gaza plan as part of a bigger picture. 

“Everyone is focused on Gaza, but that is only one part of the end-of-days agenda, which has the Jews living in Israel’s prophesied borders,” Rabbi Fish said. “The Torah explicitly includes Gaza. What Trump is doing is cleaning out Gaza of all the haters of Israel. They cannot be in Israel after the Messiah comes. After the Messiah, the only people who can be in the Biblical borders of Israel are those who believe He is One and His name is One. This will include Gaza, half of Lebanon, and much of Jordan.” 

And we see that we are almost there. Syria fell. Lebanon is half gone. Gaza is ripped up. The stage is nearly set for Messiah. But how can the Palestinians be here when we go to greet the Messiah? The Messiah needs someone to take care of this, and in this case, it is Donald Trump. Trump is merely carrying out the final tasks needed before Messiah is revealed,” Rabbi Fish said.

Source: Israel365 [which some say is a missionary hang-out, but this is just an article that seems missionary-free, I don't necessarily recommend this site in general, but sometimes there is information that should be shared]

If you want to know more about Rav Fish, as he is actually known [rather than Rabbi] you can find a lot more of his famous gematriot and other chiddushim at Yeranen Yaakov by searching for "Rav Fish" there.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Sun Over Santorini

Have a look at this 14 sec video, it's showing the sun over Santorini.

You can see that the sun is not a perfect circle, something is causing it to appear distorted and there is a blue line coming out of it.  As the video ends, you can clearly see a pale blue sphere appear at the 11 o'clock mark above the sun.  It's not a lens flare, it's a separate body moving near the sun.  

I've taken a screen shot of the relevant part, see photo below video.

Trump Has No Clue Why He Was Chosen. But I Do.


Rabbi Isser Weisberg

In this video Rabbi Weisberg reveals what he believes to be the true role of Donald J Trump -- something which he is completely unaware of. The introduction is quite important, but if you want to go straight to where he reveals why he believes Trump was chosen by God, go to about 30:00. 

Also in this video... The destiny of America and western civilization was clearly prophesied dozens of times throughout the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible. And it is not pretty. Destruction and desolation was their destiny, as punishment for all the evil deeds perpetrated by the progeny of Esau / Edom / Rome.

Metaphysically all the souls of this mighty Empire which was destined to last until the Messiah comes - are intertwined, and their destiny is linked. However these prophecies were reversed due to the herculine efforts of a great, holy and righteous Jewish leader whose identity the Rabbi will only reveal in a future video. Trump has a major role in this fascinating turn of events, as revealed in this video.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Missing the Point ?

Rabbi Berel Solomon

I'm just putting these videos here to show you differing thoughts.  If you landed on this video, you need to go back to the Home Page to see the other videos below, from Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Glatstein.

Trump's Historic Plan for Gaza Alluded to in the Parsha [Beshalach]

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein - 5 minute video

Rav Ya'avod Tzair: The Prophecy Fulfilled

From Torah Thinking Channel: Rabbi Mendel Kessin  - a 1 minute video

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Final War and the Chofetz Chaim's Predictions


The Chofetz Chaim

“The main thing is not to worry… Just as He provided for us until now with His kindness, so He will surely continue providing for us.”  -  Extract from a handwritten letter by the Chofetz Chaim to his wife during her journey seeking medical care - the letter is for sale here, top bid at time of writing was $44,000.

The Chofetz Chaim famously said that the war of Gog u Magog would occur in three parts: WW1, WW2 and then a third part.  We can see from all the instant anti-semitism after October 7 that we have entered the third stage, it is a continuation of the anti-semitism that existed in WW2.

“While in London I heard from the holy Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, quoting the Chofetz Chaim, that Chazal say the War of Gog and Magog will be threefold. After the First World War, the Chofetz Chaim said that it was the first battle of Gog and Magog, and that in about 25 years there would be a second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. Then there would be a third battle …” [Leiv Eliyahu, Shemos, p. 172] - Source: Torah

The Chofetz Chaim also said that Moshiach will come in a year ending with a five.  We have that in both the Hebrew year and the secular year: 2025 and 5785.

This is the last time the years will end in a 5 prior to 5790, which is the cut-off date for Moshiach's arrival.

The Leshem quoted the Zohar, which apparently held that the period of Techiyas HaMeisim is destined to last either 210 or 214 years. There are two opinions on the matter in the Zohar, but they BOTH agree that the period of resurrection will be AT LEAST 210 years. Source: Rabbi Pinchas Winston

Min haShamayim

Art: Vladimir Kush

The manna reminds us that a Jew's food, and his livelihood in general, come directly from G-d, in a manner of "bread from heaven", i.e. even though, at first glance, it appears that a person earns his livelihood through hard work, in truth however the work of his hands is merely a "receptacle" into which G-d places his blessings.

In other words, it is not the hard work in itself that brings a person his daily bread - G-d provides a Jew with food in a manner which is not limited to the rule of nature.  But in order not to disturb the natural order which He created, G-d garbs His gift in natural phenomena, so that it should appear to come from nature alone.

The eternal perpetuation of manna reminds us that, even though we no longer see bread coming from heaven, nevertheless, in truth the bread continues to come from heaven to this day.

Source: Sichas Shabbos Parshas Beshalach 5751, Lubavitcher Rebbe

Sunday, February 2, 2025

4 Shevat: Yarzheit Baba Sali

Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah - The Baba Sali
Born: Tafillalt, Morocco,1890
Died: 4 Shevat, Israel, 1984

Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah was of a well-known rabbinical dynasty. His grandfather was the famous tzaddik, Rabbi Yaakov Abuchatzeirah. He had great skill in Talmudic interpretation and many of his halachic decisions were accepted and took root among his followers. He was regarded as someone who possessed the Ruach Hakodesh or "Divine Spirit".

Although still very young, people flocked to R' Yisrael for blessings for their parnassa (income), family, and health. Consequently he became known as "Baba Sali," (our praying father) because of the prayers that he would invoke on behalf of those who sought out his guidance.

One day, young Yisrael's father told him, "My child, you have a great power to bless people which you cannot measure. Your words can bring great help to men. From now on, you must use this power to say good things about others and to bless them."

Young Yisrael gave his word. Soon it became known that the blessings of this young child brought miraculous results. He became famous as Baba Sali. A master of the Kabbalah and a great Torah Sage, he took over his father's position as head of the yeshiva and Rabbi of the community. Although he regularly gave many lectures in Torah and kabbalah, he did not permit his students to write them down because he wanted his scholarship to remain unknown. Nevertheless, his fame as a holy man and a righteous Tzaddik continued to draw Jews to him from all over. Even Arabs came to receive his blessings and the coins he gave for charity.

At 19 he was inducted as the Rosh Hayeshiva, after his father's death. After an extended one year trip to Eretz Yisrael he returned, and was compelled to take the position of Rav of the community after the murder of his brother by an Arab. He gave daily lectures, served as a judge in the beit din (rabbinical court), and set the tone for the kehilla. The community appreciated that nothing escaped his holy, penetrating eyes. From throughout Morocco, people converged on his home for his blessings, his counsel, and his encouragement.

In 1964 when Baba Sali noted that much of Moroccan Jewry had emigrated to Eretz Yisrael, he followed them to fulfill his dream of settling there. Baba Sali chose Yavne as his home because many of his followers had settled there.

In 1970 he moved to Netivot where he was steadily visited by Chassidim, Ashkenazim and Sephardim who sought his unique counsel. He stressed emunah (faith), humility, ahavat Yisrael (love of fellow Jews) and kiyum hamitzvot (fulfillment of mitzvot). His phenomenal memory allowed him to access information at will, whether it dealt with law, Talmud, Kabbalah,etc.

He was very humble and did not want to attract attention, however, his prophetic powers and his miraculous prayers soon became renowned. Thousands of Jews from all over the world would come to seek his advice and blessings for children, health, and livelihood. Baba Sali was very close to other great Torah scholars, especially the Lubavitcher Rebbe, whom he referred to as "the Great Eagle in the Heavens." He strongly encouraged the Rebbe's Mitzvah campaigns, especially urging young girls to light candles for Shabbat and Yom Tov.


Young and old, men and women, observant and secular, Sephardim and Ashkenazim of every stripe, all streamed to the door of the great kabbalist and tsaddik, Baba Sali, in Netivot, seeking his blessing and help. Everyone, without exception, held him in the highest esteem.

Once a man from Holon, Eliyahu, was scheduled to have his legs amputated. His spinal cord had been damaged by a bullet in the Yom Kippur War. He had already spent much time in the hospital, and so was reconciled to his fate. The procedure was to take place on Friday.

That Thursday, an elderly woman acquaintance suggested that he receive a blessing from Baba Sali before the operation. She said that she knew of someone who had been paralyzed, yet was healed through Baba Sali's blessing. Although Eli was not at all observant, he decided to try it anyway, in desperation. Maybe, maybe....

It would have been impossible to get permission to leave the hospital the day before the operation, so Eli snuck out. He didn't even disclose his intention to see Baba Sali to his concerned family.

Eli sat on a chair in the waiting room near the entrance to the tsaddik's room. After many hours, finally his turn came. The custom was, before anything, to approach Baba Sali on his couch and kiss his hand, but because of the advanced thrombosis of his legs and the crippling pain that accompanied it, Eli was unable even to rise to enter the room.

Following Baba Sali's instruction, Rabbanit Simi, his wife, approached Eli and asked, "Do you put on tefillin?" Do you keep Shabbat? Do you say blessings?

"No," admitted Eli, and burst into sobs.

Baba Sali seemed to be moved by Eli's suffering and his sincerity. He said to him, "If you do my will and observe the Shabbat and repent completely, then G-d, too, will listen to my will."

With great emotion, Eli promptly cried out, "I accept upon myself the obligation to observe the Shabbat in all its details. I also promise to do full tshuvah, to 'return' in repentance all the way."

At Baba Sali's directive, Eli was served tea. After he drank it, the Rabbanit suggested that being that the Rav had blessed him, he should try to get up, in order to go and and kiss the Rav's hand.

After much effort and pain, Eli managed to rise. He couldn't believe it-his legs were obeying him! Shakily, he walked over to Baba Sali and kissed his hand! By then nearly delirious with shock and joy, he began to thank Baba Sali profusely. The Rav interrupted him, saying with a smile, "Don't thank me. Just say: 'Blessed are those who sanctify His name publicly!'"

As if in a dream, Eli stumbled out the door and descended the stairs. He experimented, walking this way and that. He had to know: Was he really awake? Could this truly be happening? With each step, his legs felt better.

On his "new" legs, he went over to Yeshiva HaNegev, not too far from the home of Baba Sali. When the students realized they were seeing the results of a miracle that had just occurred, they surrounded Eli with happy dancing and singing, and words of praise and gratitude to G-d.

Rejoicing in his new-found ability to walk, Eli returned to the home of Baba Sali to say goodbye properly and to thank him again. He also expressed his fear that his legs would relapse to their previous weakness and disease. Baba Sali calmed him, saying cheerfully, "Don't worry. In the merit of your oath to 'return' and repent, and especially that you promised to observe Shabbat according to its laws, which is equal to all the commandments, G-d has done this miracle and nullified the decree against you. Now it is up to you to fulfill your words."

Leaving Baba Sali's house again, Eli telephoned his mother. "I'm all better!" he shouted, without explanation. She figured that fear of the surgery had caused him to loose touch with reality. "Are you coming home?" she asked with concern. "Or will you go straight to the hospital?"

Eli then told her what he had promised Baba Sali, the blessing that he had received from the tsaddik, and the miraculous improvement that had already occurred. As soon as he hung up, he called his doctor at Achilov Hospital in Tel Aviv and informed him of his cure. The doctor told Eli to be back at the hospital the following day, and to "stop acting crazy!"

Eli did go to the hospital the next day. The doctor was barely able to accept the evidence of his eyes. After a few days and many tests, Eli was released. The first thing he did was to return to Netivot, to thank Baba Sali again. The Rav requested of his household that a seudat hoda'ah, a meal of thanksgiving to G-d in honor of the miracle, be prepared and served. At the end of the meal, Baba Sali blessed a bottle of water and told Eli to deliver it to the hospital so that his doctor could drink l'chaim from it. "And tell him," added Baba Sali, "not to be so hasty to cut off legs."

Baba Sali's gabbai (attendant) during most of his years in Netivot, Rabbi Eliyahu Alfasi [who witnessed much of the story and heard the rest of the details from Eli of Holon], reports that he once asked Baba Sali how he performed this great miracle. The tzaddik answered him innocently, "Believe me, Eliyahu, all I did was tell him 'Stand up!'"

Friday, January 31, 2025

Sydney: Police Escort Jewish Children to School


Will We All Be Redeemed?

Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff 

What happened in Egypt is a blueprint of the final redemption. Will we all be redeemed? That depends who you ask.  Most agree that "no Jew will be left behind".   Listen to this short 8 min video to find out who said what.

Yerida for the Purpose of Aliyah

I don't know this man, but every day I read his inspiring posts.   Thank you Afshine.

Yerida l'tzorich aliyah

Descent for the purpose of ascent.

The lower you fall, the higher you are destined to rise.

This explains why we have to suffer so much before Geula.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

This Is What It Takes To Wake People Up?

Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance.... unfortunately they missed the attack in Maroubra last night.

There are quite a few non Jewish residents who are fed up with all this noise and nightly disturbance and blaming the Jews for it.  Just because the Jews are being terrorized .... why should their sleep be disturbed?

They don't realize that the Jews are just the canary in the coalmine and the main game is to terrorize everyone.  Even our government seems to overlook that fact, and it's the government itself who caused this problem in the first place, by denouncing Israel and thereby emboldening anti-semites. [See Gideon Saar Status on X]

But the real eye-opener is all the Jews, who are scared and don't understand what is happening.  They know nothing about Geula, or Moshiach, or chevlei Moshiach, which is what all this is.

Nobody is telling them.  I keep waiting for a Rabbi to jump into the conversations on FB and explain to them what is going on, but so far.... nothing at all. Not surprising, because they'd probably all attack him instead.  Everyone is so far from the truth.

Where are the Rabbis ?  The orthodox rabbis here may be talking amongst themselves and selected groups of people, but I don't see any of them publicly speaking about Moshiach.   At least if they re-assured people that we are living in the End Times, and these are the birthpangs of Moshiach, and maybe some of them should be thinking about Aliyah if they are able to..... but all I'm hearing is a silence from them, and a great deal of angst from local Jews.

Everyone is beginning to really understand why their grandparents or great-grandparents changed their last names.... welcome to 1939 re-visited.  

People being woken up by police helicopters.... or people awakening to the concept of Geula and Chevlei Moshiach....  so far it's just the helicopters.  

What is the Messianic Meaning of the Trump Presidency?

Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

29 Teves: Yarzheit Rabbi Yitzchak Kadouri

An enormous crowd filled the streets of Jerusalem's Bucharim neighborhood to take part in the levaya of the elderly mekabol, HaRav Yitzchak Kadouri zt"l, who passed away on 29 Teves 5766 (2006) at the age of approx 107.
Painting of Rabbi Kaduri by Elena Girshbein

Yitzchak Kadouri (nee Diva) born in Baghdad to R' Zeev Diva, who worked as a spice dealer. As a boy he studied at the Zilcha beis medrash, which drew talmidim from the city's chareidi families. He visited Eretz Yisroel twice in his youth, once traveling through Jordan and a second time through Damascus. After the second time he decided to settle in Baghdad based on the advice of talmidei chachomim in Baghdad who feared the Enlightenment Movement would harm the spiritual development of chareidi youth as the Alliance began to launch activities in Iraq and other countries.

Upon his arrival in Eretz Yisroel the second time he changed his last name from Diva to Kadouri and fixed his place of study at Yeshivat Porat Yosef in the Old City. HaRav Yaakov Ovadia assisted him during his first years in Jerusalem, opening his home to the young man and even teaching his sons gemora for several months.

In Eretz Yisroel it was discovered he had studied from the tzaddikim of Iraq, applied himself to his Torah studies intensively and learned secrets of kabboloh and here in Jerusalem he wanted to study the proper kavonos of the set tefilloh. For several years he was a part of the group of mekubalim who gathered around HaRav Saliman Eliyahu.

The youngest member of the group, R' Yitzchak formed close ties with HaRav Ephraim Hakohen, the head of the mekubolim in Jerusalem and the father of HaRav Shalom Cohen, today rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Porat Yosef. Later he joined the group of mekubolim studying at Beit Knesses Oz Vehadar at the yeshiva. During this period HaRav Kadouri refused to accept tzedakah and decided to earn his living from a bookbinding business he started himself using a bundle of money he had brought from Baghdad.

The chaburoh surrounding HaRav Ephraim Hakohen included Jerusalem's leading mekubolim, such as HaRav Ezra Addes, the grandfather of HaRav Yehuda Addes ylct"a, HaRav Aharon Abud, HaRav Shaul Shaharbani and HaRav Aharon Raful, who would pray according to the kavonos of the Rashash and lived in the yeshiva housing rooms.
After marrying his first wife, Sarah, HaRav Kadouri lived in Shechunat Habucharim, one of Jerusalem's first neighborhoods built outside the Old City walls. He would stay at the yeshiva all week, coming home shortly before Shabbos.

In 5694 (1934) HaRav Kadouri was given a spacious apartment near the yeshiva on the street leading from the Jewish Quarter to the Kosel Maarovi when he agreed to bind all of the yeshiva's books and to copy by hand certain rare books deposited in the yeshiva library. The yeshiva paid him a salary of two liras per month, one for his bookbinding work and another as a member of the group of mekubolim. He agreed to bind only the yeshiva books, keeping the books he copied in his private collection. Before binding every book he would study it carefully and became one of the city's most knowledgeable scholars on many works. Often yeshiva members would come to his home to study from the books.

He would spend all day studying with the group of mekubolim and then spend the evening at home binding books. After Tikkun Chatzos he would go to sleep, waking up before dawn for Shacharis. In 5706 (1946) the yeshiva building turned into a fortress to defend against constant attacks by Arabs, but this did not prevent the yeshiva's rabbonim, including HaRav Yehuda Tzadka, from paying a visit to HaRav Kadouri's home to celebrate the bar mitzvah of his son, David.

With the imminent threat of the Old City falling into the hands of the Jordanians, HaRav Kadouri sought a way to save the yeshiva's sifrei Torah and the enormous collection of sifrei kodesh in his home. After all his efforts to smuggle out the books failed he hid in his library on the last day before the Jewish Quarter fell, unable to part with the books. A short time later Jordanian soldiers took over the house and the entire yeshiva with the surrounding buildings went up in flames. When news of the fire was brought to HaRav Kadouri at his home in Bucharim, he burst out in tears.

Following the petiroh of HaRav Ephraim Hakohen, head of Jerusalem's mekubolim, toward the end of 5709 (1949) HaRav Kadouri was selected to head the group. Yeshivat Porat Yosef had already relocated to Geula but the group of mekubolim opted to attach themselves to Yeshivat Beit Kel on Rechov Rashi. Nevertheless the roshei yeshiva of Yeshivat Porat Yosef, HaRav Tzadka and HaRav Ben-Tzion Abba Shaul zt"l set aside a room where HaRav Kadouri received people every day for years until he started his own yeshiva, Yeshivat Nachalat Yitzchak, on Rechov David in Bucharim.

During the course of his lifetime he wrote only a handful of articles, although others may never have reached the eyes of his talmidim. Some of his writings attacked those who engage in practical kabboloh without understanding any of the secrets of kabboloh. The secrets of the amulets he would write for healing and success were given to him by HaRav Yehuda Phetaia. He was also extensively involved in studying the kavonos of tefilloh. All other secrets of kabboloh which other figures professed to engage in were foreign to him.

Over the years he battled against figures involved in oaths and lots. In one of the few articles he published on this issue, written for the book Tamim Tihiyu by HaRav Yaakov Hillel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Chevrat Ahavat Shalom, he stressed that the only amulet formulations permitted to be written are those written by HaRav Yehuda Phetaia, "because he has foundations in the language of requests for mercy and the names are known, without any error."

In the article he also attacks users of oaths and praises HaRav Hillel's fight against those who mislead others to believe tricks presented in the guise of applied kabbalah. "His entirely beneficial intention is to save Am Yisrael from people who use sorcery and demons to demonstrate their power and deceive their followers and demand much money from them and take oaths and sometimes mix the sacred and the profane, demons with the names of angels, and sometimes inadvertently cause harm to those who ask them questions and there are amulets that are nothing but rattles. Therefore he who fears the Word of Hashem will avoid applied kabbalah."

HaRav Kadouri wrote several kabbolah books, primarily the different formulations of the amulets, but refused to print and distribute them, keeping them only for those familiar with sod. When people would come to him asking for amulets he would insist they recite a chapter of Tehillim for a certain period and made clear that without full Shabbos observance the amulet would provide no benefits.

His entire life was filled with Torah study, day and night, and lengthy tefillos at Yeshivat Nachalat Yitzchak together with his kabbalah talmidim.

HaRav Kadouri's meals were extremely meager and he abstained from numerous types of food. Every morning he would study Chok LeYisroel after breakfast, and then would delve deep into gemora sugyos for hours on end. He would study late into the night, sitting and learning for hours without rest. Whenever a new book came into his hands he would study it from cover to cover and was able to recite entire excerpts from memory.

According to his talmidim HaRav Kadouri knew the entire Shas and poskim verbatim. While studying he would often hold his beard in his hands, but refrained from doing so on Shabbos to avoid pulling out any hairs. When a beard hair fell out during the week he would keep it in a special box.

Throughout his lifetime he also adhered to asceticism in his speech. He never uttered an untoward word about others and would keep his distance from people who spoke excessively. Every full moon he would travel to the gravesites of various tzaddikim around the country to pray.

In general he spoke exceedingly little. For many years he did not say shiurim, but had others say them in his presence. He would make only comments, as he felt necessary.

His home was open to all. Even after certain household items and pieces of jewelry were stolen, he refused to shut the doors to the public and continued to help everyone who sought his assistance.
HaRav Kadouri avoided leaving Eretz Yisroel unnecessarily, but when he had to conduct a fundraising campaign for the yeshiva building he traveled abroad with his son. The moment he was told the amount collected would suffice for the phase of the building under construction he would insist on returning immediately. On one occasion an entire audience was waiting for his arrival, but he refused to remain abroad any longer, saying he was unable to direct his prayers while outside of Eretz Yisroel. Once the building was complete he stopped leaving Eretz Yisroel.

His wife, Sarah, who managed their modest home loyally until her last day, passed away on Lag B'Omer 5749 (1989). Five years later he remarried and his second wife. She too helped him maintain his daily schedule of Torah and chessed.

For decades people would come to his home seeking advice and brochos and asking him to pray for them. Many people were spared following his blessings, but he remained humble in his ways, devoting most of his time to the study of Torah, both nigleh and nistar.

During the last weeks of his life, he was rushed to Bikur Cholim Hospital to be treated for influenza. Following his recovery he returned home, but a short time later contracted an acute lung infection. He spent the last 13 days of his life in critical condition under the treatment of Bikur Cholim's top physicians, who kept him anaesthetised and connected to a respirator. His family members and talmidim did not leave his bedside and Jews everywhere prayed for his recovery.
Shortly after Shabbos ended, the family and close talmidim, along with a group of Jerusalem mekubolim, were summoned to recite Vidui and prayers at his bedside. They pleaded tearfully and cried out to Heaven, but at 10:00 p.m. HaRav Kadouri passed away.

The mittoh was brought to the yeshiva adjacent to his home and throughout the night and the morning hours family members, talmidim and other followers recited Tehillim under a heavy veil of sorrow. Hundreds of people were unable to make their way into the packed building.

In the late morning the police began closing streets leading to Rechov David and thousands of participants were already on hand when the hespeidim began at noon on Sunday. The police apparently underestimated the crowd and observers said that they were seriously understaffed to control the hundreds of thousands who attended.

Among the eulogizers were HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu, HaRav Beniyahu Shmueli, HaRav David Batzri, HaRav Yehuda Addes, HaRav Ovadia Yosef, HaRav Shlomo Amar, HaRav Reuven Elbaz and HaRav Moshe Cohen. All of the maspidim recounted the deceased's tzidkus and elevated character, his unique avodas Hashem, his devotion to Torah study day and night, his frugal lifestyle and his many acts of chessed. They also said he felt the suffering of every Jew in Klal Yisroel and would pray wholeheartedly for anyone in need. Before the procession set out it was announced that only those who immersed in a mikveh beforehand would be permitted to carry the mittoh.

Following the many hespeidim and a short address by President Moshe Katsav the levaya set out on foot toward Har Hamenuchos via Rechov Yechezkel, Malchei Yisrael, Torah Mitzion, Hatzvi and Yirmiyahu. All of the stores along the way closed down for hours as the very long stream of people passed.
When the mittoh arrived at the burial plot shortly before 3:00 p.m. the deceased's talmidim and leading mekubolim recited Shlosh Esrei Middos and Kabolas Ol Malchus Shomayim. A bitter cry could be heard throughout the cemetery as the mittoh was lowered into the ground. For hours afterwards thousands passed by the gravesite to pay their final respects.

Over 100 medics and paramedics were on hand during the procession with 10 Magen David Adom ambulances and 22 Hatzoloh motorcycles.

Throughout the day the Municipal Traffic Department worked in cooperation with Israel Police, which dispatched 700 officers to control the city's main thoroughfares and provide security for the procession. Traffic lights were adjusted and a special information hotline was set up. Early in the morning the Sanitation Department began to clear refuse bins to facilitate free passage.

Chacham Yitzchak Kadouri is Buried on Har Menuchos - Givat Shaul, Israel, and  is survived by a son and a daughter, grandchildren and other descendants.

The Month of Shvat: Aquarius


D'li (pail) is the Hebrew name for Aquarius. The constellation of D'li appears on the eastern horizon every day during the month of Shevat. This constellation resembles a full bucket from which water is poured. The act of watering represents action which affects others. 

The symbolism of the water bucket is very important. A bucket has but one function, design, and purpose: to draw and carry water. That is, to be a vessel of transmission. Its whole essence is one of serving. It is not an end unto itself. It is meant to be a vehicle for something else. 

Water, in many places throughout Jewish thought, is a metaphor for the wisdom of Torah. There are a number of qualities that water has, which are conceptually parallel to Torah. 

One of the qualities of water is that it always flows to the lowest spot. The out-pouring of wisdom (Torah) that comes from God rests on the most humble personality. The more selfless a person is, the more wisdom flows toward him. If a person devotes himself to ideals, to living truth, to helping others... then he becomes a vessel fitting to receive the Torah's wisdom. 

This sign, known as Aquarius, is the sign of the Jewish people. Just as a person is designated by a sign of the zodiac, so too nations also have a sign designated to them. 

The natural element associated with Shvat is wind. Out of the four elements (wind, earth, water, and fire), wind is the least tangible. It often acts as a conduit for other things. It transports moisture, and brings seedlings and other particles of nature from one location to another. Earth, fire and water are more important for what they are, than for what they do. 

The tribe of Asher is kabbalistically associated with Shvat. The name "Asher" means "pleasure" and "happiness." Our father Jacob blessed his son Asher: "from Asher comes delicious [lit. fat] bread, and he shall provide the delicacies of the king." From this it is evident that Asher represents the sense of taste and eating. 

The special tree which Asher personifies is the olive tree, which gives the goodly oil with which Asher's portion in the land of Israel was blessed. 

"Asher" in Hebrew grammar connects the subject of a sentence to a verb. It supports the subject. This is another example of Shvat's relationship to being subordinate to a master. 

Colour: Blue / Green 

Letter: Tzadik צ 

The letter kabbalistically associated with Shvat is the tzadi, otherwise known as the tzaddik. That word in Hebrew also means "righteous one". One of the qualities of the tzaddik is that he uses all of his activities for a higher purpose. When he eats, it is not just to enjoy the food. He eats in order to better serve his creator. The Talmud says, A righteous person eats to satisfy his soul. 

The very form of the letter tzadik (especially its final form, which represents the true manifestation of the tzadik in the future) resembles a tree. In the Torah, man is called Etz hasadeh ("the tree of the field"). Etz hasadeh = 474 = da'at, the unique property of man in general and of the tzadik in particular. Da'at is the power of "connection." The month of Shevat is the month of connection to the true tzadik of the generation, the Tree of Life of the generation. 

The Ba'al Shem Tov said that when one meets a water-carrier carrying pitchers full of water, it is a sign of blessing. The tzadik is a true manifestation of a water carrier.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Purple Again

 I hope you're not getting fed up with these purple storm photos...... this was last night in Sydney. Lots of photos but most of them are not for media use [which I guess includes blogs so I can't show you].

Click here to see FB photo

Monday, January 27, 2025

Unlocking the Secrets of the Four Stages of Redemption

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

You've probably heard other Rabbis speaking about some of these aspects, but Rabbi Breitowitz has simplified things, and it's only 45 mins.

Which Way ?

And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse [Lech Lecha 12:3]

Trump seems to be offering the people of Gaza several different places to go while they clear up the mess that exists there, and build new homes - I don't know who is supposed to live in these new homes, but I'm thinking they are to be sold to whoever can afford to buy top-of-the-line waterfront property in Israel. People don't invest in property development unless they intend to make money out of it.  That implies that their market is cashed-up Jews in the diaspora, rather than the former residents of Gaza who have lost everything.

Surely Trump knows very well that neither Egypt, nor Jordan, want to take in these people, who are variously described as akin to gypsies, tramps and thieves with a murderous intent towards Jews. 

Trump's not messing around, in case you hadn't noticed.  It's his way or the highway.  And the price of coffee just went up a few notches.

I wonder which way he'll go with the Gaza problem.  And how is he going to give them their "Palestinian State" when he knows full well that these people are not "Palestinians" at all. 

There is a war going on in Shamayim, as some tzadikim have told us, and if you watch the skies you can see this playing out in the cloud formations and shapes which we have never seen here on earth before.  People mistakenly think these photos are AI but they're not, they're actual photos.  There are many AI image detectors freely available on Google so you can always check the photo if you have doubts. Try and see for yourself.

Gold Coast Australia January 25 2025

It's a case of "wait and see" because we don't know yet how things are going to play out, but even when we do know.... we'll still be confused because we are meant to be.  This is a time of confusion, don't expect to understand because you probably won't.  Moshiach comes out of chaos.

Spiritual Darkness

"And there was a thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt... No man could see his brother nor could any man rise from his place" [Bo 10:22-23]

This verse, said R' Chanoch of Alexander, teaches us a valuable lesson in Divine service.

''And there was a thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt'' - when it is a period of spiritual darkness - and ''No man could see his brother'' - when somebody only cares about himself and ignores the plight of others - then ''nor could any man rise from his place'' - he will not be able to rise from his low spiritual state.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Friday, January 24, 2025


I was reading Tomer Devorah's post Our Enemies are Digging Their Own Graves, and I think she's right.

I also watched the video she linked to in the comments, and it does seem ominous that America is so deeply into Saudi Arabia's pockets.  But as far as the murder of Kashoggi goes.... well, why would America want to get involved in that.... he was originally a Saudi, let them deal with their own business. It is also pertinent to bear in mind that some people's actions are too "ahead of their time" and would ruin Hashem's plan.... Kashoggi may have been one of those people who knew too much and was prepared to expose it all, and, unfortunately, he had to be removed as the time was not right. Things need to occur in Hashem's time frame.

Nevertheless, there is movement at the station with all of Jared Kushner's deals connected to the re-building of Gaza.  The people of Gaza who have been bombed out of their homes are allegedly to be shipped to Indonesia while their houses are rebuilt.   The majority of people in Indonesia identify as Muslim so it should be a perfect fit, but no doubt they will expect to return to Gaza.  

But as they say.... Man plans and G-d laughs...  maybe they will re-build, maybe they do intend to divide the Land for the Abraham Accords..... and Hashem will let them go just as far as Hashem wants them to go, and then all hell will break loose, but not coming from Trump, it will be coming from the Creator of the World and iy"H the appearance of Moshiach ben David.

If we're lucky, it will happen quickly, that is why we have three blood moons predicted to show up beginning with Adar [Purim] - however, as you will have seen, we already had a blood red moon this month.   

Will the US or Israel attack Iran this Adar?  Will we have a V'nahafoch hu this Purim when evil plans are turned upside down?  Will Trump be a collapsed clown for Purim? [that was the image that I was shown in my dream about 15 years ago]

How long do we have to wait to see MBD ..... I really believe it's this year.  Just keep watching the skies for all the signs we're going to be getting.  Watch the leaders of the world provoking each other.

I am reminded of this section of the Yalkut Shimoni 

 “In the year Moshiach comes all the nations of the world will provoke each other and threaten with war. The king of Persia [Iran] will provoke the King of Arabia [Saudi Arabia] with war. The King of Arabia goes to Edom [The Western Countries, headed by USA] for advice. Then the King of Persia destroys the world (and since that cannot be done with conventional weapons it must mean nuclear which can destroy most of the world). And all the nations of the world begin to panic and are afraid, and Israel too is afraid as to how to defend from this. G-d then says to them “Do not fear for everything that I have done is for your benefit, to destroy the evil kingdom of Edom and eradicate evil from this world so that the Messiah can come, your time of redemption is now.”

I don't know who to believe, or what to think, so I'm just leaving it in G-d's capable hands, gam zur l'tova even if it doesn't look that way sometimes.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Held Hostage by the UN


It's not fake news, it's all over the internet.

The Sun and Friends


You may not have noticed, but many people HAVE noticed, we currently have what appears to be, more than one sun.  It's been like that for a long time, but only recently have people started to take videos and that means more and more people are learning about it.

Here are two videos for you to consider.

The first one shows three different "suns" floating around, one is the real sun that we all know, the other two are unknown spheres that appear to be lit up.  Whether they lit up because they are "suns" or because they are reflecting off our sun, I don't know.

The second video shows our sun squashed into a strange diamond shape, with giant blue lines coming out of it.  I can tell you that the reason why the sun is "squashed" into that shape is because there are other things around it blocking off it's light and causing it to appear that shape.  This is known as a "light pinch". The blue lines are also being caused by the objects around it.

The third video has nothing at all to do with the sun, I just thought it was funny.  The Bidens and the Trumps waiting for the helicopter.  I think the conversation is real, it sure looks real.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Current Events and the Final Exile of Yishmael

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

The Severity of the Sin

Art by Nick Gustafson

Moses cried out to the Lord concerning the frogs that He had brought upon Pharaoh....And the Lord did according to Moses' word, and the frogs died .... [Va'eira 8:8-9]

Why is it, asked the Chofetz Chaim, that at the Plague of Frogs, Hashem accepted Moshe's prayer as soon as he uttered it and immediately stopped the devastating plague, yet when the Jews were in the wilderness and were attacked by fiery serpents, Moshe's prayers did not have an immediate effect?

For, in that case, Hashem told Moshe: ''Make yourself [the image of] a venomous snake, and place it on a pole.'' [Bamidbar 21:8]   Only by gazing at the copper ''snake'' did those who were bitten survive.

Why was it necessary for Moshe to perform an action here in order to save the Jewish people in the wilderness, yet in Egypt, no additional action was required?

This is meant to teach us, answered the Chofetz Chaim, the severity of the sin of speaking lashon hara.

As a rule, prayer is effective for removing all misfortunes and calamities.  Therefore, when Moshe beseeched Hashem to remove the frogs from Egypt, Hashem accepted his prayer and instantly stopped the plague.  However, the fiery serpents were sent to attack the Jewish people as a punishment for speaking lashon hara.  

Since they had committed a sin which the Heavenly Court judges with exactitude, Moshe's prayers were not immediately effective.  Instead, Hashem instructed him to make an image of a venomous snake for the people to gaze at.  This way, each Jew would think of his Father in Heaven and personally repent for his sin.  Each Jew would then be forgiven and granted life.

Source: Rabbi Yisroel Bronstein

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Hello Darkness My Old Friend

My friend Rivky said to me yesterday that this is the plague of darkness, we cannot see what is going on.  

To confuse the issue even more, the impulsive and sometimes crazy Elon Musk decided to thank everyone [like he's the one who's been elected] and put his hand on his heart and salute the crowd.  

Except the salute looked a lot like the Roman salute, a.k.a. the Fascist salute, or G-d forbid the nazi salute.

Again, confusion, very easy to jump to a conclusion here.  And everyone has indeed jumped to that conclusion.  

Elon Musk is impulsive, he's emotional, he just DOES things, this time he did something that made everyone think the worst.  Darkness and confusion again.  

I'm still not worried about it, he is not a nazi sympathizer.  Remember, Moshiach comes out of chaos.

Baruch Hashem

Trump is finally in the White House and all is wrong with the world.  

Don't worry though.... like "Bob the Builder" - Trump will fix it.   [Bob the Builder is a children's show, the theme song is "Bob the Builder, he will fix it....."]

So what went wrong with the Israel deal.... and why did Bibi cave.....what's really going on?

Well I don't have a hot-line to anyone in power, but it seems pretty obvious to me, and I am heartened by the fact that Dov bar Leib agrees.... judging by his comments on his blog.

You see, Trump had to do SOMETHING to appease Gog.   If Trump hadn't done the things he did..... such as posting that video of Prof. Sachs, which Rav Chaya was so excited about...... and set up certain impressions of his attitude towards Bibi.... then things would have gone pear-shaped because Gog wanted to go out with a Bang, and that would mean causing a lot of problems for Israel.

So Trump manipulated, and took the opportunity of a conveniently timed funeral to not only sit next to Gog but to whisper into his ear, and set up an urgent meeting to discuss.  

The cease-fire deal that was made was very pleasing to Gog because it appears that Hamas and co have won this war and Israel looks like a loser chas v'shalom.  

Nevertheless, it shut Gog up and he and his puppet O'Biden went out on a high, claiming credit for the deal to stop the bombing in Gaza and free 3 hostages.

I was under the impression that when Trump said the hostages must be freed or there would be hell to pay, he meant ALL the hostages.  Seems that was not the case, which is disappointing, but this is Trump's first day of his new Presidency and this is not over yet.

Meanwhile all the Trump haters felt vindicated, and relieved that everyone could finally see the orange man's true colours...... except we haven't seen his true colours, he did what he had to do in order to avoid something worse happening.  In my humble opinion.

And you can be sure that there was a sweetener for Bibi, an incentive to persuade him to look like a defeated man in order to pull off this sting. You would have noticed how quiet Bibi went for a few days.  He was either in shock or under strict orders to stay shtum.

Far from being upset about the deal, everyone should realize that we are all on a speeding train that has only just left the station.  We have a way to go yet, but at the end of the tunnel that we are travelling through, we will see the LIGHT.

Trump is not the enemy.  Nothing is as it seems.  We are living through chaos and confusion.  Moshiach is born out of chaos.  Tracht gut vet zein gut.  Everything will be ok in the end, and if it's not ok then it's not the end.

That's my take on the situation, agree or disagree, I'm just sharing my opinion please be kind.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Eve of Inauguration Moon

Did anyone see the moon last night next to the Capitol Building?  Have a look at it... 1.18.2025 at 10:17pm - photo by Gordon K. Lau whose Instagram page is here - text below photo is from Lau's IG page

Last night’s 74.7% Waning Gibbous Moon rising over the @uscapitol from 3.3 miles away. As always, this was a single exposure capture taken at 600mm, f6.3, ISO 1250 and 1/3s shutter speed. What makes this shot unique from most other moon alignments of the US Capitol is the Presidential Inauguration flags draping the facade of the building. That of course only comes around every four years.

The Jewish Prophecy Connecting America, Islam and 2025 REVEALED

H/t Sherry 

Highly recommended that you listen to this. 

October 7 was prophesied in the Book of Ovadiah.

Jake Turx joins the podcast to do an in-depth look at the book of Ovadiah. This episode explores ancient Jewish prophecies, particularly those of Obadiah, and how they remarkably align with contemporary events, including those in 2025. It examines the roles of America, Western civilization, and their relationships with Israel and Islamic nations in the context of these prophecies. The discussion highlights themes of unity, resilience, and the consequences of societal and moral decay, providing a profound lens to view modern global dynamics. This was recorded on December 31st, 2024.

No Greater Mitzvah than Redeeming Captives [updated]

The Rambam

20 Tevet: Yarzheit of the Rambam - Moses Maimonides, Rav Moshe ben Maimon - who was among the greatest Jewish scholars of all time.

The Rambam famously said:  THERE IS NO MITZVAH AS GREAT AS PIDYON SHIVUYIM - Redemption of Captives.

It is recorded that a wagon carrying the Rambam’s body miraculously brought him to Teveria from his home in Egypt.

It is also the yarzheit of the Abir Yaakov.

If you listened to Rabbi Kessin's shiur last week The Power of Mashiach ben Yosef and the Upcoming Inauguration you will have heard this story from him.  

To read the transcript of that shiur click here.

The Abir Yaakov Abuchatzeira, grand-father of the Baba Sali

At that time there lived in Jerusalem a holy Jew, Rabbi Yitzchak Alpheya. That same night he had a dream. He beheld a Jew of refined and impressive appearance, dressed in the distinctive garment of a Moroccan Torah scholar. His whole being compelled respect. 

Turning to Rabbi Yitzchak he said: "You are accustomed to pray at the grave sites of righteous men, why do you not come to me?" 

In his dream Rabbi Yitzchak answered him: "Who are you, honored sir, and where is your resting place?" 

"I am Ya'akov Abuhatzeira." 

"And where is your resting place?" repeated Rabbi Yitzchak. 

"In Damanhur in Egypt", was the answer, and after a pause he added: "And now, go quickly to my grave; know that the saving of the Jewish People depends on you doing so!"   [Source]

You can do a virtual visit to his Kever by going to Expo Egypt where he is buried. 

Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira (1880), grandson of the founder of the Abuchatzeira family, Rav Shmuel (Elbaz), and son of Rav Masoud, who was Rav of Tafelaletch (Taflilat), Morocco. He took his father’s position upon the latter’s petira and built the yeshiva there, which produced thousands of students. He wrote many sefarim on all aspects of Torah, including Abir Yaakov. His grandson is Rav Yisrael, the Baba Sali, and his great-grandson is Rav Meir Abuchatzeira. In 1880, he attempted to move to Eretz Yisrael, but was nifter in Damanhur, Egypt, where he is buried. [Matzav]

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein - video

Va'eira - The Rambam & Abir Yaakov's Yahrtzeit Falling Out During the Parshios of Galus Mitzrayim

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Understanding Edom Part 5 - Gog and Mashiach

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Who is the mysterious “Gog” of Ezekiel’s Gog & Magog prophecy? Does he have a connection to the Lost Tribes of Israel? Did the prophet Obadiah foresee October 7 and recent global events? What might Putin, Trump, and Obama have to do with it? And why is Mashiach described as hailing from Edom? Find out in this final installment of the “Understanding Edom” series. 

Plus: What are the true origins of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews? Who were the “Canaanite Jews” and the Khazars? And what will happen at the Mount of Olives at the End of Days?

"Stranger Things" in Real Life

Here's a couple of videos of what we experienced a few nights ago during the Sydney Stormaggedon.

They both came from TikTok, which has already been shut down in the U.S.  The latest rumour going round is that it has been sold to Meta.

Second video contains music: Michael Jackson "Earth Song"


Helicopters, through the night and this morning.

It's OK though, it's the State Government new Police Operation increasing their nightly patrols of the Jewish areas. 

Stay Shtum

Dov bar Leib took the words out of my mouth in his latest comments.   

I had some time to re-evaluate the situation during the past couple of days.

Until those hostages are safely returned and the orange one is installed in the White House, let's stay shtum.

It's a five hour turn-around between the time the Bidens depart and the Trumps are installed. Melania said the removalists and the packers have 5 hours to get things organised and she's bought some new furniture.... I hope that includes a new bed because I would hate to think that the Trumps are sleeping on the Bidens' bed....

So it's a no talk, no comment time until the hostages are back.  

God speed to them all, may they be safely brought back and then we can talk.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Listen and Pay Attention

H/t Sarah

In the winter of 1942, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Y. Schneersohn, gave his son-in-law, the future Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the task of compiling an anthology of Chassidic aphorisms and customs arranged according to the days of the year.  The calendar was entitled Hayom Yom.  

Yesterday was 15 Tevet, the day of the announcement of the ceasefire deal [U.S. time]

This is the HaYom Yom for 15 Tevet.... Listen and pay attention Jewish people....

Or see the HaYom Yom at Chabad

Another Sign

On the front page of NEWS - an Australian news outlet - is the story of Donald Trump announcing the Ceasefire and whilst it's not included in the photos in the actual story, they have a photo of Trump's annoucement with a red circle around the date and time. I didn't put that circle there, they did.  

Look at the time !!


That's the gematria of Donald Trump and also of Mashiach ben David.