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Kever of R' Elimelech |
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Kever of R' Elimelech |
Rabbi Daniel Travis from a shiur given on Feb 19, 2016
I have transcribed the relevant part of this shiur, which is from the 12 min mark. He does speak about Nibiru from about the 9 min mark but I did not think it was necessary to include that here.
Please bear in mind that this shiur was given 8 years ago... but the information is extremely relevant to us right now.
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Rav Shimon cried "woe is the person who's going to be at the time of Moshiach and happy will they be at the time of Moshiach.... Why "oy?" Because Hashem is going to look at the world at the time that Moshiach is going to come and see that nobody is worthy, so Hashem is going to have to bring tremendous yissurim upon the world so that Moshiach can come. It's going to be a test in Emunah.
He who remains with his emunah at that time is going to see unbelievable things - whoever is zocher to Moshiach at that time.
Have you ever seen silver being purified? They put it on a furnace and heat it up until it's very hot, and melt it and take the dirt out... and that's what has to happen. That's what the Zohar says, so that's something to think about.
We see that something extraordinary is going to happen - big changes in the world - Reb Moshe always said "why are people going to laugh? because there's going to be such a change in the entire planet that the only thing you can do is laugh." It's going to be a totally new existence, a new world order you might call it, it's going to be totally different... and even though when we hear about Planet X it sounds like science fiction but the Zohar IS saying that there is something that is going to come and change the entire earth, some kind or planet or Star, so we can't say that these things are mamash crazy.
I'm not saying this will happen, but definitely things are brewing as we might say, and we have to be ready for that. Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai says the avodah is to remain with Emunah during these times. We're going to see things happening and we have no idea what they could be. It will be things beyond belief. It says it's going to make Yetzias Mitzrayim look like nothing. Every day it's going to be worse, and we're going to forget what it was like the day before [from all the wars that will be going on].
Halevei, if Moshiach comes early we'll be zocher with rachamim. Says Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, the nisayon is that whoever has Emunah at this time will be zocher to see the End. There's different opinions how many people are going to survive this ordeal - some say a very small amount, some say a bit larger, maybe a third or maybe more... but the nisayon is Emunah. Emunah is with Tehilla, with mussar, with everything that happens...... everything Hashem does is good.
The avodah right now is to build our Emunah so when this happens we'll be ready for it.
When we come to that level of Emunah then we'll be ready for Moshiach.
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov
What role did music play in Creation? And what is the song of Mashiach? Which instruments did King David play? Find out in this class where we explore the mystical power of music, the divine octave, the musical notes of the Torah, and much more.
Also discussed: where did the Breslover Hasidic “Na Nach” concept come from? Can a Jew listen to the church music of Bach? And what is the significance of the number 91?
H/t Leah
This is from Tu b'Shvat but the information in it does not date. Apart from the obvious mentioning of fruit, Rav Doniel Katz [who is a former Australian, now living in Israel] brings down some interesting facts. "Moshiach is a process" - "Hashem doesn't want the Geula from Above, He wants the Geula from Below". He quotes from the Sefer Ma'amar HaGeula.
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov
Let me be totally honest from the start.... I did not come up with this myself, I found it on a conspiracy site and investigated it, but I'm not an Astrology person, so feel free to do your own investigations and leave a comment if you find out anything important that I've missed.
Apparently it's not an official "planetary alignment" but nevertheless all the planets will be in a straight line on the day of the Eclipse, which is April 8 - Rosh Chodesh Nissan.
You know about "birth charts".... people pay big money to Astrologers to discover things about themselves from the position of the planets on the day they were born. Basically, you give over all your information to the Astrologer: time of birth, date of birth and city of birth, and they produce a chart of the positions of the planets corresponding to all that information and then they tell you things about yourself, and what may or may not happen in your life. [Note: Jews are above the Mazalot, our destinies are shaped by our actions, not by the stars]
So.... just now I was reading about the position of the planets on April 8 - the day of the Solar Eclipse - Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5784. [The same day we will be able to see the Comet we believe to be the Kochav Yaakov]
A generated chart for April 8, using the city of Jerusalem as the "birth place" shows NINE PLANETS LINED UP and Pluto slightly more apart from them. They are not "aligned" as per the official Space description of an alignment, but they are all in a straight line. Usually, birth charts show planets all over the place. Sometimes 4 or 5 may be aligned, but to get all of these appearing just like this is very very rare.
The symbols are, from the base to the top: Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Chiron, the Sun, Lunar Node, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Mars and then Pluto over to the right. [those other two squiggles on the other side of the circle are not relevant to this]
That chart was generated by Astro-Seek.com but there are many free astro chart sites out there, and you can generate your own - if you enter in the date of April 8 2024 [time and city don't really matter, but I used Jerusalem] you will end up with something that looks like the picture above.
There was a discussion regarding the post about Moshiach coming when Gaza falls..... and I did ask a Lubavitcher to investigate it for me, and today I received the following.
H/t NK
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Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneersohn |
In his memoir released in 2022, Benjamin Netanyahu shares his unforgettable encounters with the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
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Only the Final Redemption will overshadow the Exodus in its significance. |
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The Tachash is said to have had one horn, this picture is for illustrative purposes only, and not a real Tachash |
Chodesh Tov. Mishenichnas Adar Marbin b'Simcha. When Adar comes we increase our joy.
Normally, the Jewish calendar year has 12 lunar months and every few years (7 in each cycle of 19 years) we have a “pregnant/intercalated year” (שָׁנָה מְעֻבֶּרֶת) with 13 months. In these years, the first Adar is the intercalated month (חֹדֶשׁ הָעִבּוּר)—the month of ibbur/pregnancy —the 13th month that is added to the year, while the Second Adar is the original Adar that we have every year, which is why Purim waits patiently until we celebrate it during the Second Adar.
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Art Dillon Samuelson |
Rabbi Efraim Palvanov
Does the first chapter of Genesis secretly allude to the major events in the history of mankind? How do the Six Days of Creation parallel the past six thousand years of human civilization?
Find out in this class where we review the key developments of history through the lens of Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah, and take a peek into what’s to come in the long-awaited seventh millennium. Also: does AI have anything to do with the forthcoming Messianic Age?
Rabb Tovia Singer speaking about Eliyahu haNavi before Moshiach - [less than 10 mins]
Looking at photos all the time, sometimes I don't even know what I'm looking at - is this Gaza or is it the sunset? ... sometimes they all seem so similar.
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Sunset Baja Sur, Mexico |
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Gaza |
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Mereweather Beach Newcastle Australia |
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Gaza bombing lights up the night |
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Cloud of unknown origins: from last week |
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Gaza |
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Gaza - notice the red circle around the sun |