Friday, September 29, 2023

Chag Sameach

Chag sameach to everyone celebrating Sukkot.  I wonder what kind of weather we'll be having around the world as we sit in our sukkahs... it usually rains at some point, but I do remember a year when there was no rain at all for the entire chag.   On Sukkot we welcome seven distinguished guests

Let us all sincerely pray that this year we can welcome an Eighth Guest -  Moshiach.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Watchers and the Book of Jubilees

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov 

A deep dive into the eye-opening ancient Book of Jubilees. Along the way, we unravel the story of Enoch and the mysterious “Watchers” and fallen angels in the pre-Flood generations, the difference between Nephilim and Anakim, how Jubilees envisions the End of Days, and what really happened with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. 

Also discussed: Who is Azazel? How did Cain die? What were the 7 things God created on the First Day? And how did Canaan come to settle the Holy Land?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Erev Yom Kippur

I wasn't intending to blog today, but I decided to put up some videos because I have collected way too many and I haven't shared them yet.  All of these videos show the base clouds of the planet Napisiti.

Some may be quite scary, but just imagine if that was over your city.  It's a travelling show and it's causing chaos around the world.

Napisiti is just one of the planets in the binary solar system currently passing between Earth and the Sun. They are the closest they've ever been to Earth, with perhaps the exception being at Yetziat Mitzrayim and also probably at the time of the Flood.   

Now why would Hashem bring back this solar system?  

Obviously to bring the intense weather...... [everyone else who follows this event agrees that it is definitely this passing system that is causing the weather] .....  but does it also mean we are about to see the wonders - as promised - at the End of Days?   

May we all be written in the Book of Life and to see the coming of Moshiach. [Amen]

Vojvodina, Serbia

India prior to massive flooding

Charleston, Illinois June 30 2023


Friday, September 22, 2023

Why Does the Sun Look Like This?


                   Photo 21/9/23 Billywinga NSW Australia: Storm Watchers & Weather Photos

Answer: It's being distorted by objects from a second binary solar system as they pass close by, and the blue colour is from one of those objects.  

Baja Sur Mexico, sunrise
Not a photoshop, thousands of people witness this in various parts
of the world daily. There is a second sun behind our sun
and behind that is a gas giant.

These two photos below are NOT the sun.  This is the red asteroid. Photo taken in Tibet. 

This is a blue asteroid.

You think I'm making this up?  I promise you it's real.  
There's an entire second solar system passing us by, between Earth and our Sun.  It's causing the crazy weather.  None of these pictures are photo-shopped, most of them come from weather reporters who don't know anything about a second solar system passing by. 

Just saw this video, it's a cloud formed by an asteroid. South Africa yesterday. A similar cloud was seen over Turkey before the first massive earthquake.

Just in case you think that video is not real, here's another one taken by someone else.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

What Really Happens on Yom Kippur?

New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin

The Satan's Most Powerful Weapon

Rabbi Mendel Kessin : 5 minute shiur

and a 3 minute shiur "Why People Don't Change"


What Was the Forbidden Fruit in the Garden of Eden?

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

Was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil really an apple? What did the Garden of Eden smell like? And what does it all have to do with dipping an apple in honey on the holiday of Rosh Hashanah? Find out in this short video, excerpted from the full-length class here 

"The Signs are There"

New video from Rabbi Yuval Ovadia, in English

Title is actually "End of Days Special" and I've only heard the first couple of minutes, but thought it

would be worthwhile blogging. I don't know what he's going to say, guess I'll find out soon enough.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Rosh HaShanah 5784

I want to wish everyone a Shana Tova u'Metuka and I'll be back G-d willing after Yomtov.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Connection Between Rosh HaShanah and Jewish History

New shiur from Rabbi Mendel Kessin

The Quality of Essence

Artist Unknown

God's Portion: His People

The Baal Shem Tov taught: ''The quality of essence is such that as soon as one grasps a tiny part of the essence, one grasps the whole of it.''

Thus it follows, that since all Jews [''His people''] have a Godly soul which is ''literally a portion of God above'' [Tanya Ch.2] - ''God's portion'' - then even when that soul undergoes the long journey downwards to this world, it remains inseparably bound with the Essence of God.  [See Ha'azinu 32:9]

Based on Sefer Hama'amarim 5735 p.243 Lubavitcher Rebbe

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Evil at the End of Days

This article was first published in 2008. I've published it several times over the years, but now we can see it all very clearly, just as Joel Gallis a"h and Dr. Robert Wolf broadcast on their radio show "Light out of Darkness"  as well as written down in the text below.  There is also a book which they wrote in 2009 together with Rabbi Glazerson. I believe Joel Gallis a"h was taken from this world by Hashem because he knew all of this, long before anyone else did, and a lot of this information had to stay SECRET in order to keep Hashem's Plan for the world on track.

I have added a couple of videos at the bottom, just to show the extent of the evil perpetrated.

IDENTIFYING THE EVIL AT THE END OF DAYS - by Joel Gallis a"h and Dr. Robert Wolf

Yaakov [Jacob] called for his sons and said, האספו , gather and assemble yourselves. That is, unify and become a single nation with לב אחד , one heart, and I’ll tell you about your descendants' redemption at the end of days. When you have a לב אחד , [gematria of 45], then you will have a גאולה, a redemption, [gematria of 45] at the end of days. But there was no unity among the brothers. There still were bad feelings and finger pointing among them. They did Tshuvah with respect to their brother Yosef, but with respect to each other, they were separate tribes. And so, Yaakov could not reveal to them what would befall their descendants at the end of days. He thought that perhaps one of his sons had sinned. He then searched the names of each of his 12 sons to see if the letters ח or ט, the main letters of the word for sin, were present in any of his son’s names. He was relieved when he realized that these letters were absent from their names. He then thought that perhaps their lack of achdus was worse than he imagined. If so, their merit to learn about the future final redemption was lost. Yaakov then searched their names again to see if the letters ק and ץ from the word קץ [end] were present in any of their names. Once again these letters were absent from all 12 names.

Yaakov then realized the extent of their disunity and began to give them various brochos. Although he was not allowed to tell about events affecting the Jewish People thousands of years in the future, Yaakov had already hinted at the identity of the evil that would befall their descendants at the time of the end. He also hinted that the lack of unity that they possessed would continue until the final days. For the gematria of האספו is 152, and that is the same as the phrase עד היום הזה [until this day]. For until this very day, there still has not been achdus, or unity, among the Jewish People.

However, there was one brief period of time of a לב אחד , at Mount Sinai when the Jewish People received the Torah. This unity lasted until Moshe’s death, and because of it, Moshe was able to tell the Jewish People before he died what will occur to their descendants at the end of days. He said that the Jewish People would stray from the path of Torah, and that if they angered Hashem through the work of their hands, במעשה ידיכם  then evil would befall them, וקראת , at the end of days. The only other time this word וקראת is used in the 5 Books of Moses, is when Hagar was told that she would have a son, and she should call him וקראת , by the name Yishmael. This word, וקראת , which normally is connected to proclaiming and voicing something, is surprisingly used here to tell us that when evil befalls the Jewish People, it was proclaimed in Heaven and does not happen by chance. So just what is the connection between Yishmael and the end of days? The connection is that the descendants of Yishmael are the evil that will befall the Jewish People at that time. We will anger G-d through the work of our hands, במעשה ידיכם [a gematria of 501], and the evil of the ישמעאלים [also a gematria of 501] will befall us.

So what could we have possibly done with our hands that would anger Hashem? With our very own hands, we finance and work to put the wrong people in power over us. This action results in our downfall. By putting into power leaders in Israel who don’t believe in G-d, we help bring about a spiritual collapse. And by electing dangerous leaders in America and other countries, we assist in bringing our physical and moral downfall. We vote for these people, we put them in power, and we raise money for them. This inappropriate work of our hands will bring evil upon us in the form of Yishmael.

For not only is 501 the value of במעשה ידיכם [the work of our hands], and our punishment, the ישמעאלים , but it is also connected to the next President of the United States that we are helping put in power through Jewish efforts. For 501 is also the gematria of ראש - representing the new head, or leader of America.

So who will be the new ראש of America? Our readers probably will be shocked to learn that 501 is also the gematria of ברק חוסיין אובאמה - Barack Hussein Obama. 

Hashem watches as countless Jews, especially in Hollywood, California, rush to send their money to Obama’s campaign chest. And so, with our own hands we are in the process of taking a descendant from Yishmael and placing him as our Rosh in the White House, just 7 years after 9/11. He is indeed the evil that will befall us at the end of days, the evil that Moses spoke to our ancestors about. 

But there are those who argue that Obama is youthful and energized in his appearance and his ideas. Why shouldn’t we believe him when he says the magic words that he is a friend of Israel? How do we really know he’s dangerous to us? Not only is his name the same gematria as Yishmaelim, evidencing that he is a Muslim although he denies it, but it also has a further connection to a wave of impending evil against the Jews and the rest of the world. At our Passover seders we spill a drop of wine when we mention each of the 10 plagues, and also when we mention the abbreviation of those plagues by saying דצך עדש באחב . Well this abbreviation of the 10 plagues also has a gematria of 501, the same as Barack Hussein Obama and the Yishmaelim.

Obama and radical Muslims will bring as much havoc, destruction, and confusion to the world as all the 10 plagues together brought to Egypt. It’s interesting how Rabbi Yehudah, who made the acrostic or abbreviation of the plagues, took the first Hebrew letter of each plague. However, with respect to the last plague, מכת בכרות , the killing of the first born, he took the bais [the first letter of the 2nd word of the plague], rather than the mem [the first letter of the first word]. Perhaps he knew that in the future, during the end of days, there would be an Obama. Perhaps his message is a warning to us that has been encoded in the Haggadah for nearly 2 thousand years until today.

The foreign minister of Hamas has recently endorsed Obama for president. The Los Angeles Times devoted a lengthy front-page story headlined, “Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama.” Ali Abunimah, a resident of Obama’s district, claims that Obama said several years ago when running for the Senate, that he was sorry he couldn’t talk more about the Palestinian cause since his primary campaign had constrained what he could say. Daniel 7 [25] deals with the last king of the 4th beast of exile who will humble 3 other kings. Rav Saadia Gaon stated that the 3 kings or leaders who will be humbled, are from Israel, Greece [representing Europe], and Yishmael [representing the Arab nations]. This haughty, arrogant king will speak words against G-d and the Jewish People, and he will try to change the times and the law. How interesting is it that this very word, change, is the key word used by Obama in his campaign?

The coded, end of days message that Yaakov gave over to his sons was not deciphered by them. But our generation, the generation alive at the end of days, can understand the clues and break the code. In Yaakov’s statement there are four words אשר יקרא אתכם באחרית [that will befall you in the end]. The word אשר that describes the identity of the evil has a gematria of 501 the same as Barack Hussein Obama. And if you look at the word באחרית , in the end, the first 3 letters contain the initials of Obama. The bais is for ברק Barack, the aleph is for אובאמה Obama, and the ches is for חוסיין Hussein. May Hashem protect us from this evil and bring Mashiach speedily in our days.

In the verses below, starting from the א of the first נשיא [President], every 7 letters spell out the name Obama in Hebrew:

א ויהי דבר-יהוה, אלי לאמר. ב בן-אדם, שים פניך אל-גוג ארץ המגוג--נשיא, ראש משך ותבל; והנבא, עליו. ג ואמרת, כה אמר אדני יהוה: הנני אליך, גוג--נשיא, ראש משך ותבל. ד ושובבתיך, ונתתי חחים בלחייך; והוצאתי אותך ואת-כל-חילך סוסים ופרשים, לבשי מכלול כלם--קהל רב צנה ומגן, תפשי חרבות כלם. 

[Translation] And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying
Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;
and I will turn thee about, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed most gorgeously, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them handling swords.

Two new videos below, the second one is the best.

Monday, September 11, 2023

The True Nature of Olam HaBo

 Rabbi Shimon Kessin

Sound is not great, but if you click on the 3 dots at bottom right of the video and then click on "show transcript" you can follow along with that... even though the AI transcription has several Hebrew words wrong, you'll be able to hear what he's actually saying as well as read most of it from the transcription.

25th day of the Sixth Month

Today is 25 Elul, which is the predicted day for Kochav Yaakov to make it's appearance. I'm not holding my breath or anything... the actual words used by Rabbi Cordovero were "the 25th day of the sixth month".

I found this video on TikTok, couldn't understand what he was saying until Yeranen Yaakov kindly translated it for me.  Translation appears below.  Note that it is not certain that he is actually speaking about the Star mentioned in the Zohar

He is saying that the Kochav Yaakov will cause earthquakes in: 
and it will be felt in other countries as well and in Israel too, especially in the area of Har Hevron and possibly other areas - rocks to fall and will cause heavy damage and some countries will start to float in water - natural disasters in the world, especially in Mecca, where there will be an extreme heat wave with a sandstorm that is orange in color along with an earthquake.

The Kochav Yaakov will do this until the revelation of Mashiach.


And changing the subject .... further to my comments on Obama on this post, for those who have not seen the Joan Rivers' exposure of Obama/Michelle, weeks before she passed [some say she was bumped off because she exposed the President]... here is that video.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Earthquake Lights and Blue Flashes

I'm sure you've all heard that there was a massive earthquake in Morocco.  

In the same way that it occurred in Turkey, months ago, a vividly bright blue light lit up the sky just before the earthquake.  In this old blog post you can see that I did have a video with the blue light before the Turkey quake, but it was removed from You Tube.  

Here is a screenshot of the blue light over Morocco... as I could not download the video. Remember this is night time. The blue in this photo does not do it justice, it turned night into day.

Then came a giant bolt of light, but there was no thunder or lightning, no storms around.

The blue flash and the white light could just be "earthquake lights", which is something that some experts say don't even exist.  However you can see this blue light here in Japan in 2021 and here in a video in Acapulco Mexico.  

Here is a video of the white light, it is now trending on TikTok.  It's very strange because it seems to be UFO's before the white light happens.  Definitely "other wordly" events.

Here's a video of the blue flash, which I just managed to download.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Not Just Clouds...

Vancouver Wa.

This is the white moon associated with the planet Atu. Very distinctive shape and clouds.

This is an older photo, showing original drawing by Samuel Hofman.  All his drawings perfectly match in both description and the positions in the sky in relation to our Sun.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The Persecution of Trump & The Divine Agenda

Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Floods Brought to You By....


The incredible base clouds of the planet Napisiti, causing major flooding worldwide.

Arad, Romania Sept 4 - Photos Meteo Buzau Original 




Monday, September 4, 2023

Chai Elul

"Chai Elul" - the 18th day of the month of Elul - is the birthday, in 1698, of the founder of Chassidism, Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov. It is also the day on which his "spiritual grandson," the founder of Chabad, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, was born, in 1745. [secular year]

Art Erik Johansson

From One End of the World to the Other by Gal Einei : Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

In the book “Or Hameir” by Rabbi Ze’ev of Zhitomir, the disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch, it is written that once, the disciples of the Ba’al Shem Tov needed to know about something in a place distant from Mezhibuz, where they were located. 

The Ba’al Shem Tov opened the Zohar that was on the table, studied it, and told his disciples what would transpire in that distant place. The disciples asked how, by looking in the Zohar, the Ba’al Shem Tov saw something in a distant place. 

 “With the light that God created on the first day of creation, Adam was able to see from one end of the world to the other,” the Ba’al Shem Tov explained. “This means from the end of the Concealed World from above to below until the end of the Revealed World from below to above. God saw that the world was not worthy to use this light and stored it away. Where did he store it? In the Torah. If a person studies Torah for its own sake, it illuminates the world for him from one end to the other.” 

On a number of different occasions, the Ba’al Shem Tov explained how by looking in the Zohar he was able to see distant things. 

Unification of Concealed and Revealed 

The ocean, which alludes to the World to Come, is called the “Concealed World,” because it is hidden underwater. The dry land alludes to this world – the Revealed World. The border between the ocean and dry land is the end of the Concealed World from above to below and also the end of the Revealed World from below to above. This is one explanation in Chasidut for “from one end of the world to the other.” The Ba’al Shem Tov reveals that the light of Creation unites the concealed and the revealed, the World to Come with this world. 

Moses saw from one end of the world to the next and his face was illuminated by that concealed light. Hence, he covered his face with a מסוה (veil). Accordingly, the first letters of the word מסוה are an acronym for "מסוף העולם ועד סופו" (from one end of the world to the other). In gematria, מסוה equals אל"ף (1000) which is a permutation of the פלא (wonder) that preceded the creation of the world. If a person learns Torah לשמה (for its own sake), the world is illuminated for him from one end to the other, like משה (Moses – a permutation of לשמה). 

The Torah is light, as is written, “And Torah is light.”[1] The sages explain that the concealed light of the Torah is not the same light, but rather, an additional, double light – in addition to the light of the Torah itself. 

Rabbi Meir, whose name also means “light,” said: “All those who engage in the Torah for its own sake, merit many things.”[2] One of those things is “they reveal to him the secrets of the Torah.” In this story, we learn that one merits not only the secrets of the Torah, but also the ability to see from one end of the world to the other. 

[1] Proverbs 6:23. [2] Pirkei Avot 6:1.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Rain Destroys 'Burning Man'

The Burning Man Festival is a [satanic] event focused on "community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance" says Wikipedia

The theme for 2023 is ANIMALIA, which will invite participants to explore their primal instincts and animal nature. 

Well, they're getting their self-reliance aspect in spades.... due to the passing of the second solar system above it,,,,, it has been flooded and severe mud has now led to it being declared a national emergency because there's basically 75,000 people trapped in the mud with minimal resources, as well as sanitation issues because all the Port-a-potties can't be serviced.

Clip from video showing planet Napisiti over the Burning Man festival.  Napisiti brings the rain bombs.
Drawings below photo are by Samuel Hofman, showing current positions of the planets in relation to our Sun.  These positions change every month.  We are currently in the 180 day "close pass" of this second solar system. 

This is a planet over the campers at Burning Man.  Yes it's huge.  That's how close they are to us.

This is just further obvious proof that Hashem is using the very close passing of this second solar system to wreak havoc on Earth in the form of severe weather events.  

The Hidden Time of Redemption

"The hidden things belong to the Lord, our God, but the revealed things apply to us and to our children forever: that we must fulfill all the words of this Torah." [Nitzavim 29:28]

[Written by Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein]

In Maseches Sanhedrin [98a], R'Yehoshua ben Levi poses a question regarding a verse dealing with the eventual redemption of the Jewish people. The verse sates, "I am Hashem, in its time I will hasten it" [Yeshayahu 60:22]

Asks R'Yehoshua ben Levi: If the redemption will ultimately occur "in its time", then how can Hashem promise the Jewish people "I will hasten it"?

The answer, says the Gemara, is as follows: If the Jewish people will carry out the will of Hashem, then the redemption will, in fact, be hastened.  But if not, then the redemption will occur at its assigned time.

Chazal's words, said the Kesav Sofer [R'Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, son of the Chasam Sofer] are alluded to in the above mentioned verse: "The hidden are for Hashem, our G-d" - if the Jewish people will not perform the will of Hashem, then the redemption will come at a fixed date, one that is ultimately hidden from us and known only to Hashem.  However, "the revealed are our and our children's [responsibility]" - if the Jews choose to follow the will of Hashem, then the redemption will arrive immediately.

The time of the redemption, therefore, can be revealed and known to the Jewish people, for it is something that can be determined by their actions.