Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Rav Moshe Sternbuch: "Salvation Will Not Come From President Trump"


A critical message about redemption!!!! 

"Salvation will not come from President Trump" 

Maran Posak Hador Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch

A 1 min video: English with Hebrew sub-titles

Signs in the Heavens 2025

Grand Planetary Alignment Feb 20-28

Blood Red Moon A total lunar eclipse will occur on PURIM-  March 14, 2025, and will be visible from parts of the world including the Americas, Antarctica, and parts of Africa. 


The Tribes of Issachar & Zevulun

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

What do we know about the mysterious ancient Israelite tribes of Issachar and Zevulun? What is Zevulun’s connection to the Seven Heavens, and what exactly happens in each of those realms? What is the identity of the ‘hilazon’ that was used to make the holy blue dye techelet, and how did Zevulun produce it? How do we properly understand the famous teaching of Zevulun financing the scholarship of Issachar? Plus, eye-opening stories from my recent trip to Israel.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Tu b'Shvat: The Segulot of the Fruits According to Kabbalah


Tu b'Shvat [15 Shvat] begins Wednesday night into Thursday February 13

Everything you want to know about Tu b'Shvat from Chabad

The ritual of Tu B’Shvat is not a Halachic obligation but a custom containing marvelous segulot (metaphysical phenomena derived from the Torah) that bring abundance and blessings. 

Each species has a particular "segula". It is enough to look at the species and to have the proper intention while eating it, to benefit from the goodness it can bring. The Torah-Box team suggests:

Wisdom and Parnassa 
Wheat (cakes, bread) is a segula for lucidity, wisdom, and success in studies. Also, ask for plenty of parnassa (sustenance). 

Shalom Bayit 
Beer and pearl barley are a segula for Shalom Bayit. A Sota (a woman suspected of adultery, who was then exonerated) had to bring a barley sacrifice to purify herself for her husband, and she thus deserved to have a boy. 

Wine, grape juice, raisins, stuffed grape leaves are a segula for finding one's Zivug (spouse). It is not for no reason that during a wedding we sing "The grapes of the vine assemble with the grapes of the vine". Grapes are also a segula for fertility, "Your wife will be like a fruitful vine". 

Pure Mouth 
The pomegranate has the same color as the lips, as it says, "Your lips are like a scarlet thread." Its segula is in guarding the mouth against Lashon hara (gossip) and bad words. 

Righteous Children 
The olives and its oil are a segula to have children who are Tzaddikim (righteous). In the same way that the leaves of the olives do not fall, so we hope that our children will not go in the wrong direction. But also "a good name" because "A good name is better than scented oil" and a good memory because olive oil is a segula for the memory. 

The date is a wonderful segula for greatness and success, as the date is the heart of the sky, so we ask "help us to rise like the date". The date is also a segula for healing and good health.

Source: Torah Box

Long Box Cube

As well as the cube, there is also a long box cube.  Someone asked to see photos, these are the best ones I could find.  There are many more images but they are difficult to see, I just used the ones that are obvious.

First two images are from 2021



Teves the Month of the Goat/Eisav


The month of Esav…every month has a certain mazel—fortune and the mazel of Esav in his evil guise, is the month of Teves, the month of the goat. The sign of Esav is the “seir,” a goat, so what is interesting is the Aschaltah D’Geulah began on November 5th which is the month that begins the Redemption, and Trump takes office on January 20th which is Teves.  

Source: Rabbi Mendel Kessin  "What is the Messianic Meaning of the Trump Presidency" - transcription

Now have a look at the golden-hoofed goat at Trump's Mar-a-Lago, it's covered in dollar bills printed with the words "in Trump we trust".

Source: MeidasNews