Wednesday, October 25, 2023

11 Cheshvan: Yarzheit Rachel Imeinu

Jewish Mother's Day The 11th of Cheshvan 
by Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

One of the most important days in the month of Cheshvan is the 11th, which commemorates the day of passing of our matriarch Rachel. Rachel was Jacob's most beloved wife and was the principal of his household and thus the principal of the entire house of Israel. From the first day of the year, the 1st day of Tishrei, the 11th day of Cheshvan is the 41st day. 41 is the numerical value of the Hebrew word "eim," which means "mother," thus the 11th of Cheshvan is truly the Jewish Mother's Day.

"Rachel cries for her children, she will not be comforted…"

Rachel constantly mourns over the exile of her children, the Jewish people, and the Almighty comforts her with the words: "Withhold your voice from crying and your eyes from tearing, for there is a reward for your actions… and the children will return to their border." Literally, "return to their border" refers to the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel. But, more deeply, it refers to the return of our people to our natural spiritual environs: Judaism and our ancestral Jewish nature. These are the borders that truly circumscribe the uniqueness of our people. Amazingly, numerically, the value of the Hebrew word for "border" (g'vul / גבול) is exactly the same as the value of the word for "mother" (eim / אם); both equal 41.

In Hebrew, Cheshvan is written with the four letters: חשון. The borders (the first and last letters) of Cheshvan are chet - ח and nun - ן, which together spell the word chein - חן, meaning "beauty." The word chein - חן, "beauty" equals 58. The 58th day of the year is the 28th day of Cheshvan.

Rachel is described as the most beautiful woman in the Torah. The numerical value of the two middle letters, shin and vov, שו, is equal to isha -אשה , meaning "woman." Thus, the name of the month itself hints at the special and unique grace endowed to women.

King Solomon says that external beauty by itself is deceitful. If external beauty is all that a woman seeks then the name of the month becomes Marcheshvan, which means Bitter-Cheshvan. It is of such a woman King Solomon says: "And I find the woman to be more bitter than death." But, of true beauty, the beauty of a Jewish woman that emanates from within, he says: "The woman of beauty shall support honor." This true beauty is given to us, the Jewish people, by G‑d through the Torah, for "there is no truth but Torah" and "there is no honor but Torah."

It was Rachel, who was first endowed with this real beauty. Rachel is described as the most beautiful woman in the Torah, "She had a beautiful face and a beautiful figure." Thus, Rachel was the embodiment of the verse: "A woman who fears G‑d, she shall be praised," praised both for her grace and true beauty.

The beauty of the Jewish woman is not just a passive agent of spirituality. The sages teach that the offspring of Esau and his grandson Amalek can be defeated only by the children of Rachel.

Who embodies the spirit of Amalek in our day and age? In Hebrew, the words "Amalek" (עמלק) and "doubt" (safek / ספק) have the same numerical value. Thus, the spirit of Amalek that continues to plague each and every Jew is doubt; doubt in our faith, doubt in our Torah, and doubt in ourselves and the moral justification of our path.

But, sometimes the spirit of Amalek becomes bolder and captures a Jew (whether he be a private individual or a political figure) to the point of driving him or her to unconscious or even conscious self-hatred. This can result in a Jew's cooperation with the enemies of our people.

Finally there are the direct spiritual offspring of Amalek: those enemies who threaten the lives of Jews and our return to the Land of Israel.

The sages say that beauty is a woman's weapon. With everything that we have said about Rachel, her role as our matriarch, as the progenitor of Jewish nature, and of her beauty, it should now be clear that our weapon for defeating Amalek is the special beauty and grace of the Jewish mother. Joseph the tzaddik (righteous one) inherited his mother Rachel's beauty and he too is described as having a beautiful face and a beautiful figure. That is why the prophet says about him that "the house of Jacob will be fire and the house of Joseph its flame and the house of Esau straw, and together they will ignite him and consume him; and there will be no remnant for the house of Esau."

True Jewish beauty and grace destroy the enemy indirectly but, beauty is no regular weapon. True grace and beauty work by attracting the sparks of holiness that are bound within the enemy. These sparks are G‑d's will that the enemy still exist. Yet, when they are redeemed by their attraction to true beauty, they escape the enemy's grasp, leaving him void of any Divine source and causing his demise. True Jewish beauty and grace destroy the enemy indirectly by leaving him void of any beauty or grace himself, making him irrelevant and powerless.

The battle against Amalek in our generation must be conducted primarily with our ability to communicate to all around us the true nature of Jewish beauty and grace. It is to this beauty of Jewish nature and character that we return during the month of Cheshvan by reconnecting with our matriarch Rachel, with our own Jewish nature, and with ourselves.

Also visit: Rachel's Tomb

Yiddishe Mama

Rachel lost her own spiritual luxury - the privilege of being buried in the Cave of Machpeilah - in order to help her children. This represents the unparalleled quality of the "Jewish mother" who is always willing to sacifice her own needs, spiritual or physical, for the sake of helping her children.

And this is the inner reason why Jewish identity follows the maternal and not the paternal route. For even though the father possesses a greater degree of spirituality - since he has the privilege of observing more mitzvos than a woman - the quality of a Jewish mother is nevertheless greater, that she is willing to forego much of that spirituality in order to enable her to raise a family with tender loving care. And since this quality is even more quintessentially Jewish than the spirituality of the man, it is the mother that actually makes her children Jewish.

Based on Likutei Sichos of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Parshas Vayechi

Mama Rochel understood that tending to a broken heart comes above even Kavod Hashem....

When Rochel, out of frustration, complained to Yaakov about not having children, Yaakov got angry with her. The mefarshim say, based on a medrash, that Yaakov was punished for getting angry at Rochel and telling her that she needs to daven to Hashem and not complain to him.

Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro points out that Yaakov was defending Kavod Shamayim (the honor of Heaven) and was correct that Rochel's complaints were unjustified. His mistake was that he addressed the words that she spoke and not the pain in her heart. Had he pierced the veil of her soul, he would have known that because of her anguish, the words escaped her mouth and she was not accountable for them. He should have been slower to defend Kavod Shamayim and faster to understand human suffering.

This he explains was the greatness of Rochel. After the destruction of the first Temple, when Bnei Yisroel went into Galus, all the Avos and Imahos came before Hashem with all their great zechusim but were turned away empty handed. All the heroism of the Akeida, Yaakov's Torah, and lives of pure mesiras nefesh to build Klal Yisroel, did not impress Hashem in that dark moment of history.

The only one who merited Hashem's attention was Rochel Imeinu. What was her great act that warranted this special treatment? That she gave the simanim to her sister and helped fool Yaakov. With this bravery, in her mind, she was sabotaging the history of the Jewish nation since she understood that it was her and Yaakov that were destined to build the nation. Nevertheless she chose to cast aside her own destiny and Hashem's grand plan in order to save her sister from a single embarrassing moment.

Only Rochel, who had such a deep understanding of another person's pain and how it carries more weight than the entire Jewish experience, can be Hashem's emissary to bring his children's pain before Him. Only tears from Mama Rochel can bring the Geula.

Fighting Evil With Good

It may seem strange, but by doing extra mitzvot wherever you live outside of Israel, you are actually helping Israel in so many ways.  "A small amount of light dispels a great deal of darkness" [Tanya Ch 12]  

Imagine a dark room, no light at all, and then someone lights a candle... one tiny flame can illuminate a very large area.

Following article by Rabbi Simon Jacobson

We Can Dispel Darkness with Our Light 

The greatest and most powerful response to the terror around us is by doubling and tripling our effort in helping those around us. As much as you have done until now, go out of your way and lend your hand to another – financially, emotionally, spiritually – in whatever way possible. 

Do something to save a life, and you save not just that life but the life of the entire universe. 

Do not stand by as an observer on the sidelines. Act. 
Do your thing today to help another person. 
Add an additional mitzvah. 
Keep Shabbat and Kashrut. 
Light a Shabbat candle Friday before sundown. 
Study Torah. 
All people – commit to the universal Divine laws that transform this world into a holier place. 

We are not victims or mere observers. Our actions matter now and forever. 

Our blood boils when we hear about those that were silent during the Holocaust. When we will be asked one day: “What did you do about the tragic events happening around you?” what will your answer be?

Let us not be left with no answer, or worse yet, an answer that we did nothing. We want to know that we did everything in our power. I know we all feel the same. Let us create a true revolution. 

Let us reconnect to our Divine mission. Let us move heaven and earth with our actions. We have been promised that when we do, we will save the universe – literally.

What can we do on a practical level?   Click here to continue reading.

Shmiras Halashon: How to Protect Yourself Against the Rise of Antisemitism


"I can save you from all harm provided you don't speak loshon hora."  [Iyov 5:21]

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Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The Middle East Conflict at the End of Time: Part 2

Part 1 can be found here.

Rabbi Mendel Kessin.

Please subscribe at Torah Thinking for all official updates.

Emunah: Above and Beyond

''He trusted in Hashem, and He considered this for him as an act of righteousness'' [Lech Lecha 15:6]

Why, asked the Chofetz Chaim, was Avraham's trust in Hashem considered 'righteousness' - as though it was something above and beyond what was demanded of him? After, all, Avraham fulfilled every commandment in the Torah; what was so unique about his trust in Hashem?

We see from here, answered the Chofetz Chaim, that trust in Hashem is more than just another mitzvah, rather it is the foundation of the entire Torah.

To what can this be compared? To a man drowning in the sea who suddenly sees a tree extending from the shore. Which part of the tree will he attempt to grab? Not the branches, for they can easily be broken off; rather, he grabs hold of the roots.

So too, concluded the Chofetz Chaim, is trust in Hashem. Trust in Hashem is comparable to the sturdy roots of a tree, which serve as a foundation and a base for the entire tree.

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Friday, October 20, 2023

When You Carry Valuable Merchandise


The yetzer hara [evil inclination] corresponds in size to the G-dly soul.  The bigger the G-dly soul, the bigger the yetzer hara.

The Ohr HaMeir says that in life there are certain people who have it easy. Everything goes smooth for them and no obstacles stand in their way.      They think that they have reached perfection, they are on top of the world. 

On the other hand some people cannot catch a break. Every time they make a move something goes wrong. Are they traveling on the wrong road?

The Ohr HaMeir explains with a Mashal. If someone is traveling on the road carrying a sack of wheat husks, his trip is easy. He can travel wherever he wants, for as long as he wants, feeling secure and knowing no one will rob him of his goods. 

However, if he is carrying a satchel of precious stones he sweats every step, knowing that he is a hunted man.

Dovid HaMelech says in L'Dovid Hashem Ori [Tehilim 27:3] "Im Takum Alai Milchama B'Zos Ani Botei'ach" - if the enemy is constantly attacking me, in this I find confidence. Why? 

If my path in life was devoid of any value I would not encounter constant resistance from the Yetzer Hara. The fact that there is an obstacle in my path at every turn is a sign that I, my actions, goals, and ambitions are very valuable. So valuable that the Yetzer Hara is throwing all his resources at me to stop from accomplishing my dreams.

Original article appeared at Revach L'Nshama, a website which sadly no longer exists.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Unity is Strength

Source: Rabbi Gee NChaya Vogel
Translation: Milchama - war; Am Echad - one people

"Behold! the people, the Children of Israel, are more numerous and stronger than we" [Shemot 1:9]

The verse teaches us, said R'Yisrael of Rizhin, that when the Jews act as one people, free of discord and strife, then the nations of the world see them as ''more numerous and stronger'' than themselves and realize that they cannot dominate the Jews.

This can be compared to a father who invited all his children to his home.

When they arrived, they gathered around him.

The father held several thin twigs in his hand. He gave one to each of his children and then asked them to break them.

His children snapped the dry twigs with ease.

The father then passed around a bundle of several twigs.  "Now" said the father "please try breaking this bundle."  Each one tried to break the bundle but none succeeded.

"You see" said the father "as long as you remain united in the same way that these branches are united, nobody will ever be able to harm you! But if you act divisively and there is disharmony among you, then be aware that a lone individual is as feeble and easily broken as a thin twig."

Source: Rabbi Yisrael Bronstein

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Interpreting Recent Events: The Prophetic Connection

HT: Yaak

This article just appeared in the Jerusalem Post.

by Mark Fish

The Torah passages and Israel's holidays are full of important messages that are relevant and empower our day-to-day lives. Rabbi Shai Tahan, head of the Sha'arei Ezra community and head of the Arzi HaLebanon teaching house, opens the gates for us to understand these messages, from their source, in a clear way. This week - Interpreting Recent Events: The Prophetic Connection 

There are a few passages in the Torah and other sources that deal with prophecies regarding the time of Mashiach's arrival. Never before in history have these prophecies appeared so relevant to current events. These sources are truly fascinating, and when you read them, it feels as if you are perusing today's news. 

I would like to explore some of these prophecies to illustrate this point. The first prophecy of the Geulah (redemption) is mentioned in the words of the prophet Bilaam. Bilaam speaks in Hashem's name three times, and in his final prophecy, he describes what will happen before Mashiach arrives

Bilaam Prophecy: 

To understand Bilaam's divine words, we must identify the key players he mentions. Here are the nations mentioned in his prophecy: Kayin represents Ishmael- the Muslims (Rabenu Bechayey, Bamidbar 24, 23), Kitim refers to the descendants of the Roman Empire (Ramban 24,22), who represent the Christians, and Ever signifies the Jewish people. Now, let's delve into the meanings of these verses: Bilaam starts, "אראנו ולא עתה" which means "I see him, but not now", The Ramban and Rabenu Bechayey explain that this is a prophecy regarding the arrival of the Mashiach which will take place in the distance future. 

The passage continues with the line "דרך כוכב מיעקב" signifying the Mashiach, who will unify all Jewish people in the Land of Israel (according to Ramban). Additionally, "וקרקר כל בני שת" alludes to the Mashiach's dominion over the entire world, as interpreted by Unkelus. 

Recognizing that this is a prophecy about the end of days, let's now delve into the events that are anticipated to unfold.

The following verse addresses Kayin, who represents Ishmael, with the phrase "איתן מושבך" signifying "strong is your dwelling." Rashi, Ramban, and Sforno elucidate that, during this period, Ishmael will coexist in the Land of Israel alongside the Jewish people. 

It is in this context that Bilaam exclaims, "אוי מי יחיה משמו אל" - Bilaam wept when he foresaw how Ishmael would cause great destruction while burning things, possibly meaning burning people alive. He questioned who would be able to survive such harsh and cruel events. (Rabenu Bechayey) 

Consistent with this interpretation, Chazal (סנהדרין צח,ב) expressed their longing for the arrival of the Mashiach while also acknowledging their hesitancy to live in that generation due to the extraordinary suffering it would bring. 

The passage continues וצים מיד כיתים, and Rashi explains that the word "צים" means a massive ship ספינה גדולה-כדכתיב וציר אדיר which come to the battle on the shore of the land of Israel. This ship most probably is the Aircraft carrier which is the largest warship in the world, with a length of 333 meters, a width of 78 meters, and a height of 76 meters, of which 40 are submerged in the water. The USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier, is accompanied by a missile cruiser and four missile destroyers. This fleet, along with the aircraft carrier, represents the United States' immense naval power. 

The carrier's impressive size enables it to accommodate a versatile aircraft fleet of up to 90 units, encompassing fifth-generation F-35s, F/A-18 Super Hornets, E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes, EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft, MH-60R/S helicopters, and a variety of UAVs. To effectively execute all operations on board the carrier, it requires a dedicated crew of over 4,500 personnel. Additionally, this carrier is powered by two nuclear reactors and features four shafts for propulsion.Aircraft carriers continue to be the centerpiece of the forces necessary for operating forward. In times of crisis, the first question leaders ask is: "Where are the carriers?" 

Thus often the presence of an aircraft carrier has deterred potential adversaries from striking against U.S. interests.

The verse states that the ship will come, "מיד כיתים" As we've mentioned before, "Kitim" is associated with the Christian force, resembling the contemporary empire, which is reminiscent of America in our era. Targum Yonatan Ben Uziel proposes that this formidable ship will embark from Italy. But the question arises: why would an American ship set sail from Italy? 

It's remarkably intriguing that the carrier made a scheduled port visit to Trieste, Italy just a month ago. It almost seems divinely orchestrated to fulfill Bilaam's prophecy.

Unveiling Gemara's Prophetic Insights: 

The Future of Rome, Edom, and Ishmael: It is noteworthy that among all the nations in the world, the Gemara highlights two rival forces that will emerge as dominant empires in the end of days: America (which are Rome, as previously explained), and its allies, and Persia (Iran) and its allies. 

Let's explore how the Gemara understands the events of the end of days. Within the Gemara (יומא י,א), two differing opinions emerge regarding the ultimate fate of the Romans. Some suggest that in the end of days, the Romans will fall under the control of the Iranians (Persians), while others argue the opposite. The Gemara ultimately concludes that it will be the Iranians who will succumb to the Romans, leading to Roman dominion over the world for a period of 9 months. 

Tosafot (עבודה זרה ג,א) provide further insight, explaining that the Persians will maintain their own empire until just before the appearance of the Mashiach. At that point, Rome will conquer them.

The Zohar Prophecy: 

The following holy words from the Zohar (סוף פרשת וארא דף לב,א) vividly depict the events unfolding in our time: "And in the future, the descendants of Ishmael will incite great wars in the world. The descendants of Edom will gather against them, and they will wage three battles: one at sea, one on land, and one near Jerusalem. They will rule over each other, but the Holy Land will not be handed over to the descendants of Edom. 

At that time, a great nation will arise from the ends of the world against Rome. They will engage in battle for three months, and many nations will gather with them. They will defeat them until all the descendants of Edom from all corners of the world are assembled against them. Then Hashem will rise against them, as it is written, 'For He has a sacrifice in Bozrah.' Afterward, He will seize the wings of the earth and eliminate the descendants of Ishmael from the land."

Gog U’Magog. The final war

Finally, let's explore how Yechezkl's (פרק לח) famous prophecy of Gog and Magog unfolds. 

The Malbim explains that Gog and Magog represent two global coalitions that will emerge in the end of days. One coalition comprises the descendants of Ishmael, while the other is the Rome coalition. Both will eventually find themselves in conflict on the shores of the Land of Israel. 

According to the Malbim's interpretation, the verse (פסוק ה) suggests that the leader of one coalition would be Iran, guiding the Ishmael's coalition, with other nations joining them. The Malbim refers to them as the "מהול" circumcised like the Muslims, while the other coalition comprises those who are not "מהולים" uncircumcised, akin to the Christians. 

The verses continue (פסוק ז’ במלבים) to suggest that when the Muslims instigate a major terrorist attack, Edom (referring to America) will intervene to aid and subdue the Arabs. However, the situation will escalate as the Arabs turn against Edom in retaliation. Ultimately, Hashem's intervention will be provoked. This will result in a cataclysmic event, described as reaching far and affecting even the birds and the fish, possibly signifying an unconventional and highly destructive form of warfare.

A Beacon of Hope, Israel's Unshaken Destiny: 

The Yalkut Shimoni (ישעיהו רמז תצט) reveals the fate of the nation of Israel during a time when all other empires are embroiled in a global conflict: 

Rabbi Yitzhak said, "In the year when the King Messiah reveals himself, all the kings of the world are in conflict with one another. The king of Persia (Iran) provokes the king of Arabia, and the king of Arabia goes to Edom (Rome) for advice. The king of Persia returns and destroys the entire world. All the nations of the world are in turmoil and distress. Israel is in turmoil and distress and asks, 'Where shall we go? Where shall we go?' And He says to them, 'My children, do not fear. All that I have done, I have done only for your sake. Why are you afraid? The time for your redemption has come. And there is no need to fear. In that time, Hashem will reveal the light of the Messiah and the light of Israel, as it is said, 'Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of God has shone upon you' (Isaiah 60:1).

 "And the rest of the world will be in darkness, and they will go to the light of the Messiah and Israel, as it is said, 'And nations will go by your light' (Isaiah 60:3). And they will fall on their faces before the Messiah and Israel, and they will say to them, 'We will be slaves to you. Each one of you will have two thousand eight hundred slaves,' as it is said, 'And it shall come to pass that when the Lord shall have mercy on you, He will say, "Set up road markers for yourself" (Zechariah 8:23). 

This article was written in cooperation with Shuva Israel