Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last day of Spring....

.... or Autumn if you're on the other side of the world.

It's my birthday... another year older... my daughter made me this cake: (she's very talented... b"eh)

I just clicked onto my Stat Counter and saw that the 770,000th visitor had just visited Shirat Devorah.

Truly amazing! Thank you to everyone who clicks onto this site every day, and all the other occasional visitors, and all the commenters and emailers, I really appreciate your input.


  1. Happy birthday - and Mazal Tov!

    How did your daughter know that you like pink? She must read your blog. :-)

  2. Devorah from MashaichiscomingNovember 30, 2010 at 8:42 AM

    Wishing you a happy birthday and many happy returns. You're right. Your daughter is very talented. Takes after her mother.

  3. Happy birthday! The cake your daughter made looks wonderful.

    Here's to your next 770,000!

  4. Happy B-day Ad 120 with Wisdom Happiness Health and Wealth it should be the BEST year YET Lots of Hatzlacha!!!!

  5. יום הולדת שמח מישראל....
    אני אוהבת לקרוא חדשות שלך.
    קול הקבוד!

  6. Happy Birthday! May you live to be 120 and always be blessed with emunah!


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