Sunday, June 26, 2011

Australia's disappearing beach

A popular beach known as Inskip Point near Australia's Frazer Island began to disappear into a sinkhole yesterday.   As nearby campers looked on, the beach began to vanish in front of them.


  1. Wicked. I thought for a moment that it was interesting and dangerous and then I realized as the gentleman taking the footage was saying that where he was standing there use to be about 50- 100 ft. of sand /shore line and that THAT disappeared into the ocean....

  2. It always amazes me the super-casual way people respond to this. Like the people in Japan squatting on the sidewalk laughing, watching, the sidewalk roll with water pouring up though holes. It's seems so oddly inappropriate. Appropriate would be to move away from the potential danger. But they act like they don't know what they are seeing is off the charts 'not-normal'

  3. The need to film it all for You Tube overrides everything else !

  4. Am I just becoming more aware of these wordly disasters because I now have access to the internet, whereas before these catastrophes happened at the same pace, only I wasn't aware of them being separated from th eworld-at-large because of my technological handicap? I can't help but wonder and ask myself. It's a question I really have no answer for.

    Would be grateful for your response - if you've got one.

  5. All I can tell you is that I've been blogging disasters for the past four years, and its definitely on the increase (although Josh at will disagree and say everything's normal, nothing to worry about)

    As for Australian erosion: it is an issue: here's a couple of articles:

  6. I spoke with my rav who said that there are many crazy things going on and that we do have the internet so we can see what we were not able to see before and quickly etc....yet I honestly really do think that there has been an increase because we have had internet for what? How many years now and have been able to document for years and we see a definate increase as well as the level of impact has for sure increased. I have heard from other rabbinic sources that at the endo of days the weather will run be more dangerous (there are sources that you have quoted, Devorah, for this, too.)


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