Friday, March 8, 2013

Blessing the Month of Nissan

There is a segulah from the Kozhnitzer Maggid to recite three well-known stories related to Pesach, on the Shabbos when we bless the new month of Nissan. The segulah is that the stories will bless the Jewish people with an abundance of provisions and necessities for the upcoming Pesach.

Click here to read the stories and more.

Seven Segulos from the Rebbe Reb Meilech 

 • In the name of Rebbe Mendel of Riminov: It's a segulah to awaken a desire for repentance to visit the gravesite of Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk.
• In the name of Rebbe Elimelech: It's a segulah for an easy childbirth to eat something every motzaei Shabbos, in honor of the Melaveh Malkah. And they should say that in honor of the mitzvah of Melave Malka, G-d willing, they will give birth without difficulty. 
• It is a tradition and segulah from the Rebbe Elimelech that one who says the entire sefer Tehillim three times in one day is reckoned as if he fasted the entire week from Shabbos to Shabbos. 
• Two pages of Talmud, studied with the commentary of the Rosh, is more beneficial than fasting. 
• There are tzaddikim who hold the opinion that the first edition of the sefer Noam Elimelech, which was printed in the year Tav Kuf Mem Ches, is a segulah for a woman having difficulty in childbirth. She should place it in the bed, and she'll have an easy delivery. 
• There is a segulah from the Kozhnitzer Maggid to recite three well-known stories related to Pesach, on the Shabbos when we bless the new month of Nissan. The segulah is that the stories will bless the Jewish people with an abundance of provisions and necessities for the upcoming Pesach. 
• The Rebbe Elimelech composed a prayer to say before praying. It is a segulah for those who say it with intense concentration daily, to be aided and helped from Heaven in all areas and needs.


  1. clicked to read but got error message...would love to read the stories, can you fix?

  2. Sorry about that link, try this:

  3. Apparently you have to log in with Facebook or Scribd to read the full version. Hopefully it will allow you in.

  4. The "segula" craze is a manifestation of the "something for nothing" phenomenon of our society, a variation of the klipa of serving Hashem in order to receive a reward.

    According to Tanya, the word "Mitzva" [commandment] is from the root "tzavsa v'chibbur" meaning "connection" [to Hashem]. Doing Mitzvos b'hiddur [in an exceptional manner] shows that we want a stronger and more open connection with Hashem. But these segulas are in the category of "freebie", from the root "gimmee gimmee". See Tanya, Igeres Hakodesh ch. 11 for the root of this attitude.

    Let's get to work and bring Moshiach! Ad Mosai!!!!????????

  5. you have to pay for it thats why it doesnt work

  6. try this i was able to print or download at the bottom of the page!topic/beermayimchaim/BFBEh1-ADx8 this is rab ral zwecker follow google

  7. thank you for sharing these segulot:

    here are complete 3 stories:

  8. please post as a new post thanks.


    AS The Torah states:
    והתקדשתם והייתם קדושים Holy You Should Be!

    By us wearing immodest clothing we distance the Shechina (Divine Presence) from us Chas Vesholom.

    As the Torah states:
    ולא יראה בן ערות דבר ושב מאחריך Immodesty should not be seen among you! Or Hashem will c"v withdraw his presence from you!

    ""If we cause the Shechina to departs, we are stripped of our protection ח”ו""

    Maybe this is why we see so many Tzoros, illness, kids at risk, problems with Sholom Bayis, crushing poverty and unbearable tragedies, that have befallen us.

    In the words of the Holy Chofetz Chaim tz"l in a famous letter:
    “A huge fire has broken out in many places through the despicable styles which the power of uncleanliness has unleashed”………. THIS IS WHY BLESSINGS AND PROSPERITY HAVE LEFT US……. To a large degree this despicable style negates the statement of the Torah:
    “Your camp should be holy and there should not be found therein erveh”

    Tight-fitting, short, flashy clothing, low cut necklines, long and extravagant Sheitels, flashy jewelry, stylish hats, perfume etc. are contrary to Tznius standards. Besides being the cause of other people’s sins.

    My Dear Sisters!
    Please Let us wear clothes that are befitting for Jewish Daughters. This will cause the Shechina to reside in our midst. This will bring many blessings upon ourselves, and ultimately bring the Geulah Sheleima בב”א

    בזכות נשים צדקניות עתידין להגאל! The key to our salvation is in our hands the women!

    Lets take advantage Now, and still bring the Geula this Chodesh Nissen, remember it's up to us Yiddishe women who dress Tznius to bring Moshiach.


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