Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Ultimate Freeze-Out

By now regular readers will understand how it works.....  the U.S. freezes out Israel, and Hashem freezes the U.S.

‘There will be a price’

“PREPARE for something worse than we have seen before.”


  1. News Update
    US House Speaker: White House was notified of Netanyahu invitation
    DEBKAfile January 26, 2015, 7:29 PM (IDT)

    US House Speaker John Boehner said Monday that a notice was sent to the White House some hours before he announced he was inviting Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyanu to address Congress on Iran and terrorism. “There is nobody in the world who can talk about the threat of radical terrorism,” said the Speaker, “nobody can talk about the threat that the Iranians pose, not just to the Middle East and to Israel, our longest ally, but to the entire world, but Bibi Netanyahu.”

  2. http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2015/01/presstv-publishes-satirical-news-that.html?m=1

    1. But you're probably right, it is no doubt an internet hoax. Thanks for the heads up.

  3. Blizzard! When 3 shevat falls out on Erev Shabbos 'ויגש' ו' יהיה ג' שבט שלג גדול יירד וקור there will be a Snow storm and cold winter ahead ...... See:

  4. Has the mayor become a late-blooming 'prepper'?

  5. 'Jew-No'...oh, the irony...


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