I'm half way thru the shiur now, and I just want to say that Rabbi Kessin has been right and right and right about everything so far.
The world has never seen anything like Donald Trump. He is getting massive assistance from Heaven to achieve the ''greatness'' that America is once again becoming. This is because it's the only way the world will respond to Trump's demands as part of the process of the tikkun of Edom: America needs to be great and Hashem is making sure that it will be, under Trump's presidency.
Nothing can stop the Trump train, because Hashem is steering it.
anonymous, are you quoting him re ''America bringing tremendous pain and suffering to the Jews''? I think you mean Edom [Xtianity].
Rabbi Kessin has a ton of shiurim about Yaakov and Eisav... I'm sure you'll find the answers to your ''proper definition' somewhere there. If anyone can define it, it's Rabbi Kessin.
So very happy our guides to the Geula are back from their summer adventures. We need Rabbi Kessin’s visionary interpretations so very much. He stimulates our emuna and bitachon. Thank you for being on top of this.
Why was Kennedy the one booted from SCOTUS? He was a swing vote, but Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor are the liberal "progressives" who are all for gay marriage and Roe v Wade.
Also, I was disappointed to see R' Kessin wave off the Jews in the Kavanaugh travesty as Erev Rav. That's not how America sees it. They are Jews, and they were closely involved in this shameful event. Not only the senators, but also the activist lawyers for Dr. Ford, and the media pundits, who breathlessly perpetuated the lies, and participated in the willful destruction of a decent man and of the fundamental tenets of due process and presumption of innocence.
It sickened me to see so many Jews unleash so much evil upon Kavanaugh and upon America. I wish R' Kessin would not dismiss them as Erev Rav because "kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba-zeh". We are all connected, bound together, and have an effect on one another. I would like to understand what the role is of these prominent Jews in the "rah sheb'Eisav". But R' Kessin generally waves them off like they don't count. Meanwhile, I actually suffer when I see Jews being at the very forefront of immorality.
Anyway, I'm rambling … but this whole Kavanaugh episode had a huge effect on me.
I get you. Average Americans are Christians and know jews only by media. The antisemetic memes have increased exponentially. Rothschild,khazars,kabalah stuff on their social media, anti Israel news on TV, and now the government is filled with unscrupulous and malicious officials, the more Jewish surnames are already having autists on the chance boards asking who has dual citizenship to the "normies" to think about. ... implying that dual citizenship= mossad or secret Zionist plot.
How and when did America bring tremendous pain and suffering to the Jews ? I can tell you right now...when they closed their doors to the Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany and refused to accept any Jewish refugees from the holocaust...many lives could have been saved. Instead ships were turned around and sent back to the gas chambers. Of course this was done per the advice of secular enlightened Jews...one of Roosevelt's aides in particular, I believe. They didnt want ghetto religious Jews flooding American shores. Every nation alive has had their part in the shedding if Jewish blood...although the US on whole has been kinder and more welcoming then any other nation in history.
As for Russia...goodness..when were they not persecuted? Between pogroms the constant threat of exile or harrassment, the blatant, hostile and constant anti-Semitism..Jews lived an uneasy and perilous existence in Russia. The worst came in 1827 when Tzar Nicholas imposed the cantonist laws conscripting young boys from 12 to 25 into the Russian army. This specifically targeted Jewish boys with the hopes they could baptize them. It worked and many Jewish boys were lost to their families forever. Under the soviet era Jews couldnt practice Judaism period Those who persisted lived with the constant threat of being thrown in a gulag or sent to Siberia...which basically amounted to a death sentence.
Kennedy wasn't "booted"...supreme court justice is a life-long appointment. Scotus appointees leave office by dying or retiring...Kennedy retired. It was sickening watching how many high profile "Jews" were involved...but rav Kessin is right on target...they are no doubt erev rav...tgere is no other way to understand their self defeating behaviors..its counter intuitive for any true Jew to remain in the Democratic party...which is now the party of anti Israel, anti morality and anti-Semitism.
To Anonymous at 7:18 PM, I know that a SC Justice is appointed for life. It was R' Kessin who suggested that Hashem put the idea in Kennedy's head to retire so that a conservative judge could replace him. I was asking why would Hashem choose to get rid of Kennedy rather than RBG or Kagan, etc., when they are even more liberal than Kennedy.
And whether or not the Jews in the Dem party are Erev Rav, regular folks see them as Jews because they are. And whether we like it or not, their actions reflect on all of us.
Anon @ 4:42 pm - Didn't see the video yet. But, if I read correctly, Rabbi Kessin says it's the Erev Rav (radical leftist Jews) - he is correct! Through the three millenia from the time of receiving our Torah on Har Sinai, it was the Erev Rav within our midst who caused all our problems. Their goal was and is the halting of the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu. They are the ones who hold powerful positions in the government and in business and are usually extremely wealthy. The ones who aren't famous and powerful, might be Jews who are extremely ignorant in Judaism and are usually very assimilated and are the just the useful idiots the Erev Rav needs. The Rabbi is correct when he says these so-called anti Jewish jews are the Erev Rav!
Why would Hashem decide to make Kennedy retire and not the others? Because Kennedy was the Judge, and the Judge was to be replaced with a liberal judge.... Kavanaugh. No idea who the other people are you mention, I don't live in America.
Thinking about events that led up to this.... it was Harvey Weinstein who inadvertently brought about the #MeToo movement, which is why Dr Ford was able to publicly and outrageously garner so much attention and support for her claims.
The most important fact about Kennedy, was that he clinched the vote into law about allowing marriage between same sexes. If anyone follows Reb Dov Bar Leib, he more than twice, stated that doing so brought divine punishment upon the state and country that does so. It was enacting into law the legal condoning of this perversion that brought down civilizations.
As usual, Rabbi Kessin has a way of bringing together the events we witness into concise remazim in the Geula process.
I find it to be very noteworthy that no one at all seems to be concerned about Brett Cavanaugh's Catholic connections - Jesuit education, etc. This should be much more concerning to people who have chosen to live under this American regime.
To anonymous 10:33 Ahh..okay...so honestly..i thought about that too. first of all it could be ginsburg is on her way out too. She is forgetting things and falling asleep right on the stand. So she isnt going to last much longer. But Kennedy a supposed conservative...a man who should do the right thing and hasnt always. They are the real danger. Liberals you know what they are and you can clearly label them a moral hazard...but when someone is supposedly a conservative with traditonal values and votes for liberal progressive insanity...they blur the lines of morality and set a poor example. Other righteous goyim look at them and think well if this conservative scotus thinks its okay maybe it is and that is much worse ultimately. Of course this is just a maybe ....not sure why Hashem does what he does...�� As for secular liberal Jews...I also used to get furious about them until I realized its only when religious Jews misbehave that there is a real chilul Hashem. In fact when goyim look at these so called Jews ..I think most of the righteous ones are smart enough to see that only when a Jew keeps the Torah do they have saichel and understanding...its like reinforcing the belief that without Torah these Jews are empty and on the wrong path. I think..for the most part ...Ben Shapiro is a great example of this. As for the goyim who are anti semites they are going to hate us either way and no matter what we do...so who cares what they think!
I agree with Neshama. And also, why would Hashem go to so much trouble to install Trump, against all the odds, just to have him impeached and replaced by Pence? Doesn't make any sense.
By now, we need to understand that H' is leading the way to the end game. Believe they are all good cops, bad cops, playing against each other and the higher ups are controlling the game and pulling the strings. Of course, the One really pulling the strings is H'. Devash is correct in her pointing out the jesuit part of the new judge and also, it's, known he's was a Bush appointee, so he cannot be that conservative, as everyone knows that president was really a socialist in most ways. Only H' knows what's really going on and how exactly it will be played out. Main thing, may it be b'rachamim for us and the world at large.
Devash, whether you have a point with your statement or not, I find it very comical that everybody has their own 'agenda', so to speak. Your mind is consumed with the" Catholics, Jesuits, Evengelicals,"..... while Rabbi Kessin's shiurim are based on the direction that the Ramchal goes in. We will know the truth very soon, but one thing is for sure: Yidden always knew that the coming of the end of days should be upbeat, and certainly not with negativity and fear. While reading about all of the 'doom and gloom' has literally wasted away a few of my years, (and I still have some lingering residue in my psyche) speaking more positively about the geulah and glaring Yad Hashem, has made me a normal mother and jew once again!
We, here in America, do not need to dig into the theories of those who have claims against the catholics. We are not them, we are not friends with them, we actually hardly know any of them personally. We're proud jews. But as a whole, they are a good service to the morality of society, and we are expected to vote moral people in. The rest is up to Hashem.
SK ...couldnt have said it better myself. We are in total agreement. To all that disagree read R Aryeh Kaplans explanation of Xianity and the purpose it served. Righteous goyim will merit moshiach too and many righteous goyim will do teshuva before moshiach comes.
Moral? The Catholics are quintessential Eisav. That is the subject being discussed is it not - Eisav? How is it so easy for you to toss off the atrocities of the Inquisition? of those who took Jewish children and did not want to give them up after the Holocaust? of those who are today seeking justice from institutional pedophilia? This is Eisav. He has no redeeming qualities. That's why he will be utterly destroyed as the prophet promises. However, I fear that before that happens, Hashem may choose to prove to you the justice of His ways. Maybe he will let you experience the kind of "moral" America that Eisav is capable of. It can already be viewed historically and it's not a pretty picture; however, people today don't want to learn from history. They'd rather ignore it.
The Lubavitcher Rebbe always said "Tracht gut ved zein gut" - think good and it will be good. We must focus on the good, not the bad. The Holocaust will not be repeated. We have been told this many times. No less than the Chofetz Chaim also said this. Devash has a right to her opinion, but it differs greatly from that of my blog. [although occasionally we do agree on some things :) ]
Well, well, well...Seems like on the one hand we have the so called "prophets of doom and gloom" and on the other hand "Pollyanna's" singing we've suffered enough already... Wonder what God's opinion is? Oh well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. Hatzlacha Rabbah everybody...
Devorah, I pray for the geula berahamim, all the time, but I don't know how it will come. But Jews are being murdered in Israel and Europe and everyone just carries on as usual, maybe saying a perek of tehillim for a minute. My issue is that saying that America is medina shel chesed, which overall it is, breeds complacency.
Where is the sense of Jewish nationhood and destiny? If half a million frum American Jews made community aliya, it would change the face of Israel. In the same way that most people want to have the best for themselves in gashmiut, which I'm not criticizing, I also want that, don't they want the same for themselves spiritually, to live in Eretz Hakodesh and be part of the Jewish nation in the most optimal way possible?
I understand that some people have challenging circumstances, but they could be overcome if people made aliya in communities. But my general sense is that it is not something people are even yearning for. I find this very sad.
I cannot disagree more with Devash. There are many, many good people among the nations. Just because they were born into a false theology, doesn't mean they are all evil.
The whole point of the Jewish People is to teach the nations about G-d and Truth. Xtianity may have warped the theology, but it adopted a lot of the moral laws of Judaism, which has had the effect of civilizing the world. To dismiss the West (Edom/Eisav/Xtianity) as having no redeeming qualities is to deny the work of "light unto the nations", and to declare the Jews a total failure in their mission on Earth.
The righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come.
Devorah, I agree with you. The gloom and doom is not at all helpful. I'm not saying to bury our heads in the sand and ignore danger, but be cautiously optimistic. Hashem is in charge. As to Devash's comment about those who "have chosen to live under this American regime," I want to reiterate, as I have done many times, that for some of us it is not a choice. Hashem puts us where He wants to and sometimes keeps us there until He is ready to move us. Ein od milevado. There is only so much we can do to control our situation, and it boils down to very little, most of the time. This refers to politically as well as personally. We have to daven, keep the mitzvos and trust Hashem. And do it with a smile as much as possible, as hard as that can be.
First, I always seem to agree with Elisheva who always makes the most sense and I also agree with Devash, as I also do partially agree with the opposing commenters on this matter. Second, we need to realize that Europe is Amkaleik! Second, believe that the evil of Esav are the ptb but there are many good people among the nations, especially, some of the real Americans (those with the same mindset of right and wrong as we, Jews, have) and maybe they will be the ones at the end to do teshuvah and become part of bnai Noach. There are things that can be said and brought up but in these crazy times, the less said, the better. There has always been differing hashkofot and opinions by our Sages and each was 'correct'. Pick for yourself a Rav (Rebbe) because we each tend to go along with differing opinions. The main point is we have to try and be better Jews every day to hasten the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu b'rachamim!
"and keeps us there until He is ready to move us on"
But are you even asking Hashem to leave the galut? If a person has a big problem, does he just say, I'll stick with it until Hashem is ready or does he cry out to Hashem? And believe me the galut is a big problem, even more so because people love it so much and doesn't even see it as a problem. I know that there are some individuals who do yearn to make aliya, but my general impression from spending a few months in New York and London is that most frum Jews are quite happy there, love the holy land as the holiday land, or in a very abstract way, but when pushed regarding making aliya just tell you how Israel isn't religious enough for them, or that galut is great. And I learnt very quickly that to be acceptable in polite, frum society it's best not to talk too much about Israel. It makes people feel uncomfortable.
I have a few more clarifications that I'd love to make, if I may.... and sorry for its' length.
We aren't totally oblivious to the fact that many christians are far from moral. But, there's no denying that there are Catholics whose moral values are way above most gentiles, simply because they are 'believers' and that puts them on a pedestal above the rest. The only reason one might not want to vote in Christians, is because they are aware of too many 'inside stories', internet gossip, and all the stuff the Hashem does NOT need us to know or 'want' us to hear. They are dirty, and don't do us any good. Keeping our minds, eyes and hearts clean, is not considered burying our heads in the sand. It is called a 'derech hayoshar', a straight path....
Oh, and by the way, that WW2 comment that we keep on hearing.... It is total apikorsus, and against everything we were taught by our great leaders. WW2 would happen regardless. There are Tzaddikim who said that they felt the soil burning, and they knew what was coming, and still they stayed. They knew what they were doing. How ludicrous to think, that had we known more, we could've saved ourselves. So many knew, and perished while trying to escape. This was a Gezeira, period.
Elisheva above: Yes we do beg Hashem for the geulah, and that does not necessarily have to come out of hardships. Life can be generally very good, with the regular problems many have, i.e. money, hard children, sick family member, etc., and we should still yearn for Moshiach. And THAT's actually the true yearning, with no ulterior motives.
Living in America, whether it is considered a 'benevolent government' or not, is irrelivent. We live here, cuz in most cases that's where galus landed us. Actually LIVING in EY, has never ever been a prerequisite to the geulah. What we must do, is YEARN for the geulah regardless of where we live. That said, please know that there is hardly a difference between the American Jews' yearning and the EY Jews' yearning. There are many living in EY, and they are comfortable with nary an issue. As far as they're concerned, they're living in the Holy Land, and Moshiach's arrival is not at the forefront of their minds. Loving the LAND is not called yearning.
It's what's in the heart that Hashem looks at. Our hearts are buried inside. How can anybody, in this case, tell us Americans what our yearnings are. After the Second Churban Bais Hamikdash, Hashem told us to build homes in galus, and that's what we've done up until today.... Until the day that Hashem carries us back to Yerushalayim as He'd promised us, and as we say so clearly in our tefillos every day.
SK - your latest comment just proves that there are different hashkafot, many differing quite prominently one from the other, but it doesn't makes yours the only right one. Yishuv EY is the greatest of all mitzvot and that's why it is compared to performing all 613 mitxvot. But, yet when Jews discard the Torah, c'v, with the Land being the most important; of course, that is completely wrong. The reason, I believe, that many frumme Yidden don't make Aliya is because, today more than ever, it is literally led and run by the those who are like the goyim and make life difficult for the religious Jew in many ways. The main thing is, we must yearn and pray for the Geulah, especially in these pre-Moshiach times, more than anything else, so it will come with ease rather than difficulty.
To 11.47 anon, I agree with the first part of what you say, but if that is a person's "reason" for not making aliya it is simply an excuse. Life is complex and complicated, nowhere more so than in Israel. But the State of Israel is the biggest sponsor of Torah learning in the world. Shabbat and religious holidays are national holidays, you can take tisha beav and purim off. The state facilitates being religious in so many ways. There are some issues and problems, of course, but to claim that one cannot make aliya because of the leadership is not based in reality. And as I said a mass aliya of frum Jews would influence the leadership.
To SK, I am neither a mind nor a heart reader, but one can get a fairly good idea of what is in a person's heart by what they say, "galut is great" for example, is a fairly good indication.
Living in Eretz Yisrael is not just being in another physical location, but a different spiritual dimension, and it permeates the population. The general culture in the US also permeates the population. This is not me saying this but chazal, and Rav Frand talks about this. I've never met an Israeli with "nary an issue", given the intense nature of life in Israel, for everyone, a people's army, wars, attacks etc. And love of the land is part of the geula process and no small thing. Am Yisrael practicing Torat Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. We live in the world of asiya.
"Until Hashem brings us": just as we are not passive receptacles in any other area of our life, whether practical or religious, why should we be passive now. The miraculous 1948 UN vote for the state of Israel was a pretty strong indication from Hashem that it's time to come home. OK, back then it was extremely difficult, but now you have nefesh benefesh and telecommuting and english speaking communities. When we left Mitzrayim we still had to physically get up, pack up and move. We were guided and helped and led, but not "carried". I don't believe that anyone truly relishes the thought of literally flying on the wings of an eagle, an airplane and a lift is much more comfortable.
(And to anyone reading this who truly wants to make aliya, but has difficult circumstances, I'm not chalila belittling that. My first aliya failed miserably. I encourage people to read Em Habanim Smeichah and to explore community aliya. Behatzlacha!)
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
How and when did America bring tremendous pain and suffering to the Jews ?
ReplyDeleteHow and when did Russiaa bring tremendous pain and suffering to the Jews ?
Whichever way you slice and dice his and other's Jacob Esau interpretation you end up "force fitting".
Proper definition of Eisav, Jacob, Ishmael, Isaac (in context of modern events) is the crux of all interpretations.
I'm half way thru the shiur now, and I just want to say that Rabbi Kessin has been right and right and right about everything so far.
ReplyDeleteThe world has never seen anything like Donald Trump. He is getting massive assistance from Heaven to achieve the ''greatness'' that America is once again becoming. This is because it's the only way the world will respond to Trump's demands as part of the process of the tikkun of Edom: America needs to be great and Hashem is making sure that it will be, under Trump's presidency.
Nothing can stop the Trump train, because Hashem is steering it.
anonymous, are you quoting him re ''America bringing tremendous pain and suffering to the Jews''? I think you mean Edom [Xtianity].
ReplyDeleteRabbi Kessin has a ton of shiurim about Yaakov and Eisav... I'm sure you'll find the answers to your ''proper definition' somewhere there. If anyone can define it, it's Rabbi Kessin.
Here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRmjxWoXGMs&t=915s
So very happy our guides to the Geula are back from their summer adventures. We need Rabbi Kessin’s visionary interpretations so very much. He stimulates our emuna and bitachon. Thank you for being on top of this.
ReplyDeleteWhy was Kennedy the one booted from SCOTUS? He was a swing vote, but Ginsburg, Kagan, and Sotomayor are the liberal "progressives" who are all for gay marriage and Roe v Wade.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I was disappointed to see R' Kessin wave off the Jews in the Kavanaugh travesty as Erev Rav. That's not how America sees it. They are Jews, and they were closely involved in this shameful event. Not only the senators, but also the activist lawyers for Dr. Ford, and the media pundits, who breathlessly perpetuated the lies, and participated in the willful destruction of a decent man and of the fundamental tenets of due process and presumption of innocence.
It sickened me to see so many Jews unleash so much evil upon Kavanaugh and upon America.
I wish R' Kessin would not dismiss them as Erev Rav because "kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba-zeh". We are all connected, bound together, and have an effect on one another. I would like to understand what the role is of these prominent Jews in the "rah sheb'Eisav". But R' Kessin generally waves them off like they don't count. Meanwhile, I actually suffer when I see Jews being at the very forefront of immorality.
Anyway, I'm rambling … but this whole Kavanaugh episode had a huge effect on me.
I get you.
DeleteAverage Americans are Christians and know jews only by media. The antisemetic memes have increased exponentially. Rothschild,khazars,kabalah stuff on their social media, anti Israel news on TV, and now the government is filled with unscrupulous and malicious officials, the more Jewish surnames are already having autists on the chance boards asking who has dual citizenship to the "normies" to think about.
... implying that dual citizenship= mossad or secret Zionist plot.
ReplyDeleteHow and when did America bring tremendous pain and suffering to the Jews ?
ReplyDeleteI can tell you right now...when they closed their doors to the Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany and refused to accept any Jewish refugees from the holocaust...many lives could have been saved. Instead ships were turned around and sent back to the gas chambers.
Of course this was done per the advice of secular enlightened Jews...one of Roosevelt's aides in particular, I believe. They didnt want ghetto religious Jews flooding American shores. Every nation alive has had their part in the shedding if Jewish blood...although the US on whole has been kinder and more welcoming then any other nation in history.
As for Russia...goodness..when were they not persecuted? Between pogroms the constant threat of exile or harrassment, the blatant, hostile and constant anti-Semitism..Jews lived an uneasy and perilous existence in Russia. The worst came in 1827 when Tzar Nicholas imposed the cantonist laws conscripting young boys from 12 to 25 into the Russian army. This specifically targeted Jewish boys with the hopes they could baptize them. It worked and many Jewish boys were lost to their families forever. Under the soviet era Jews couldnt practice Judaism period Those who persisted lived with the constant threat of being thrown in a gulag or sent to Siberia...which basically amounted to a death sentence.
ReplyDelete"Why was Kennedy the one booted from SCOTUS"
ReplyDeleteKennedy wasn't "booted"...supreme court justice is a life-long appointment. Scotus appointees leave office by dying or retiring...Kennedy retired.
It was sickening watching how many high profile "Jews" were involved...but rav Kessin is right on target...they are no doubt erev rav...tgere is no other way to understand their self defeating behaviors..its counter intuitive for any true Jew to remain in the Democratic party...which is now the party of anti Israel, anti morality and anti-Semitism.
To Anonymous at 7:18 PM,
ReplyDeleteI know that a SC Justice is appointed for life. It was R' Kessin who suggested that Hashem put the idea in Kennedy's head to retire so that a conservative judge could replace him. I was asking why would Hashem choose to get rid of Kennedy rather than RBG or Kagan, etc., when they are even more liberal than Kennedy.
And whether or not the Jews in the Dem party are Erev Rav, regular folks see them as Jews because they are. And whether we like it or not, their actions reflect on all of us.
Anon @ 4:42 pm - Didn't see the video yet. But, if I read correctly, Rabbi Kessin says it's the Erev Rav (radical leftist Jews) - he is correct! Through the three millenia from the time of receiving our Torah on Har Sinai, it was the Erev Rav within our midst who caused all our problems. Their goal was and is the halting of the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu. They are the ones who hold powerful positions in the government and in business and are usually extremely wealthy. The ones who aren't famous and powerful, might be Jews who are extremely ignorant in Judaism and are usually very assimilated and are the just the useful idiots the Erev Rav needs. The Rabbi is correct when he says these so-called anti Jewish jews are the Erev Rav!
ReplyDeleteWhy would Hashem decide to make Kennedy retire and not the others? Because Kennedy was the Judge, and the Judge was to be replaced with a liberal judge.... Kavanaugh.
ReplyDeleteNo idea who the other people are you mention, I don't live in America.
Thinking about events that led up to this.... it was Harvey Weinstein who inadvertently brought about the #MeToo movement, which is why Dr Ford was able to publicly and outrageously garner so much attention and support for her claims.
ReplyDeleteThe most important fact about Kennedy, was that he clinched the vote into law about allowing marriage between same sexes. If anyone follows Reb Dov Bar Leib, he more than twice, stated that doing so brought divine punishment upon the state and country that does so. It was enacting into law the legal condoning of this perversion that brought down civilizations.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Rabbi Kessin has a way of bringing together the events we witness into concise remazim in the Geula process.
I find it to be very noteworthy that no one at all seems to be concerned about Brett Cavanaugh's Catholic connections - Jesuit education, etc. This should be much more concerning to people who have chosen to live under this American regime.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous 10:33
ReplyDeleteAhh..okay...so honestly..i thought about that too. first of all it could be ginsburg is on her way out too. She is forgetting things and falling asleep right on the stand. So she isnt going to last much longer. But Kennedy a supposed conservative...a man who should do the right thing and hasnt always. They are the real danger. Liberals you know what they are and you can clearly label them a moral hazard...but when someone is supposedly a conservative with traditonal values and votes for liberal progressive insanity...they blur the lines of morality and set a poor example. Other righteous goyim look at them and think well if this conservative scotus thinks its okay maybe it is and that is much worse ultimately. Of course this is just a maybe ....not sure why Hashem does what he does...��
As for secular liberal Jews...I also used to get furious about them until I realized its only when religious Jews misbehave that there is a real chilul Hashem. In fact when goyim look at these so called Jews ..I think most of the righteous ones are smart enough to see that only when a Jew keeps the Torah do they have saichel and understanding...its like reinforcing the belief that without Torah these Jews are empty and on the wrong path. I think..for the most part ...Ben Shapiro is a great example of this.
As for the goyim who are anti semites they are going to hate us either way and no matter what we do...so who cares what they think!
I don't think Trump is going to be president for much longer. What will he say if Evangelical-Catholic Dominionist Mike Pence takes over?
ReplyDeleteKavanaugh’s catholic connection is what produced a respectable modest family and a clean FBI report. Not every catholic and/or jesuit is evil.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Neshama.
ReplyDeleteAnd also, why would Hashem go to so much trouble to install Trump, against all the odds, just to have him impeached and replaced by Pence? Doesn't make any sense.
ReplyDeleteBy now, we need to understand that H' is leading the way to the end game. Believe they are all good cops, bad cops, playing against each other and the higher ups are controlling the game and pulling the strings. Of course, the One really pulling the strings is H'. Devash is correct in her pointing out the jesuit part of the new judge and also, it's, known he's was a Bush appointee, so he cannot be that conservative, as everyone knows that president was really a socialist in most ways. Only H' knows what's really going on and how exactly it will be played out. Main thing, may it be b'rachamim for us and the world at large.
ReplyDeleteDevash, whether you have a point with your statement or not, I find it very comical that everybody has their own 'agenda', so to speak. Your mind is consumed with the" Catholics, Jesuits, Evengelicals,"..... while Rabbi Kessin's shiurim are based on the direction that the Ramchal goes in. We will know the truth very soon, but one thing is for sure: Yidden always knew that the coming of the end of days should be upbeat, and certainly not with negativity and fear. While reading about all of the 'doom and gloom' has literally wasted away a few of my years, (and I still have some lingering residue in my psyche) speaking more positively about the geulah and glaring Yad Hashem, has made me a normal mother and jew once again!
ReplyDeleteWe, here in America, do not need to dig into the theories of those who have claims against the catholics. We are not them, we are not friends with them, we actually hardly know any of them personally. We're proud jews. But as a whole, they are a good service to the morality of society, and we are expected to vote moral people in. The rest is up to Hashem.
Great comment SK - that's also how I feel.
ReplyDeleteSK ...couldnt have said it better myself.
ReplyDeleteWe are in total agreement.
To all that disagree read R Aryeh Kaplans explanation of Xianity and the purpose it served. Righteous goyim will merit moshiach too and many righteous goyim will do teshuva before moshiach comes.
Moral? The Catholics are quintessential Eisav. That is the subject being discussed is it not - Eisav? How is it so easy for you to toss off the atrocities of the Inquisition? of those who took Jewish children and did not want to give them up after the Holocaust? of those who are today seeking justice from institutional pedophilia? This is Eisav. He has no redeeming qualities. That's why he will be utterly destroyed as the prophet promises. However, I fear that before that happens, Hashem may choose to prove to you the justice of His ways. Maybe he will let you experience the kind of "moral" America that Eisav is capable of. It can already be viewed historically and it's not a pretty picture; however, people today don't want to learn from history. They'd rather ignore it.
ReplyDeleteThe Lubavitcher Rebbe always said "Tracht gut ved zein gut" - think good and it will be good. We must focus on the good, not the bad. The Holocaust will not be repeated. We have been told this many times. No less than the Chofetz Chaim also said this.
ReplyDeleteDevash has a right to her opinion, but it differs greatly from that of my blog. [although occasionally we do agree on some things :) ]
Well, well, well...Seems like on the one hand we have the so called "prophets of doom and gloom" and on the other hand "Pollyanna's" singing we've suffered enough already... Wonder what God's opinion is? Oh well, I guess we'll find out soon enough. Hatzlacha Rabbah everybody...
ReplyDeleteDevorah, I pray for the geula berahamim, all the time, but I don't know how it will come. But Jews are being murdered in Israel and Europe and everyone just carries on as usual, maybe saying a perek of tehillim for a minute. My issue is that saying that America is medina shel chesed, which overall it is, breeds complacency.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the sense of Jewish nationhood and destiny? If half a million frum American Jews made community aliya, it would change the face of Israel. In the same way that most people want to have the best for themselves in gashmiut, which I'm not criticizing, I also want that, don't they want the same for themselves spiritually, to live in Eretz Hakodesh and be part of the Jewish nation in the most optimal way possible?
I understand that some people have challenging circumstances, but they could be overcome if people made aliya in communities. But my general sense is that it is not something people are even yearning for. I find this very sad.
I cannot disagree more with Devash. There are many, many good people among the nations. Just because they were born into a false theology, doesn't mean they are all evil.
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of the Jewish People is to teach the nations about G-d and Truth. Xtianity may have warped the theology, but it adopted a lot of the moral laws of Judaism, which has had the effect of civilizing the world. To dismiss the West (Edom/Eisav/Xtianity) as having no redeeming qualities is to deny the work of "light unto the nations", and to declare the Jews a total failure in their mission on Earth.
The righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come.
Devorah, I agree with you. The gloom and doom is not at all helpful. I'm not saying to bury our heads in the sand and ignore danger, but be cautiously optimistic. Hashem is in charge. As to Devash's comment about those who "have chosen to live under this American regime," I want to reiterate, as I have done many times, that for some of us it is not a choice. Hashem puts us where He wants to and sometimes keeps us there until He is ready to move us. Ein od milevado. There is only so much we can do to control our situation, and it boils down to very little, most of the time. This refers to politically as well as personally. We have to daven, keep the mitzvos and trust Hashem. And do it with a smile as much as possible, as hard as that can be.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I always seem to agree with Elisheva who always makes the most sense and I also agree with Devash, as I also do partially agree with the opposing commenters on this matter. Second, we need to realize that Europe is Amkaleik! Second, believe that the evil of Esav are the ptb but there are many good people among the nations, especially, some of the real Americans (those with the same mindset of right and wrong as we, Jews, have) and maybe they will be the ones at the end to do teshuvah and become part of bnai Noach. There are things that can be said and brought up but in these crazy times, the less said, the better. There has always been differing hashkofot and opinions by our Sages and each was 'correct'. Pick for yourself a Rav (Rebbe) because we each tend to go along with differing opinions. The main point is we have to try and be better Jews every day to hasten the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu b'rachamim!
ReplyDelete"and keeps us there until He is ready to move us on"
ReplyDeleteBut are you even asking Hashem to leave the galut? If a person has a big problem, does he just say, I'll stick with it until Hashem is ready or does he cry out to Hashem? And believe me the galut is a big problem, even more so because people love it so much and doesn't even see it as a problem. I know that there are some individuals who do yearn to make aliya, but my general impression from spending a few months in New York and London is that most frum Jews are quite happy there, love the holy land as the holiday land, or in a very abstract way, but when pushed regarding making aliya just tell you how Israel isn't religious enough for them, or that galut is great. And I learnt very quickly that to be acceptable in polite, frum society it's best not to talk too much about Israel. It makes people feel uncomfortable.
I have a few more clarifications that I'd love to make, if I may.... and sorry for its' length.
ReplyDeleteWe aren't totally oblivious to the fact that many christians are far from moral. But, there's no denying that there are Catholics whose moral values are way above most gentiles, simply because they are 'believers' and that puts them on a pedestal above the rest. The only reason one might not want to vote in Christians, is because they are aware of too many 'inside stories', internet gossip, and all the stuff the Hashem does NOT need us to know or 'want' us to hear. They are dirty, and don't do us any good. Keeping our minds, eyes and hearts clean, is not considered burying our heads in the sand. It is called a 'derech hayoshar', a straight path....
Oh, and by the way, that WW2 comment that we keep on hearing.... It is total apikorsus, and against everything we were taught by our great leaders. WW2 would happen regardless. There are Tzaddikim who said that they felt the soil burning, and they knew what was coming, and still they stayed. They knew what they were doing. How ludicrous to think, that had we known more, we could've saved ourselves. So many knew, and perished while trying to escape. This was a Gezeira, period.
Elisheva above: Yes we do beg Hashem for the geulah, and that does not necessarily have to come out of hardships. Life can be generally very good, with the regular problems many have, i.e. money, hard children, sick family member, etc., and we should still yearn for Moshiach. And THAT's actually the true yearning, with no ulterior motives.
Living in America, whether it is considered a 'benevolent government' or not, is irrelivent. We live here, cuz in most cases that's where galus landed us. Actually LIVING in EY, has never ever been a prerequisite to the geulah. What we must do, is YEARN for the geulah regardless of where we live. That said, please know that there is hardly a difference between the American Jews' yearning and the EY Jews' yearning. There are many living in EY, and they are comfortable with nary an issue. As far as they're concerned, they're living in the Holy Land, and Moshiach's arrival is not at the forefront of their minds. Loving the LAND is not called yearning.
It's what's in the heart that Hashem looks at. Our hearts are buried inside. How can anybody, in this case, tell us Americans what our yearnings are. After the Second Churban Bais Hamikdash, Hashem told us to build homes in galus, and that's what we've done up until today.... Until the day that Hashem carries us back to Yerushalayim as He'd promised us, and as we say so clearly in our tefillos every day.
Thank you so much SK. Wonderfully put.
ReplyDeleteSK - your latest comment just proves that there are different hashkafot, many differing quite prominently one from the other, but it doesn't makes yours the only right one. Yishuv EY is the greatest of all mitzvot and that's why it is compared to performing all 613 mitxvot. But, yet when Jews discard the Torah, c'v, with the Land being the most important; of course, that is completely wrong. The reason, I believe, that many frumme Yidden don't make Aliya is because, today more than ever, it is literally led and run by the those who are like the goyim and make life difficult for the religious Jew in many ways. The main thing is, we must yearn and pray for the Geulah, especially in these pre-Moshiach times, more than anything else, so it will come with ease rather than difficulty.
ReplyDeleteTo 11.47 anon, I agree with the first part of what you say, but if that is a person's "reason" for not making aliya it is simply an excuse. Life is complex and complicated, nowhere more so than in Israel. But the State of Israel is the biggest sponsor of Torah learning in the world. Shabbat and religious holidays are national holidays, you can take tisha beav and purim off. The state facilitates being religious in so many ways. There are some issues and problems, of course, but to claim that one cannot make aliya because of the leadership is not based in reality. And as I said a mass aliya of frum Jews would influence the leadership.
ReplyDeleteTo SK, I am neither a mind nor a heart reader, but one can get a fairly good idea of what is in a person's heart by what they say, "galut is great" for example, is a fairly good indication.
Living in Eretz Yisrael is not just being in another physical location, but a different spiritual dimension, and it permeates the population. The general culture in the US also permeates the population. This is not me saying this but chazal, and Rav Frand talks about this. I've never met an Israeli with "nary an issue", given the intense nature of life in Israel, for everyone, a people's army, wars, attacks etc. And love of the land is part of the geula process and no small thing. Am Yisrael practicing Torat Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. We live in the world of asiya.
"Until Hashem brings us": just as we are not passive receptacles in any other area of our life, whether practical or religious, why should we be passive now. The miraculous 1948 UN vote for the state of Israel was a pretty strong indication from Hashem that it's time to come home. OK, back then it was extremely difficult, but now you have nefesh benefesh and telecommuting and english speaking communities. When we left Mitzrayim we still had to physically get up, pack up and move. We were guided and helped and led, but not "carried". I don't believe that anyone truly relishes the thought of literally flying on the wings of an eagle, an airplane and a lift is much more comfortable.
(And to anyone reading this who truly wants to make aliya, but has difficult circumstances, I'm not chalila belittling that. My first aliya failed miserably. I encourage people to read Em Habanim Smeichah and to explore community aliya. Behatzlacha!)