Sunday, December 23, 2018


Trump's brilliant move : read it here

I'm hoping Rabbi Kessin will have a new shiur up as I'm sure he'll have plenty to say right now.


  1. Is there a way to share this without needing to download the app?

  2. One should never underestimate President and the man TRUMP.

  3. dvorah, at the bottom of the post there is a 'share' option. don't know about the app, i'm reading it on a computer.

  4. Direct link to page;

  5. I believe one can share this via email, there is a link to email also there.

  6. Not a good sign. The good guys don't like it and the bad guys do like it.

    This "troop withdrawal" is clearly something necessary for something more important to occur (the other shoe dropping). The suddenness of the announcement and the short timetable for withdrawal indicates we'll know pretty quickly.

  7. Rabbi Kessin talks about Trump having "free" choice. He can be the Moshiach of Esav/Edom since the USA is (or at least was up to now) the good part of Esav/Edom. He can bring Esav/Edom to do teshuva (repentance). However, there is one other condition, he has support Israel unconditionally will all his efforts and power. If he does this he will be blessed and become a great "King". But if he fails, he will fall hard and deep.

    This corresponds well with the gematria of his name, either an Messianic figure or a Snake-like figure. We will soon know. If he publishes his Real Estate Deal of the Century he is finished. Even if he says that it is up to the parties involved it will be taken as an excuse by the evil part of Esav/Edom, i.e., Europe as a clearance to go for a two-state solution. Anyone who comes to divide the Land will be harshly punished by the King and Creator of the world, Guardian of Israel, HKB"H.

  8. Trump told Turkey's Erdogan in Dec. 14 call about Syria, 'it's all yours. We are done'

  9. If you believe anything CNN writes about Trump..... we will just have to wait and see.

  10. "Anyone who comes to divide the Land will be harshly punished by the King and Creator of the world, Guardian of Israel, HKB"H."

    The architects of this new deal to divide the Land (as far as I understand) are two orthodox Jews in Trump's inner circle ... no need to mention names. So, who's responsible, and who will be punished?

  11. "This corresponds well with the gematria of his name, either an Messianic figure or a Snake-like figure."

    Obama also had the "Moshiach/Nachash" gematria, and he proved himself to be a snake - hamstringing and criticizing Israel at every turn, Trump, on the other hand, has already proven himself a bigger friend to Israel than way too many "progressive" American Jews.

    I hope and pray every day that Trump's decisions - crazy as they may seem to us at times - are guided by Hashem. I want him (and America) to succeed and be redeemed. Not an easy feat, given that half the country - including a huge proportion of its "liberal" Jews - are working toward its moral collapse.


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