Monday, April 8, 2019

The Essence of Pesach and Our Job at the End of Time

New Rabbi Kessin shiur


  1. I did and it was totally depressing. Thirty seven years? I'm waiting for Moshiach to come before the elections start, 7am tomorrow morning Be"D.

  2. Anonymous, it seems you misunderstood the post. Please reread it or email me if you have questions about it.

  3. @Anonymous 6:47AM on April 9th

    I only hope that you misinterpreted the The Zecharia Baumol - King Yehoyachin - Geula Connection
    I found it amazingly affirming that Hashem is watching over us and very involved in the Geulah process.....that connection was a huge hint that things are happening behind the scenes and in front of our eyes.

  4. Yes Anonymous you have definitely misunderstood. No we don't have to wait 37 years.


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