Beautiful shiur!!! I really needed this inspiration. It's been a while and I was excited to see this in my inbox. He really helps me to get back on track and focus on the Geulah process rather than to get bogged down in the daily quagmire.... Thank you for posting. Shabbat shalom u'mevorach
I am very disappointed to hear Rabbi Kessin speak about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as being "evil" or possibly evil because she advocated for women's rights to chose and have equal opportunities in the workplace or institutions. If she sat on the Beth Din there would be no Agunot suffering as they do thanks to do nothing Rabbis. I am also not against LGBT people especially since Hashem created them just as he did the rest of us. I would suugest more compassion is in order instead of derision. People can't help the way they are born. I also suggest the Ultra orthodox Haredi communities focus on ridding their communities of the evil of violence and sexual abuse that exits against women and children and not attack other Jews for seeking justice. DIASPORA RO
Unknown, I'm surprised at you. No point being disappointed with Rabbi Kessin, he's just giving you the Torah view. If you don't like it, you'll have to complain to God.
''People can't help the way they are born.'' This is true. We are all given challenges to overcome. The way it works is like this: if you sinned in a previous life [and we all did, that's why we're back here] you are given this same sin as part of your character. YOU CAN'T FIX SOMETHING IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE..... therefore.....
If you need to fix the trait of anger, you will be born with the trait of anger. If you need to fix the sin of stealing you will be born with a tendency to steal. If you need to fix the sin of homosexual relations, you will be born gay. We all have free will, we can continue to sin or we can fight the urge.
Does that mean gay people need to live a lonely sad life? Perhaps they do, but so do many other types of people. we are at the End of Days, and all our sins are here with us and most people are confused. It's a confusing time for everyone.
These days we live in a world that is very anti-Torah and where left is right, and up is down... it is the World of Lies.
Rabbi Kessin has no pleasure talking down Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg , he had to set the record straight, no pun intended , in Jewish law what counts is the Justice of the Torah and not the justice of Ruth Bader Ginsburg , I don't know much about her but she probably had some good points which nobody can take away from her , the Rabbi was pointing out that she should not be looked up to because of all of her rulings that contradict Torah law.
Devorah, you are right. I do complain to Hashem and I would like to think he hears and understands me. Over the years, I have made friends with or become acquainted with several LGBT men and women and they are observant Jews. They have suffered greatly in learning to accept themselves and in being accepted by others. Some were even traumatized as children and still overcame the worst to become successful adults. I will not throw stones at them. I once read a book on Kabbalah which explained that homosexuality in a current gilgul can also be the result of being a different gender in a previous life which was more preferable. You may still have to deal with other issues but they are now compounded by being born a different gender. For example if you were a miserable womanizer in a previous life; in the next life, you may be born a woman to see how it feels to be abused and rectify your behaviour. Nevertheless, your attraction to women in a previous life remains the same and can account for you becoming gay in the current one. Whatever the situation may be, I prefer to be compassionate toward others.I know my own faults quite well and prefer to work on myself than point fingers at others even if that is supposedly the Torah view. Justice Bader Ginsburg was an exemplary woman and if Hashem didn't want her to succeed and accomplish what she did, she simply would not have. Hashem runs the world and everyone in it. And there is a reason for everything and everyone. DIASPORA RO
I am a bank robber and HaShem allowed me to pull of 50 bank jobs and i now love a life of complete luxury, it’s all thanks to Hashem wanting me to succeed.
That's right Waiting Patiently. You will succeed in stealing from others just as Bernie Madoff did for decades until Hashem decides it's time for your exposure and punishment. Diaspora Ro
Hashem in His mercy provided Justice Ginsburg with tremendous talent. She used her free will and intellectual gifts to help pass many decisions which are completely against Torah. The US still suffers from decisions such as abortion by demand (including the abomination of late term abortions in many states without the life of the mother being in danger) to same sex marriage. All people should be treated with respect and dignity. However, there should not be allowances for gay pride (?) parades or gay "rights" in general as they normalize sin and harm society. Ms. AP
Dear Mrs AP I am afraid many readers like yourself are truly unaware of Justice Ginsburg's record. She was a pioneer for women's rights which includes being prochoice. She did not have anything to do with Roe V. Wade as a jurist other than to dissent in later cases she did not agree with but being in the minority does not count in passing legislation. Are you aware that she represented a female soldier who was discharged from the Air Force (Struck v. Secretary of Defense)because she refused to get an abortion? She fought to preserve her rights to have her baby and get her reinstated. Her stance was always to ensure equal rights for women under the law. Diaspora Ro
Not to let my mild and polite comments to appear is disappointing
I stooped to listen to his videos ,because of his interpretation of political events ,with not good knowledge of it . This is too complicated to him , and conclusions and parallels from Torah he points from current political events are very arguable.
Unknown - sometimes negative comments have the effect of putting others off listening to the lectures. We need to be careful how we use our words. You are certainly entitled to disagree with Rabbi Kessin, in fact he often says that people may disagree with him, however when you start to analyze his ability to interpret political events, you are insulting him. That is YOUR opinion. I feel he knows exactly what he's saying and that's why thousands of people tune in to his lectures every time a new one arrives.
all these activists for human rights who think they are more righteous than the Creator and more wise than the rabbis, are advocators of the primordial snake. If you like to speak for human rights, anybody who commits a sin punishable with death (even karet) according to our Torah, loose his rights to live . If he is still alive, this is only because Hashem is long-suffering . As for the freemasons (babounim chofshiim) rabbis or judges who teach brase immorality and promote porn-feminist rights , they bless and cause curses to come ,exactly like Bilaam harashah, to whom they are disciples. Eliyahu(who is Pinchas) zachour latov is on the way and they will go to meet their teacher.
Unknown: You don't seem to understand that when people have challenges, it is one thing and we pray everyone can overcome whatever challenges they have to make them a better person. We need to understand that G-D Reigns Supreme and only His Laws of Nature are to be heeded. It is not the one who has the challenges whom we blame and we need to pray for them and help them, but those who cause the sins and 'promote' them which cause the great anger to G-D. They are called 'chotim u'machtim'. So those who promote and laud the laws going against Torah are the real sinners. They should NOT be praised, c'v.
Moshe, I respectfully disagree. 83% of American Jews support reproductive rights according to the Pew Survey. Only the Ultra Orthodox are vehemently prolife/antiabortion based onTheir interpretation of the Torah. However some ultraorthodox rabbis don't feel the same. A child is only nefesh when it emerges from the womb not before. In fact the first 40 days after conception it is even considered nothing more than fluid and part of the Woman. If a women's life is at stake or there is great need she may abort. I feel it is all subject to interpretation and not an outright law as far as I kknow. Look up Rabbi Eliezer Waldenberg who was a revered authority on halachic law as it related to abortion and medical decisions. And even he felt abortion was indeed permissable not only if the mother's life was at stake but also if she might suffer emotional and not just physical distress. He also felt abortion was permissable if the child might be deformed and living would cause it extreme suffering. Regardless of which Rabbi you believe/follow, Abortion is not something for anyone to take lightly but I believe the final decision belongs to the woman. As for my gay friends. They are what they are and I will not throw stones at them. So if Hashem is annoyed at me for that and my being pro choice, so be it. DIASPORA RO
Unknown, you bring up as an example 'most Jews' don't agree. Of course, they don't, most Jews today, unfortunately, are completely ignorant of any kind of Judaism. They are liberals and have assimilated completely into the culture of the nations. They have no say when it comes to G-D's Laws. So, if they approve, it has no meaning whatsoever. Everyone can do as he/she pleases and will have to answer to G-D, as we all do. But, those who lead the way and promote what is totally against G-D's Laws is a different matter and they are called 'chotim u'machtim' (sinners who cause others to sin) which is a big chilul H'. Many Jews, those who will not repent, are lost to our people. Hopefully, all Jews will wake up to repent and merit the World to Come.
Moshe, again we agree to disagree. I will gladly take my chances with Hashem. I have known and encountered too many "religious Jews" who wrap themselves up in mantles of moral rectitude and then commit the most awful sins like stealing, adultery and even murder. The stories I could tell you would make your head spin but I am sure you have your have own stories. Yet there are others who are real Tzadeks and behave that way on both sides. My point is not every liberal Jew is an Erev Rav because she/he doesn't practice Judaism the way some think they should or have the same POV and not every ultra orthodox Jew is worthy of respect or honor just because they claim to know more, dress the part and then break Hashem's laws behind closed doors. As you say, all Jews will have to wake up and repent. Diaspora Ro.
Drbsd: I regard Devash [Tomer Devorah] as an internet friend, and I have the greatest respect for her knowledge and energy.... however when it comes to the subject of who I agree with, I will choose Rabbi Kessin every time... no conflict for me.... she is entitled to her opinions but they are not in line with my own thinking. It's very easy to predict negativity, and we know that any negative prediction is not guaranteed as they can be cancelled from Above. I prefer to stick with positivity for so many reasons.
Thank you. This conflict has been going for years, and sometimes I have had nightmares, but the worst is when I spread negativity in my house. BH I’ll chose positivity. But... I also consider Tomer Devorah an excellent source of information.
Unknown, With all due respect, the neshama is in the baby as it is in the womb. In addition, human babies have opioid receptors and very much feel pain when their limbs are ripped off and sucked out piece by piece from the womb. Not exactly a pretty thought, right? To grant abortion for the sake of oops! Convenience time now is tantamount to murder. To keep this going in this country or any country is insidious. Pro toevah is another very serious sin. To grant it rights, let alone acceptance is unacceptable. One can appreciate the person and not grant rights to the aveira. Why bring down an entire country when the sin is an abomination? Listen to Rabbi Kessin's shiur again. He brings down salient points. I don't judge rbg, but I cannot agree with the liberal mindset either..... Much to think about.....
drbsd, the Rebbe always said ''tracht gut v'zein gut'' - think good and it will be good.
During my time on the internet there have been so many dire predictions, none of which have happened. In the meantime, readers have been left worrying and panicking over things that never came about. I think this is a sad and dangerous situation for all concerned.
Unknown, yes you are correct, not every Liberal Jew is Erev Rav, that's just a throw-away term, it doesn't even make sense sometimes. Most liberal Jews don't know any better. I live around a ton of them. They are great people, and very committed to their Jewish-ness.... it's just that they have been led down the wrong path by their ''rabbis'' who are not even rabbis. They don't know left from right when it comes to yiddishkeit.
Yes Devorah, I agree with everything you wrote. THis is a very sad and dangerous state that we are living through. I worry for klal Yisroel and I worry for myself. I am a child of Holocaust survivors... I can see the writing on the wall and I am fearful of what it will lead to. I hate this constant bickering and self righteousness. At the end of the day we are all Jews why can't we just get along and respect our differences?! Once upon a time we did just that...what changed? My grandma, a true Aisches chayil, was a successful businesswoman and a very frum but progressive woman. Among her many charitable endeavors, she took great pride in helping support two leading Rabbis and their Yeshivas in surrounding big cities...Washcovitz and Czernowitz. In return they gave her great Kovet. No one asked how religious she was or cared how progressive she was. AND YES SHE WAS ALL ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHTS.(The apple doesn't fall far from the tree) All the Rabbis cared about was if they could count on her for sound advice business or otherwise and if she was a good Jew. And she certainly was. A cynic might say all they cared about was the money. Knowing how respected she was I doubt it. She lived her life according to Torah but spoke out against hypocrisy when she thought it was the right thing to do and people including Rabbis listened. We Jews today are every bit as polarized as our political parties and it will end in tragedy if we don't stop. Diaspora Ro.
Leah, good reply. Unknown: Sorry, you're still not getting it. All that you bring up, including your grandmother, who was surely a wonderful woman, but am sure she did not know of Jewish law; she just acted out because of her Jewish heart and felt other people's pain. That has nothing to do with what Torah 'commands' of us. Most Jews do not know an iota of what is right and wrong according to G-D's laws, so they are really blameless. We call them 'kidnapped children'. But, those who promote what is the exact opposite of H's Laws, are very great sinners. What they think and do on their own is their business, okay! G-D knows what's in everyone's heart and who he/she is really about, so no one is fooling our Creator but just ourselves and many times,the innocent victims. G-D did destroy the world the first time and only time with the Great Flood because of these sins! So no matter what your feelings are, it does not change the reality of G-D's Commands and wishes! Torat Emmes! BTW, this is the great sin of the Reform movement and others that are like it. The victims are the innocents who fall prey to their heresy, but the movement has been one of the greatest enemies of Torah Judaism! Those who created and started these movements are the EREV RAV! They are peoplewho have wealth, power and influence. Upon leaving with the Jews in ancient Egypt, they were determined to, c'v, eradicate Judaism and stop the Moshiach from coming. They will fail, of course! These are the facts.
Moshe, you did not know my Grandmother so don't presume to know what she knew or didn't know with regard to Jewish law. Just because she was a woman, She was neither ignorant nor stupid. Such arrogance and self righteousness is appalling and remember the creator sees into your heart as well. Be mindful.
Devorah, thanks for your guidance to the blog where the edited transcription can be located and read. I assure you that the rabbi appreciates the publicity you provide.
Unknown, I'm quite sure Moshe meant no offence, no-one here knows anyone else and he was speaking generally. Of course he did not know your Grandmother, but as I said I'm sure he was speaking in a general way without meaning to upset you.
Unknown: In each of your comments in reply to my comments, it is as if you never even read any of them. You interpret everything the way you want it to be. You are angry that the Torah dictates and you don't like what it says. It's simple as that. Am not trying to upset you or anyone else; I'm just giving the facts. The fact is that what you are disputing goes against the Torah. What you do or think is up to you, but NO ONE can change an iota of even a letter or vowel in the Torah; it is Divine! Accept it or not = that's up to you. Don't blame the messenger.
Rav Dov Ber Pinson - you might need to turn up the volume for this two minute lesson
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
Beautiful shiur!!! I really needed this inspiration. It's been a while and I was excited to see this in my inbox.
ReplyDeleteHe really helps me to get back on track and focus on the Geulah process rather than to get bogged down in the daily quagmire....
Thank you for posting.
Shabbat shalom u'mevorach
I am very disappointed to hear Rabbi Kessin speak about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as being "evil" or possibly evil because she advocated for women's rights to chose and have equal opportunities in the workplace or institutions. If she sat on the Beth Din there would be no Agunot suffering as they do thanks to do nothing Rabbis. I am also not against LGBT people especially since Hashem created them just as he did the rest of us. I would suugest more compassion is in order instead of derision. People can't help the way they are born. I also suggest the Ultra orthodox Haredi communities focus on ridding their communities of the evil of violence and sexual abuse that exits against women and children and not attack other Jews for seeking justice. DIASPORA RO
ReplyDeleteUnknown, I'm surprised at you. No point being disappointed with Rabbi Kessin, he's just giving you the Torah view. If you don't like it, you'll have to complain to God.
ReplyDeleteDevorah, well said!
ReplyDeleteGood answer, Devorah.
ReplyDelete''People can't help the way they are born.'' This is true. We are all given challenges to overcome. The way it works is like this: if you sinned in a previous life [and we all did, that's why we're back here] you are given this same sin as part of your character. YOU CAN'T FIX SOMETHING IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE..... therefore.....
ReplyDeleteIf you need to fix the trait of anger, you will be born with the trait of anger. If you need to fix the sin of stealing you will be born with a tendency to steal. If you need to fix the sin of homosexual relations, you will be born gay. We all have free will, we can continue to sin or we can fight the urge.
Does that mean gay people need to live a lonely sad life? Perhaps they do, but so do many other types of people. we are at the End of Days, and all our sins are here with us and most people are confused. It's a confusing time for everyone.
These days we live in a world that is very anti-Torah and where left is right, and up is down... it is the World of Lies.
DeleteRabbi Kessin has no pleasure talking down Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg , he had to set the record straight, no pun intended , in Jewish law what counts is the Justice of the Torah and not the justice of Ruth Bader Ginsburg , I don't know much about her but she probably had some good points which nobody can take away from her , the Rabbi was pointing out that she should not be looked up to because of all of her rulings that contradict Torah law.
ReplyDeleteDevorah, you are right. I do complain to Hashem and I would like to think he hears and understands me. Over the years, I have made friends with or become acquainted with several LGBT men and women and they are observant Jews. They have suffered greatly in learning to accept themselves and in being accepted by others. Some were even traumatized as children and still overcame the worst to become successful adults. I will not throw stones at them. I once read a book on Kabbalah which explained that homosexuality in a current gilgul can also be the result of being a different gender in a previous life which was more preferable. You may still have to deal with other issues but they are now compounded by being born a different gender. For example if you were a miserable womanizer in a previous life; in the next life, you may be born a woman to see how it feels to be abused and rectify your behaviour. Nevertheless, your attraction to women in a previous life remains the same and can account for you becoming gay in the current one. Whatever the situation may be, I prefer to be compassionate toward others.I know my own faults quite well and prefer to work on myself than point fingers at others even if that is supposedly the Torah view. Justice Bader Ginsburg was an exemplary woman and if Hashem didn't want her to succeed and accomplish what she did, she simply would not have. Hashem runs the world and everyone in it. And there is a reason for everything and everyone. DIASPORA RO
ReplyDeleteI am a bank robber and HaShem allowed me to pull of 50 bank jobs and i now love a life of complete luxury, it’s all thanks to Hashem wanting me to succeed.
DeleteThat's right Waiting Patiently. You will succeed in stealing from others just as Bernie Madoff did for decades until Hashem decides it's time for your exposure and punishment. Diaspora Ro
DeleteWell said Devorah.
ReplyDeleteHashem in His mercy provided Justice Ginsburg with tremendous talent. She used her free will and intellectual gifts to help pass many decisions which are completely against Torah. The US still suffers from decisions such as abortion by demand (including the abomination of late term abortions in many states without the life of the mother being in danger) to same sex marriage. All people should be treated with respect and dignity. However, there should not be allowances for gay pride (?) parades or gay "rights" in general as they normalize sin and harm society. Ms. AP
ReplyDeleteDear Mrs AP I am afraid many readers like yourself are truly unaware of Justice Ginsburg's record. She was a pioneer for women's rights which includes being prochoice. She did not have anything to do with Roe V. Wade as a jurist other than to dissent in later cases she did not agree with but being in the minority does not count in passing legislation. Are you aware that she represented a female soldier who was discharged from the Air Force (Struck v. Secretary of Defense)because she refused to get an abortion? She fought to preserve her rights to have her baby and get her reinstated. Her stance was always to ensure equal rights for women under the law. Diaspora Ro
ReplyDeleteNot to let my mild and polite comments to appear is disappointing
ReplyDeleteI stooped to listen to his videos ,because of his interpretation of political events ,with not good knowledge of it . This is too complicated to him , and conclusions and parallels from Torah he points from current political events are very arguable.
Unknown - sometimes negative comments have the effect of putting others off listening to the lectures. We need to be careful how we use our words. You are certainly entitled to disagree with Rabbi Kessin, in fact he often says that people may disagree with him, however when you start to analyze his ability to interpret political events, you are insulting him. That is YOUR opinion. I feel he knows exactly what he's saying and that's why thousands of people tune in to his lectures every time a new one arrives.
ReplyDeleteall these activists for human rights who think they are more righteous than the Creator and more wise than the rabbis, are advocators of the primordial snake. If you like to speak for human rights, anybody who commits a sin punishable with death (even karet) according to our Torah, loose his rights to live . If he is still alive, this is only because Hashem is long-suffering . As for the freemasons (babounim chofshiim) rabbis or judges who teach brase immorality and promote porn-feminist rights , they bless and cause curses to come ,exactly like Bilaam harashah, to whom they are disciples. Eliyahu(who is Pinchas) zachour latov is on the way and they will go to meet their teacher.
ReplyDeleteUnknown: You don't seem to understand that when people have challenges, it is one thing and we pray everyone can overcome whatever challenges they have to make them a better person. We need to understand that G-D Reigns Supreme and only His Laws of Nature are to be heeded. It is not the one who has the challenges whom we blame and we need to pray for them and help them, but those who cause the sins and 'promote' them which cause the great anger to G-D. They are called 'chotim u'machtim'. So those who promote and laud the laws going against Torah are the real sinners. They should NOT be praised, c'v.
ReplyDeleteMoshe, I respectfully disagree. 83% of American Jews support reproductive rights according to the Pew Survey. Only the Ultra Orthodox are vehemently prolife/antiabortion based onTheir interpretation of the Torah. However some ultraorthodox rabbis don't
Deletefeel the same. A child is only nefesh when it emerges from the womb not before. In fact the first 40 days after conception it is even considered nothing more than fluid and part of the Woman. If a women's life is at stake or there is great need she may abort. I feel it is all subject to interpretation and not an outright law as far as I kknow. Look up Rabbi Eliezer Waldenberg who was a revered authority on halachic law as it related to abortion and medical decisions. And even he felt abortion was indeed permissable not only if the mother's life was at stake but also if she might suffer emotional and not just physical distress. He also felt abortion was permissable if the child might be deformed and living would cause it extreme suffering. Regardless of which Rabbi you believe/follow, Abortion is not something for anyone to take lightly but I believe the final decision belongs to the woman. As for my gay friends. They are what they are and I will not throw stones at them. So if Hashem is annoyed at me for that and my being pro choice, so be it. DIASPORA RO
Incredible shiur. I needed to hear this.
ReplyDeleteLink to edited version of transcript from this lecture:
Unknown, you bring up as an example 'most Jews' don't agree. Of course, they don't, most Jews today, unfortunately, are completely ignorant of any kind of Judaism. They are liberals and have assimilated completely into the culture of the nations. They have no say when it comes to G-D's Laws. So, if they approve, it has no meaning whatsoever. Everyone can do as he/she pleases and will have to answer to G-D, as we all do. But, those who lead the way and promote what is totally against G-D's Laws is a different matter and they are called 'chotim u'machtim' (sinners who cause others to sin) which is a big chilul H'. Many Jews, those who will not repent, are lost to our people. Hopefully, all Jews will wake up to repent and merit the World to Come.
ReplyDeleteMoshe, again we agree to disagree. I will gladly take my chances with Hashem. I have known and encountered too many "religious Jews" who wrap themselves up in mantles of moral rectitude and then commit the most awful sins like stealing, adultery and even murder. The stories I could tell you would make your head spin but I am sure you have your have own stories. Yet there are others who are real Tzadeks and behave that way on both sides. My point is not every liberal Jew is an Erev Rav because she/he doesn't practice Judaism the way some think they should or have the same POV and not every ultra orthodox Jew is worthy of respect or honor just because they claim to know more, dress the part and then break Hashem's laws behind closed doors. As you say, all Jews will have to wake up and repent. Diaspora Ro.
DeleteThe different views of tomer Devorah blog and Rab Kessin cause me a little conflict. Does anyone feels the same?
ReplyDeleteDrbsd: I regard Devash [Tomer Devorah] as an internet friend, and I have the greatest respect for her knowledge and energy.... however when it comes to the subject of who I agree with, I will choose Rabbi Kessin every time... no conflict for me.... she is entitled to her opinions but they are not in line with my own thinking. It's very easy to predict negativity, and we know that any negative prediction is not guaranteed as they can be cancelled from Above. I prefer to stick with positivity for so many reasons.
ReplyDeleteThank you. This conflict has been going for years, and sometimes I have had nightmares, but the worst is when I spread negativity in my house. BH I’ll chose positivity.
ReplyDeleteBut... I also consider Tomer Devorah an excellent source of information.
Unknown, With all due respect, the neshama is in the baby as it is in the womb. In addition, human babies have opioid receptors and very much feel pain when their limbs are ripped off and sucked out piece by piece from the womb.
ReplyDeleteNot exactly a pretty thought, right? To grant abortion for the sake of oops! Convenience time now is tantamount to murder.
To keep this going in this country or any country is insidious.
Pro toevah is another very serious sin. To grant it rights, let alone acceptance is unacceptable. One can appreciate the person and not grant rights to the aveira.
Why bring down an entire country when the sin is an abomination?
Listen to Rabbi Kessin's shiur again. He brings down salient points. I don't judge rbg, but I cannot agree with the liberal mindset either.....
Much to think about.....
drbsd, the Rebbe always said ''tracht gut v'zein gut'' - think good and it will be good.
ReplyDeleteDuring my time on the internet there have been so many dire predictions, none of which have happened. In the meantime, readers have been left worrying and panicking over things that never came about. I think this is a sad and dangerous situation for all concerned.
Unknown, yes you are correct, not every Liberal Jew is Erev Rav, that's just a throw-away term, it doesn't even make sense sometimes. Most liberal Jews don't know any better. I live around a ton of them. They are great people, and very committed to their Jewish-ness.... it's just that they have been led down the wrong path by their ''rabbis'' who are not even rabbis. They don't know left from right when it comes to yiddishkeit.
Yes Devorah, I agree with everything you wrote. THis is a very sad and dangerous state that we are living through. I worry for klal Yisroel and I worry for myself. I am a child of Holocaust survivors... I can see the writing on the wall and I am fearful of what it will lead to. I hate this constant bickering and self righteousness. At the end of the day we are all Jews why can't we just get along and respect our differences?! Once upon a time we did just that...what changed? My grandma, a true Aisches chayil, was a successful businesswoman and a very frum but progressive woman. Among her many charitable endeavors, she took great pride in helping support two leading Rabbis and their Yeshivas in surrounding big cities...Washcovitz and Czernowitz. In return they gave her great Kovet. No one asked how religious she was or cared how progressive she was. AND YES SHE WAS ALL ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHTS.(The apple doesn't fall far from the tree) All the Rabbis cared about was if they could count on her for sound advice business or otherwise and if she was a good Jew. And she certainly was. A cynic might say all they cared about was the money. Knowing how respected she was I doubt it. She lived her life according to Torah but spoke out against hypocrisy when she thought it was the right thing to do and people including Rabbis listened. We Jews today are every bit as polarized as our political parties and it will end in tragedy if we don't stop. Diaspora Ro.
ReplyDeleteShirat Devorah:
ReplyDeleteWise woman
Leah, good reply. Unknown: Sorry, you're still not getting it. All that you bring up, including your grandmother, who was surely a wonderful woman, but am sure she did not know of Jewish law; she just acted out because of her Jewish heart and felt other people's pain. That has nothing to do with what Torah 'commands' of us. Most Jews do not know an iota of what is right and wrong according to G-D's laws, so they are really blameless. We call them 'kidnapped children'. But, those who promote what is the exact opposite of H's Laws, are very great sinners. What they think and do on their own is their business, okay! G-D knows what's in everyone's heart and who he/she is really about, so no one is fooling our Creator but just ourselves and many times,the innocent victims. G-D did destroy the world the first time and only time with the Great Flood because of these sins! So no matter what your feelings are, it does not change the reality of G-D's Commands and wishes! Torat Emmes!
ReplyDeleteBTW, this is the great sin of the Reform movement and others that are like it. The victims are the innocents who fall prey to their heresy, but the movement has been one of the greatest enemies of Torah Judaism! Those who created and started these movements are the EREV RAV! They are peoplewho have wealth, power and influence. Upon leaving with the Jews in ancient Egypt, they were determined to, c'v, eradicate Judaism and stop the Moshiach from coming.
They will fail, of course! These are the facts.
Moshe, you did not know my Grandmother so don't presume to know what she knew or didn't know with regard to Jewish law. Just because she was a woman, She was neither ignorant nor stupid. Such arrogance and self righteousness is appalling and remember the creator sees into your heart as well. Be mindful.
DeleteDevorah, thanks for your guidance to the blog where the edited transcription can be located and read. I assure you that the rabbi appreciates the publicity you provide.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rahel and we all appreciate him.
ReplyDeleteUnknown, I'm quite sure Moshe meant no offence, no-one here knows anyone else and he was speaking generally. Of course he did not know your Grandmother, but as I said I'm sure he was speaking in a general way without meaning to upset you.
ReplyDeleteUnknown: In each of your comments in reply to my comments, it is as if you never even read any of them. You interpret everything the way you want it to be. You are angry that the Torah dictates and you don't like what it says. It's simple as that. Am not trying to upset you or anyone else; I'm just giving the facts. The fact is that what you are disputing goes against the Torah. What you do or think is up to you, but NO ONE can change an iota of even a letter or vowel in the Torah; it is Divine! Accept it or not = that's up to you.
ReplyDeleteDon't blame the messenger.