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Art: Dena Ackerman |
Rashi explains the simple reason why the Torah begins to speak of Yehudah in the middle of the story of Yosef. ''To teach us that [Yehudah's] brothers demoted him from his high position.''
However, Rashi does not explain why the entire account of Yehudah and Tamar was recorded here, leading up to the birth of Peretz and Zarach.
However, according to the explanation of the Midrash, we can understand that the account of Yehudah and Tamar was included here to explain the reason why Yosef was sold : because G-d was paving the way for Moshiach.
Thus, before we read of Yosef's enslavement, and the ensuing Egyptian exile, the Torah prefaces ''the cure before the disease'' informing us of G-d's inner intent.
Based on Sichos Shabbos Parshat Vayeishev 5751 Lubavitcher Rebbe
Like our world wide virus.. Hashem had the cure before the disease. It has been noted that the teams of companies were working on a cure for SARS since it was uncovered. This led the groundwork for the new vaccine.