Friday, April 15, 2022

A Time to Ask for Whatever you Need


The Rebbe Rashab once told the Frierdiker Rebbe, “Yosef Yitzchok, during the Seder, and especially when opening the door for Eliyahu HaNavi, one should think about being a mentch, and HaShem will give His help. Don’t ask for gashmiyus, only for ruchniyus.” (הגש"פ עם ליקוטי טעמים ומנהגים - סדר הגדה)

When introducing Mah Nishtana, the Haggada says: Kan haben shoel. Simply translated, this means: “At this point, the son asks [the Four Questions].” However, shoel means not only “asks” but also “requests.” So once at the Seder, when the tzaddik Reb Osher of Stolin came to those words, he told those present, “Now is the time for every Yid to ask HaShem for whatever he needs.” (בית אהרן)

Wishing everyone a chag sameach and a meaningful Seder.

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