Tuesday, August 23, 2022

His Needs, Which He Is Lacking

It is written, “You shall lend him sufficient for his needs, which he is lacking” [Re'eh 15:8]

Rashi points out: “Even a horse to ride on and a servant to run before him.” 

In his book Ayelet HaShachar, the gaon Rabbi Aharon Leib Steinman Shlita notes that this passage deals with honor, not financial need.

This means that the mitzvah also consists of demonstrating honor to someone if honor is what he lacks.

A person once paid a visit to the home of the Chazon Ish. Upon leaving, the Chazon Ish accompanied him all the way outside, despite the fact that the person in question did not merit such honor. The Chazon Ish explained that it was precisely honor that he was lacking.

Source: Rabbi David Pinto


  1. Does anyone know why Rabbi Mendel Kessin has stopped giving shiurim, and has basically "disappeared?" I for one really need his classes to strengthen me and explain the ongoing world chaos.

  2. I don't have any information on this yet.

  3. This was just put up on his FB page:

    "For those who've been concerned about the rabbi, he is totally fine.
    His website has a stunning new addition, a consolidated list of over 600 shiurim he's given over several decades, audio, video WITH LINKS to them all!
    Go to torahthinking.org"


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