Thursday, October 27, 2022

Hakhel Year: 8 things to Ponder

 Rabbi Aaron L Raskin  [28 min video]

After being isolated for two years from the pandemic, COVID-19, the year of Hakhel is like a breath of fresh air. Hakhel is the perfect Mitzvah to bring people back to society; The ancient mitzvah of Hakhel means to “gather” people together. At the time of the holy Temple the Jewish King would gather— once every Seven years —all men women and children in order to inspire them with the awe of A-mighty God. This Hakhel gathering would inspire them to increase in their observance of Torah study and performance of mitzvot. The after effect would last for many, many years to come. 

This year 5783 is a Hakhel year. We now have the privilege, to once again reenact this mitzvah of Hakhel, by uniting our brothers and sisters, and inspiring them with words of faith in God, Torah and to encourage them to increase in random acts of goodness and kindness.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! Baruch HaShem!!! His Divine Plan!!!


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