Monday, July 22, 2024

"The Older will Serve the Younger"

H/t Mindel Puah bas Leah

Well this is going to upset a few people..... 

This is Rabbi Isser Weisberg, and he's basically validating the words of Rabbi Mendel Kessin regarding Trump.

"At the end of days....the older will serve the younger...."

Rabbi Weisberg titled this video "My Messiah, Donald" but I thought that title would be a bit mis-leading on a Geula blog, because Donald is NOT my Messiah..... but if you listen to this video, you will understand what he is saying.


  1. I can't seem to get onto this video. What did Rabbi Weisberg say?

  2. I've already forgotten half of it but basically Trump is the chosen one from Edom to assist Moshiach. Some of the things he says are slightly different to Rabbi Kessin's version of things, but ultimately they are in agreement on the main point as to Trump's mission. [And Kamala doesn't stand a chance]

    1. If Trump is the chosen to assist Moshiach, does that mean Moshiach can’t come before January?


  3. Also he mentioned Cyrus... and the fact that Cyrus acknowledged G-d and so does Trump....and the piercing of the right ear [by the bullet] - the piercing of the right ear in the Torah signifies a servant. Trump will be a "servant" to King Moshiach.

  4. Also, Moshiach should have come during Trump's first term as President, but for some reason we had to suffer 4 years of America being reduced to rubble by Biden... and now Trump can return to finish the job off, and we will see the coming of Moshiach. Hence Trump's gematria being 424, same as "Moshiach ben Dovid" because Moshiach will come during his Presidency etc.

    Rabbi Weisberg said all this prior to 2020, just by the way, he is repeating what he said then.

  5. I keep remembering different things... he also said Trump cannot make America great again due to the brainwashing of the university students etc and the support for the Gazans. He said America will never be great again and instead his slogan should be Make America Godly Again.

  6. It's only 15 minutes, so I suggest you all listen to it, rather than go by my hasty synopsis, as I'm sure I've left out some important stuff.

  7. He also says that America has never been great with respect to its stance on Israel, and that Trump was the only president who was properly pro-Israel (or something like that).

  8. Rabbi Gladstein has an excellent shiur on the 17th of Tammuz tied to the redemption and why Parsha Balak is related to Chukat. It gives a lot of hope.

  9. Robert, we don't know, expect the unexpected every day.

  10. @Robert July 22, 2024 11:57PM

    If Trump is supposed to assist Mashiach, it doesn't mean that Trump has to be President do so.

    He might be helping now.

    Mashiach can come at any time G-D chooses.

  11. Don't worry... the Simpsons have a track record for predicting the future... and they have already predicted that a female president will win the election

    A female President, dressed identically to Kamala Harris, complaining about former President Trump – how is this clip 24 years old?

    1. This goes against Rabbi Weisberg’s video above that explains very good reasons why Hashem will make Trump win.


  12. Someone that runs another Geulah blog wrote that they predict harris will win since biden in Hebrew means to judge and harris in Hebrew means destruction. They also connected it to edom falling before Moshiach arrives. They wrote that Trump already did his job for Edom.


  13. About 15 years ago I had a very strange dream which I've never understood. I can date the dream because I was living in a different place at that time.

    The fact that I've remembered it all this time is relevant, because that means it was a vision, rather than a dream.

    I've had "visions" before and they've come true, but they have all been relevant to my life, not to world events.

    Anyway, in the dream I was shown an image of the Sydney Harbour Bridge with a water spout/mini tornado over it, and in the bottom lefthand corner of this image was a collapsed clown with the face of Donald Trump.

    15 years ago I had very little interest in Trump, but of course in a dream you know who everyone is.

    I have never understood that vision, and I still don't really know what it means.

    I don't know why people would vote for Harris unless it's because they have Trump Derangement Syndrome and anyone is better than him, in their minds.

    I guess we will find out soon enough, although we don't know what will happen in the meantime, and then there's the Olympic Games and I shudder to think what could happen there. Hashem should protect the Israelis, who shouldn't be there in the first place !!

    1. Your dream is interesting, Devorah. A collapsed clown doesn’t sound like a positive outcome for Trump, though.

      I have also had visions, most related to my own life, too.

      25 years ago, in the summer of 1999, in Jerusalem around Tisha B’Av, I had a vision that Jared Kushner would one day be elevated to power. We were both in high school at that time. He is two years older than me and I only know him peripherally. That summer of 1999, I’m fairly certain my grandfather z’l introduced his father, Charlie Kushner, to the Dean of Admissions at Harvard. My grandfather had a PhD from Harvard and was personal friends with the Dean. That introduction led to a $2.5 million donation to Harvard by the Kushners and Jared being accepted there. I think it came as a surprise to Jared, and certainly to his high school classmates and teachers, because he was not a top student. I doubt his father ever told him about a connection to the Dean, and convinced him that he earned it, although it’s public knowledge that his parents made a large donation to the university. The curious part is that he was not a legacy with any real connection there. Lots of rich people would love to just make a donation to get their child into Harvard, but they don’t have the access. I had this vision in 1999 and forgot about it until Trump was elected and I found some documentation at my parents house that brought memories back. The vision in 1999 also had to do with Mashiach, the Third Temple, and judgement of the Jewish people.

      I thought Trump was a shoe-in against Biden. But I’m now concerned that Kamala Harris will actually win. The anti-Israel, anti-Jewish sentiment is so strong right now in America among young people and on college campuses since 10/7. Harris appeals to these people more than Biden.

      Trump may have had his moment in the spotlight. If he loses, it would incentivize more Orthodox Jews to make Aliyah.

      I don’t know if I buy into Rav Kessin’s Tov Sheb’Esav theory. Only someone with nevuah would know for sure if Trump is a gilgul. That I couldn’t say. But I think once the veil is pulled back, so to speak, people will see the truth and that a lot of things are not as they seem or really authentic.

      I am not a fan of Trump, but Harris would be worse. But that might be what it takes for Am Yisrael to turn to Hashem. When you are backed against a wall, with nowhere to go, and no one to protect you, the only option is to call out to Hashem.

      Israel is still relying on the U.S. for military help and looking at the U.S. like a big brother. It took Bibi too long to respond to 10/7 to get approval. But, as Mendel Kessin likes to say, the prophecy is Rav Ya’avod Tsair/ the older will serve the younger. Maybe it won’t be as we think, though. Israel needs to come into her own and be a light into the nations. Relying on America/ Trump/ tov she B’Esav would not serve that end. A lot of Orthodox Jews in America love Trump, but he’s not our Savior.

      May we be zoche to bring Mashiach now and not have to wait until November elections when it could become more dangerous for Jews in America, especially with the threat of Iran being nuclear.

  14. Devorah, your vision is very interesting. A few interpretations of possible meaning come to my mind, but will keep them to myself. There is an excellent class by Rav Zamir Cohen about dreams. It's from several years ago, but very informative. It can be found on YouTube.

    2 things that I do remember from his lecture are that if a real/true dream/vision is shown to a person to warn them about imminent danger, it will not use allegories. And will repeat itself. But that otherwise, a dream or vision, even if true, will use symbols and allegories.

    Have a lovely Shabbos, to you and your family.

    C S

  15. I want to share a video on YouTube but don’t know how. There’s a channel called Aquarius rising and a woman called Jessie czebotar, who was raised in the luciferian system, explains how the simpsons “predict” the future. It has to do with project looking glass and they aren’t true prophecies but more to do with the use of witchcraft, predictive programming and other things to do with military projects controlled by the deep state. Projects that utilize children, technology and witchcraft to attempt to see the future so that they can manipulate events to make possible timelines they want, come to pass.

  16. Thank you CS I'll look for that shiur.

  17. Trump says to get out and vote and you won't need to vote again in 4 years time....

  18. Deborah, that comment about voting ...I'm not sure that's real. That has to be AI... Why would he say something like that? That's what the left is claiming, that he's dictatorial and that he will steal the democracy, ect ect..... It would be counterintuitive to the success of his campaign for him to say that and it would bolster the nonsense they've been saying about him. Also the whole Xian remark, also wouldn't be a smart move.

  19. He definitely said it, it's all over the mainstream media news.

  20. This is just another example of taking Trump totally out of context and pretending he's a dictator and "threat to democracy". Remember when the media recently ran with the "bloodbath" narrative? That was a clear, obvious, despicable, and deliberate lie. This is no different.

    The context of the video link posted above: Trump is speaking to a Christian audience, saying that when he's president, he will fix the broken system and restore election integrity, so it will be harder for the Democrats to cheat by harvesting illegal votes. But for now, Republicans need to "swamp the vote" so that Republican vote totals are "too big to rig".
    Christians, apparently, are a group who are low-propensity voters, and Trump is trying to encourage them to get active this year and VOTE in higher numbers. And then he jokes around saying that in 4 years, after he fixes the broken system, the Christian block can go back to sleep with respect to voter turnout.
    He is NOT saying he will become dictator for life and elections will become a thing of the past. That's the lie the Democrat/Media propaganda machine have been pushing for years.

    I don't understand why some people here like to paint a false narrative around Trump and push ridiculous conspiracy theories (like he faked his own assassination attempt). Why are you helping to spread the vicious propaganda?

  21. I didn't even watch the video, I just quoted the headline that they won't need to vote again, because if it pans out as some rabbis are saying, then we won't need to vote again because Moshiach will be here. That's all I meant by posting that link. Maybe Hashem put those words in his mouth, and of course we wouldn't need to vote again because they will be no voting when Moshiach is here.


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