Monday, March 10, 2025

Rabbi Palvanov Interview on Current Events


On This Episode of ‘The Tamar Yonah Show’: 

* Prophecy, Purim & Global Upheaval – Are We Witnessing the End of Days? 

* Biblical Prophecy Unfolding? How today’s headlines mirror ancient predictions. 

*A Lunar Eclipse & Purim both together! – Is this a Heavenly Sign? -What this rare event could mean! 

* Iran & Purim Déjà Vu? The modern-day Persia and its chilling replay of Haman’s plot to annihilate the Children of Israel! 

* Gog & Magog, Hamas, Amalek & the Radical Left – The deeper battle behind today’s global storm.

*Moshiach is Closer Than Ever! Are we on the brink of redemption? 

Guest: Efraim Palvanov – educator, author, and researcher, renowned for merging Jewish wisdom with science, history, philosophy, and Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism). Palvanov shares powerful Torah classes on YouTube and writes the thought-provoking ‘Mayim Achronim’ blog.


  1. This is great thank you so much. Eliana

  2. I never realized the rabbi teaches chemistry, but that comes as no surprise, given his broad knowledge. What i'd find really interesting would be "free-play" repartee between R' Palvanov and R' Anava, because their styles are so very different, yet they're each brilliant in their own way. Ditto R' Palvanov and R' Hajioff. Or even all three of them at a round table.

  3. I agree with everything Rabbi Palvanov said in this interview, especially regarding the hostages.


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