Friday, April 15, 2022

A Time to Ask for Whatever you Need


The Rebbe Rashab once told the Frierdiker Rebbe, “Yosef Yitzchok, during the Seder, and especially when opening the door for Eliyahu HaNavi, one should think about being a mentch, and HaShem will give His help. Don’t ask for gashmiyus, only for ruchniyus.” (הגש"פ עם ליקוטי טעמים ומנהגים - סדר הגדה)

When introducing Mah Nishtana, the Haggada says: Kan haben shoel. Simply translated, this means: “At this point, the son asks [the Four Questions].” However, shoel means not only “asks” but also “requests.” So once at the Seder, when the tzaddik Reb Osher of Stolin came to those words, he told those present, “Now is the time for every Yid to ask HaShem for whatever he needs.” (בית אהרן)

Wishing everyone a chag sameach and a meaningful Seder.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Did the Collapse of the Israeli Government open the Door for Moshiach?

In the Talmud, a little-known passage states that the Messiah will not come until Israel is ruled by an evil government for nine months, like a woman’s gestation period before the ‘birth’ of the Messiah. By Heavenly design, Bennett’s government has been ruling for exactly nine months. The student points out that Bennett’s coalition assumed power DALED Tammuz (June 14, 2021) and was dispersed on DALED Nissan (April 6, 2022) – exactly 9 months.

In Hebrew, the letter Dalet / delet literally means "door".  

The government collapse due to "chametz" was also predicted by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, which you can see here in Hebrew.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Roads become Rivers

If you live in Sydney, you know what a rain bomb is.  We've had rain bombs all through winter and now again we are living through another one.   

One of the first things I ever learnt about Moshiach, many many years ago, was when the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that "before Moshiach, they will not be able to predict the weather".  

Roads have turned into rivers, awnings are falling from shops due to the amount of water collecting on the roofs, and it's generally very upsetting for those people who once again have been flooded out of their homes. 

I don't live in a flood area, but I do feel for the innocents who do.  

More details here

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Third Rome: Russia, Ukraine and Moshiach

HT: Yaak

Rabbi Efraim Palvanov

This is the one of the most exciting and interesting shiurim I have ever heard. Highly recommended.

Did the ancient Jewish Sages prophecy the Russia-Ukraine war? What does the coming of Moshiach have to do with it? An eye-opening talk on the intertwined history of Rome, Moscow, Kyiv and the Jewish people.


Friday, April 1, 2022

Tikun HaGadol - Our Secret Weapon


Rabbi Alon Anava - short video, 27 mins

"In order to have a new beginning, there has to be a destruction of the old..."