Sunday, April 19, 2015

5776 Moshiach Codes, and Obama


  1. Torah study and gemilut chessedim and aliyah

  2. If you go to youtube and put in the terms "torah code" , "moshiach" and 5771. 5772, 5773,etc. you will see the same story/prediction
    It is beginning to sound like the boy who cried wolf.

    1. All those years were also possible for Moshiach's arrival. The boy is not crying wolf, the boy is crying ''ad mosai''? Anonymous, do you know see the changes in the world, the way the world is going? Do you not see the footsteps of Moshiach in the world?

  3. Moshiach is a no-show, and has been for eons. Why do we need a Moshiach now anyway - Melech Moshiach - when we are specifically commanded 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me'?

  4. We actually need Moshiach as a shaliach- hence Moshiach, to bring us closer to G-d in the most proper way. Ultimately Hashem wants that we should be close to Him and He has created that path and it is through Moshiach.
    Now, Moshiach has never been nor will be replacing G-d. it is not a case of avodah zorah- idol worship.
    Belief in Moshiach and his arrival is one of the basic tenants of Judaism.
    Hashem can bring Moshiach at any time He chooses. This year is particularly ripe for this. There are 15 signs of redemption nearing. We are in that time frame and getting closer every day.
    if one will study from and authentic source, he will see this.

  5. The Yemen Conflict and Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai


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