A new video from Rabbi Yuval Ovadia: Emergency call for all Humanity. Why the world is out of control and how to cope with it. An important message for all nations of the world. ''The End of Days Is Here''.
What is the end of the world going to look like? How do ''good deeds' bring the Redemption? Will the end be violent or peaceful? In this video from 2011 Rabbi Simon Jacobson discusses Moshiach and the Future Redemption.
Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of the seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the bruise of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
19 For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the wicked people and all the evildoers will be like straw; and that coming day will burn them up, says Hashem, Master of Legions, so that it will not leave them a root or branch. 20 But a sun of righteousness will shine for you who fear My Name, with healing in its rays, and you will go out and flourish like calves [fattened] in the stall. [Malachi 3:19-24]
For those of you keeping up with the Nibiru news and the strange events in the heavens, you will be aware that the sun has an almost permanent halo around it now. This halo has been the source of much discussion and speculation. In today's video Steve Olson quotes a physicist who tells us that this halo is the actually the new surface of the sun!
''The sun is charging up its new outer edge [according to this physicist]. ...This process seems to indicate that eventually all light from the sun will come from the outer edge of the halo - this would then become the new surface of the sun. This means we will have a far larger sun. I'm not sure what we would feel on earth but the possibility is that the sun would feel much hotter.... [from 1.42 on the video]
Ihave not listened to this yet, may not have time to do so today, but the subjects he is talking about include ''why Messiah isn't coming'' .... I'm guessing he means to say ''why Moshiach hasn't come yet''. Please leave a comment if you have already listened to it and let us know.
This is Rabbi Mizrachi's latest video. I have not watched it, I hope to do so later on today or after Shabbat. It is titled ''Moments Before The End [What Will Happen In The World In End Of Days]''. Seems that this topic is on every rabbi's mind, and we are the fortunate recipients of their collective knowledge.
Update: If you are short on time, he does go off-topic for about an hour. He returns to the End of Days topic at approx 1.23.00.
Here is the video of the latest Rabbi Pinchas Winston shiur given in Israel on June 15. Some of you have no doubt already heard it by now via the audio link, but here is the video for those who have not.
In honour of Lag b'' Omer, here are some videos and links, and all about coloured eggs....
Rabbi Alon Anava - Celebrating the Hilula of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai
A Lag B''Omer tish - with Rav Dov Pinson in Flatbush last year. [Tish means ''table'', fahbrengen means ''get together'']
What is the Chabad custom regarding eating browned eggs on Lag BaOmer?
by Rabbi Levi Garelik - an halachic authority in Brooklyn and Brussels who is also Dean of TheOnlineRabbi
1. In Sefer Haminhogim [page 43] it says that the Mitteler Rebbe would eat hard-boiled eggs on Lag Ba'omer.
2. In "Lubavitch Vechayoleho" it says that the Rebbe Rashab would eat hard-boiled eggs on Lag Ba''omer, as well.
3. In "Otzar Minhogei Chabad" it is written that "it is told" that the Rebbe would eat hard-boiled eggs on Lag BaOmer and that their shells were colored brown during the cooking process. However, he does not write any source.
When I was a student in the Yeshiva, I had "heard" something about this but was never able to get to the bottom of this. [In those days no one spoke about customs in the Rebbe's home…] However, when I merited to get married to the daughter of one of the Rebbe's secretaries, Rabbi Binyomin Klein, I was told that a year earlier, on Lag Ba''Omer, my father-in-law called home and told my wife and her sister to quickly prepare "the colored eggs for Lag Ba''Omer." They had no clue what he was talking about and how do you "color" an egg?
So they called "Bubby Shusterman" [the wife of the Rebbe's "Baal Koreh" whose yahrzeit is in these days] who was a source of information.
She explained that on Lag Ba''Omer it is customary to eat eggs that are colored, and that is done by boiling the eggs, and during the boiling process you insert in the water the shells of onions and this turns the eggs to the color brown.
Basically, the eggs are colored because that symbolizes transforming [or "coloring"] darkness - as eggs are a sign of mourning - to light.
May we merit to celebrate this Lag Ba''omer, together with Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai!
What's the reason or meaning of this minhag? It's for the students/ talmidim of Rabbi Akiva and the eggs end up a kind of bloody color. We do this davka on Lag BaOmer because it's the Hilulah [Yahrzeit] of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai [the Rashbi], who emphasized that the day of his death should be a day of simcha.
Another reason for colored eggs is that eggs are for aveilus [mourning], and we ought to mourn the passing of the Rashbi, but because the Rashbi wanted the day to be joyous, we color the eggs. we were told as kids coloured eggs are to remember that no [coloured] rainbow occurred during the life of Rashbi.
Mrs. Yehudis Groner told us last night that a good way to do this is with red onions!!! That is what the Rebbitzen ob''m used to do for the Rebbe.....
And now, apparently, the sun is tilting. That link takes you to the latest Steve Olson video, where he is talking about the apparent tilt of the sun, just as we are aware that the moon has already tilted, and the sun is now setting a few degrees further north-west, or south-west for me, than it should be for this time of year. Steve states that ''they'' are using technology to make the sun appear a certain way, but whoever ''they'' are in his mind, we all know that whatever is happening in the Heavens is being controlled by Hashem.
I have read on another blog some comments from readers who are terrified of Nibiru [the Kochav Yaakov] and its possible effects on earth. We should not be scared, none of you should be worrying about any of the dreadful scenarios being bandied about. Every motzei Shabbat, Jews around the globe sing zmirot, one of which is Amar Hashem LeÝaakovalso known as ''Al Tira Avdi Yaakov'' , and you can clearly see the words:
דרך כוכב מיעקב אל תירא עבדי יעקב
''A star will emerge from Yaakov Fear not, My servant Yaakov''
God said to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God chose Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov A star will emerge from Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
In Days to come Yaakov will strike roots / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
A ruler will arise from Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Remember these things for Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Delight will come with the salvations of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Your tents are good Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
They shall teach your ordinances to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
For there is no sorcery in Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
He perceives no wrong in Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Who can count the dust of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God made a vow to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Please forgive the transgression of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Bring back Yaakov from captivity now / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God has redeemed Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Command salvation for Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
The voice is the voice of Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Sing and be joyous for Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
God has brought back Yaakov from captivity / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
Grant truth to Yaakov / Fear not, My servant Yaakov
And here is the video of it performed by Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, if you have time to listen on Lag B'' Omer which begins tonight my time.
The Antichrist is described in a handful of passages in the New Testament as a future messianic pretender who will deceive mankind, battle God, and bring the world to the brink of destruction. Responding to a caller, Rabbi Tovia Singer answers the question: Who is the Antichrist in Judaism?
From the recent lecture in Ramat Bet Shemesh Gimel, Rabbi Alon Anava speaks - a two part video.
How do we really know Mashiach is coming soon? We've being hearing that Mashiach is coming for the last 2000 years, why should He come now??
Watch this video to see the sources from the Zohar and more reveal the time has come and Mashiach is coming VERY SOON!!
Who talks Lashon Hara about me, and how do I fix it?
Rabbi Alon Anava: the kabbalistic origins of lashon hara - try and listen to this video, it's well worthwhile. He also discusses Gog U Magog and even mentions ''the planet'' - but that's all it is, a mention - @ 43:00 - and @57.30 where he says it is just one of the ways that Hashem may decide to bring the Geula.
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."