Monday, October 30, 2017

Hidden Blessings

“A blessing rests only on something that is hidden from the eye.” [Taanit 5b]

"And they gave their father wine to drink on that night....."[Vayeira 19:33 ]

According to the Zohar, the dot on the word - וּבְקוּמָהּ - alludes to the fact that God was secretly assisting this event, because Moshiach was to materialize from it, since Ruth, King David's great-grandmother, was a convert from the Moabites.

The latter event between Lot and his younger daughter [19:35] is written without the letter vav, to indicate that the union did not produce such great offspring.  Rabbi  Shimon said "When the verses states that Lot wasn't aware, it means he wasn't aware that Moshiach was destined to come from this union."

Why should the beginnings of Moshiach occur in such an undignified manner?

Ramak explains that when a very lofty soul is about to descend into the world, the forces of kelipah [evil] oppose the soul's descent vehemently.  Sometimes, however, kelipah will consent to the soul's descent if it occurs amidst a particularly sinful act.  Thus we find that from this undesirable act the ancestor of Moshiach was born.

Source: Lubavitcher Rebbe


  1. All those souls who were involved in the lineage of Moshiach come at the End of Days to assist in the mission of the Redeemer. Gradually they become aware as events unfold and they participate.
    As Moshiach is well hidden there isn't any chance that someone will make a mistake. If anyone finds out who Moshiach may be, the profile of such a man doesn't fit the expectations. His ancestors were truly neglected to the idea that they might have spiritual values, let alone missions to fulfill.
    But, those souls assigned to play important roles will, to a certain degree, be aware of the matter. They will pay attention to the directions shown to them and act accordingly.



  3. Incredible...Baruch HaShem!!

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  5. There are people concerned that xtians nowadays do come closer to Judaism having the hidden agenda of conversion of Jews. That isn't the truth. Xtianity has no future, the entire saga was Hashem's plan to propagate the Bible all over the world. And it worked. We should keep in mind that Mashiach is at the gate of Rome, he was born in Edom, he comes from Edom ("Mi ze ba mi Edom ... "). BG

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  7. Shiri: Moshiach won't speak Hebrew ?? doesn't sound right to me.

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  9. Just wanted to make a correction in the post itself. Ruth was NOT David's mother; she was his great grandmother from, of course, his father's side. David's mother was a true Jewess!!! The average person reading the way it was written would get the wrong idea.

    Also, to Anonymous who wrote something about xtianity in connection to Moshiach; c'v, even to repeat such a thing, as their religion has nothing to do with ours, just as all the other avoda zorahs have no connection.

  10. Thank you, I've fixed the post - it was copied from a Sefer, the typo is theirs as well as mine. Thaknks for bringing it to my attention.

  11. Concerning משיח some people were successful in Oz: Dodi li va'ani lo...
    In India some abrahamins were calling रामा - श्री राम् जय राम् जय जय राम् with good results. To the surprise of many, the brahmanical tradition of India started from Avraham/ Abraham. Matan

  12. Just like the Arabs stem from Hagar & Avraham, the Indians (from India), it is said, stem from Keturah & Avraham (even though it said that Hagar & Keturah are the same person)

  13. Hagar before her Tikkun, Keturah after her Tikkun. Indians are very kind and gentle people overall, very spiritual. It would make sense that she transmitted such good midot to her children

  14. There is no Gemara that says that on 5b, the Gemara they're really quoting is 8b. Too many mistakes but still a major Chabad fan. :-)

  15. Tomorrow 17th of Cheshvan 5778, the day of the flood, judgement of the world. Esh

  16. Shiri

    There is nothing to suggest Mashiach will not speak a good level of Hebrew.
    Where do you get this from?
    And I heard from a very learned Rabbi that Moshe knew all along he was a Jew, he even had a head covering, payot and Tzitzit at the court of Paro.
    He was allowed these, like a sort of "token Jew".


    There is nothing to suggest the Indians stem from Avraham and Keturah.
    Only to explain that the children of Avraham and Keturah were sent to the East bearing gifts.
    These gifts are believed to have been various meditative mantras.
    Some have suggested the gifts were martial arts and accupuncture practices but this is controversial.

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  20. Shiloh: I am deleting comments from known Xtians with an agenda that does not match ours.

    Most of the time I don't know who is who, but occasionally people give themselves away. A little bit of honesty about who you are would be appreciated - but of course that would defeat their/your purpose, and Xtianity is based on lies and distortions so you continue the charade on Jewish blogs.

    You claim to have superior knowledge.... but my readers are not interested in reading your views as they come from a place of lies.

    I don't know who Shiri is either.... who are you Shiri?

  21. Devorah, please deleate my comments on this post. Thanks!
