Monday, January 31, 2011

Rewarding the Wicked

Untitled Painting by Liquid Clouds

For Hashem admonishes the one He loves, and like a father, He mollifies the child... [Proverbs 3:12]

Often, when G-d loves someone, He causes him or her to suffer in this world in order to cleanse him or her of the slightest trace of impropriety, so that they will be absolutely flawless when they enjoy the rewards of the World to Come.

Conversely, G-d showers prosperity upon the wicked in this world, so that they will have no claim to reward in the Afterlife.


  1. Devorah, How are you fairing with the cyclones?

  2. They are not affecting Sydney, we are having a heatwave this week, no rain in sight.


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