I voted by absentee ballot on Monday - for Romney. I'm a 9/11 Republican - I've voted Democratic all my life (I was one of the handful who voted for Carter the second time around!). But after 9/11, when I saw the Democrats, and liberals in general trying to "understand" why the scumbags attacked us, well, I was done with the Democratic party.
Moshiach. All the other candidates are evil and will only mean destruction. We are at a time when Hashem wants us to turn to Him completely, not people (we said it in Hallel last week).
I vote for Romney, this way I believe it will be good not for only Jews in America, but for Israel too and not having Obama. Menahem, I pray for Mashiah too but he is not candidate in election so far, when it will be time I will vote for him.
I am writing in Ron Paul. Not voting is failing my country. Voting for a Muslim is not in our country's best interest at this time (on top of his horrible record the last four years and his lack of proof of citizenship). Voting for a Mormon who believes he will die and become a god of his own planet, just like the god of this one, is WORSE than voting for a Muslim - at least Islam is monotheistic. Not to mention that the Republicans are no better than the Democrats.
If we are EVER to break the power of the 'two-party' lie, we MUST vote outside of those two parties. Ron Paul is the best man for the job, and I will stand up and say as much. Should we be here for it (17 Cheshvan comes first), here's a picture that shows exactly what I intend to do,:
You really believe that Mormons think that when they die, they will get to become gods of their own planets?? Are you sure your source is correct? Do you have an actual credible source for this? It is amazing, but Americans dislike (or hate) Mormons three times more than they dislike (or hate) Jews. As Jews we should be careful before applying the canards of others onto their fellow human beings whom they hate.
No, he was actually caught on tape when he did not think that he was being taped that Peace Talks right now are a waste of time. The Palestinians will never agree to a viable solution where Israel does not have to absorb 5 million non-Jews. Yes, the in your face Gingrich approach got the Truth out that the Palestinians are an invented people, and no one challenged him including Ron Paul in the Republican debate. So Romney is slick and his true thoughts are hidden from view, but when he was caught on tape in a moment of refreshing honesty, he obviously demonstrated that he was not interested in shoving some stupid solution down Israel's throat. Publicly of course he supports a negotiated settlement, but privately he knows that such a solution is eons away. Might there be a change in this once the Syrian Civil War changes the world and its political alignment when 2 leaders perish? Time will tell.
Every Jewish vote in South Florida counts. With around 29 electoral votes and such a close vote, we saw what happened in the year 2000. The 600,000 or so Jews in the 3 beach counties in South Florida are the indestructible sands at the seashore from this weeks parsha. And in Parshat VaYishlach we saw that even if we know how many Jews there are at the seashore, there are too many to count. The incessant counting and recounting of the votes between Gore, Gog Bush Jr. and Buchanan stopped during Parshat VaYishlach in the year 2000. So in South Florida every Jewish vote counts even if there are too many to count. Hmm. Make sure that this time if you still have punch card ballots, PLEASE REMOVE ALL HANGING CHADS! The twist in this election is that since the year 2000 there are now 2 million dead voters on the rolls in South Florida ready to come out of their graves to vote if necessary for the 11th horn dude if they are needed. So watch out for action coming from the local cemetery if Florida is close. And report malfeasance to whom? the same election board officials who have not removed the dead voters from their rolls over the last 12 years.
Of course when you have centrist Israeli politicians pushing for perpetual negotiations with the invented people, who can expect Romney to be more morally healthy and straightforward than they are?
http://www.jpost.com/DiplomacyAndPolitics/Article.aspx?id=289868 Believe it or not, this Lapid does not share his father's hatred for G-d. He is the recovering son of a Shoah survivor. Yet, he is a centrist who seems to like the idea of perpetual negotiations until the end of time. And I am going to expect Romney to disagree with him? We can't even stand up for ourselves. May Mashiach come soon and save us from ourselves.
Romney. Although we trust in Hashem and want Mashiach, we have to do our best effort to help Eretz Yisrael and society, especially since I live in Florida and my vote can make a difference. Romney is considered better to Israel and more likely to promote values that are in line with the decency we seek in society.
We have to make our hishtadlus. I shudder to think of the actions of a second term Obama (chas v'shalom) unfettered by any concern about getting reelected.
Romney for the US, Israel & the world. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 4 more years of what we've got would be a shondel. The more secular Jews are likely to vote for Obama, continuing a Democrat loving tradition since FDR and thinking it furthers "Tikkun Olam", IMHO.
Romney. Obama is a evil Muslim out to destroy. Although I am very displeased with Romney's views on a 2 state solution, he may change hopefully. I sat out that the last few elections for this reason but Obama is so evil I will vote for the less evil. Anna, Ron Paul is an antisemite and hates Israel I don't know how anyone who is not an anti semite could vote for him?
Romney is who I voted for. Obama has proven his dislike of Israel and his love for radical muslims. In my opinion we will be a 3rd rate country if Obama is reelected. Bonnie, Texas
we really deliberated this at home. we decided, in the end, that short of doing a write in vote (we would both vote for Allen West from Florida, but are quite sure he would not accept that job), we could not, in good conscience, vote for either candidate. Obama will bring it all down around his ears much faster, but Romney is just as much a bought and paid for member of the CFR and upstanding upholder of the NWO, or even more so. so, we are not voting. we are, however, betting on some provocation allowing Obama to extend this term as a result of something dramatic.
This Anon101. Shalom Alechem to all. I am only voting for Romney because Obama must not win. Jews outside of Israel, must wake up and start preparing to leave for Israel. Everything takes time but Hashem is causing more extreme weather. Look at Jewish history in the last 100 years, every time a country's economy goes bad, the Jews get it. Don't fool yourself. It will happen to YOU, Gd forbid. Start your Nefesh b Nefesh application, start selling your stuff you do not need. Pray with tears to leave your home country to get to Israel. Time is running out. I am stuck in the US and preparing to leave as well. Keep praying with tears to Gd, I am. Check with your life insurance to see if they cover you in Israel. Anything else I learn about aliyah, I will tell you, bli neder.
I'm not voting. The US Presidential election process is rigged and it's already been decided. The populace only has a say in the primaries when we vote for the electorates.
Republican's received my vote this year. But, since I believe in Hashem and He rules the world, He will place in power the next President. My role is to seek Hashem and His ways and not my own.
Obama makes a better Gog than Romney. If I were Hashem, I would make Obama run for another 4 years, so that the plans of Gog and Magog will be fulfilled, which results in the teshuva of Am Yisrael. That's the only way...
Romney, because he's not a Muslim, not a communist, not a Jew-hater. Hashem is in charge but we have to make our histadlus. "Action is the main thing"...Lubavitcher Rebbe.
10rainbow said... the world cannot take another of o's 4 years. the school syllabus is including homosexuality and all the rubbish which morality and sanity would not allow. except for the mosiach we will not have a perfect leader. we can only choose, G-d willing the lesser of the more harmful. until the mosiach comes.
dov, when romney was going for a place, in the presidential race, it did come out in the www.worldnetdaily.com (maybe they quoted from another source but it was in this site) a former mormon who knows romney well, gave a lengthy interview on why he should not be the pres. and she gave detailed accounts on how they pray. and how mormons were having their own agenda. i dont know if she can be trusted, but she gave details of herself. and i really would not know if this is loshon hara. when i asked a rav of mine from wisconsin, he sort of implied, can anything be worse that what they have now. atleast he is definitely against same sex marriage, abortions and all. until the mosiach comes, we have to make do with what we have.
In Missouri over 160 years ago a governor of the state signed an "extermination order" against Mormons. The hatred against this purely American Church runs deep in America amongst many Fundamentalist Xtians. Jews never faced in America what the early Mormons experienced in Illinois and Missouri. What they faced in America, we faced in Russia and the Ukraine. They found their homeland finally in Utah. So they cloistered themselves against all the vitriol that could have continued to come their way if they had not found an empty place in America to flee. Of course one might ask what happened to the Ute Indians. I will leave it at that.
just one piece of bad news. a politically astute former state governor in the US is calling Hurricane Sandy "Manna from Heaven" for Obama, an obvious reference to Divine Providence working to actually get Obama re-elected. You can decide for yourself. Watch the poll results in the swing states over the next few days. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/superstorm-sandy-obamabarbour/2012/10/31/id/462175?s=al&promo_code=108D5-1
I have openly wondered whether this monster storm was sent to help this happen. If O. is re-elected, the prophetic scenario for 5773 in the Zohar VaYeira 119 which is 100% b'itah will truly unfold. All of the nations of the world will turn against Israel in the year 5773. And then there will be an international conference in the Great City of Rome, Maryland?? to drive us from being a nation in the world. And upon this conference G-d will pour out fire, hail, and meteorite stones. I can't see Romney participating in such a conference if he were to win. It makes no sense, but perhaps stranger things have happened.
There is a growing belief that Mossad was behind 9/11. It's bubbling below the surface. I think that will catch fire and things will get ugly. Jews in America are in more danger than they realize.
Complaints from people living in the East because they are being woken up every night by the helicopters flying very low doing surveillance....
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"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
I voted by absentee ballot on Monday - for Romney. I'm a 9/11 Republican - I've voted Democratic all my life (I was one of the handful who voted for Carter the second time around!). But after 9/11, when I saw the Democrats, and liberals in general trying to "understand" why the scumbags attacked us, well, I was done with the Democratic party.
ReplyDeleteBecause he's not Obama.
shawn trees
ReplyDeleteMoshiach. All the other candidates are evil and will only mean destruction. We are at a time when Hashem wants us to turn to Him completely, not people (we said it in Hallel last week).
ReplyDeleteDon't want to be held liable, so no vote. I'm voting for Greater Objective Perspective.
ReplyDeleteFor HaKadosh Baruch Hu. We have to separate ourselves from politics and realize that HaShem is the only One we need.
ReplyDeleteI vote for Romney, this way I believe it will be good not for only Jews in America, but for Israel too and not having Obama. Menahem, I pray for Mashiah too but he is not candidate in election so far, when it will be time I will vote for him.
ReplyDeleteI am writing in Ron Paul. Not voting is failing my country. Voting for a Muslim is not in our country's best interest at this time (on top of his horrible record the last four years and his lack of proof of citizenship). Voting for a Mormon who believes he will die and become a god of his own planet, just like the god of this one, is WORSE than voting for a Muslim - at least Islam is monotheistic. Not to mention that the Republicans are no better than the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteIf we are EVER to break the power of the 'two-party' lie, we MUST vote outside of those two parties. Ron Paul is the best man for the job, and I will stand up and say as much. Should we be here for it (17 Cheshvan comes first), here's a picture that shows exactly what I intend to do,:
You really believe that Mormons think that when they die, they will get to become gods of their own planets?? Are you sure your source is correct? Do you have an actual credible source for this? It is amazing, but Americans dislike (or hate) Mormons three times more than they dislike (or hate) Jews. As Jews we should be careful before applying the canards of others onto their fellow human beings whom they hate.
Deletenot voting, Hashem controls the leaders of the world anyways, why waste my time.
ReplyDeleteI can't vote for Obama nor for Romney.
Romney complained in the debate that there has been no progress on the peace talks for two years. Will he pressure Israel to talk peace?
Obama is clearly not a friend of Israel.
If one of them wins Florida by 1 vote, so be it.
No, he was actually caught on tape when he did not think that he was being taped that Peace Talks right now are a waste of time. The Palestinians will never agree to a viable solution where Israel does not have to absorb 5 million non-Jews. Yes, the in your face Gingrich approach got the Truth out that the Palestinians are an invented people, and no one challenged him including Ron Paul in the Republican debate. So Romney is slick and his true thoughts are hidden from view, but when he was caught on tape in a moment of refreshing honesty, he obviously demonstrated that he was not interested in shoving some stupid solution down Israel's throat. Publicly of course he supports a negotiated settlement, but privately he knows that such a solution is eons away. Might there be a change in this once the Syrian Civil War changes the world and its political alignment when 2 leaders perish? Time will tell.
DeleteHi Dov,
DeleteOK will vote for Romney then.
But will do it with a "shinui" ;)
Anon from Florida
Every Jewish vote in South Florida counts. With around 29 electoral votes and such a close vote, we saw what happened in the year 2000. The 600,000 or so Jews in the 3 beach counties in South Florida are the indestructible sands at the seashore from this weeks parsha. And in Parshat VaYishlach we saw that even if we know how many Jews there are at the seashore, there are too many to count. The incessant counting and recounting of the votes between Gore, Gog Bush Jr. and Buchanan stopped during Parshat VaYishlach in the year 2000. So in South Florida every Jewish vote counts even if there are too many to count. Hmm. Make sure that this time if you still have punch card ballots, PLEASE REMOVE ALL HANGING CHADS! The twist in this election is that since the year 2000 there are now 2 million dead voters on the rolls in South Florida ready to come out of their graves to vote if necessary for the 11th horn dude if they are needed. So watch out for action coming from the local cemetery if Florida is close. And report malfeasance to whom? the same election board officials who have not removed the dead voters from their rolls over the last 12 years.
DeleteOf course when you have centrist Israeli politicians pushing for perpetual negotiations with the invented people, who can expect Romney to be more morally healthy and straightforward than they are?
Believe it or not, this Lapid does not share his father's hatred for G-d. He is the recovering son of a Shoah survivor. Yet, he is a centrist who seems to like the idea of perpetual negotiations until the end of time. And I am going to expect Romney to disagree with him? We can't even stand up for ourselves. May Mashiach come soon and save us from ourselves.
Romney. Obama is evil to the core. Not kidding.
ReplyDeleteRomney. Although we trust in Hashem and want Mashiach, we have to do our best effort to help Eretz Yisrael and society, especially since I live in Florida and my vote can make a difference. Romney is considered better to Israel and more likely to promote values that are in line with the decency we seek in society.
ReplyDeleteso moshiach coming soon
ReplyDeleteWe have to make our hishtadlus. I shudder to think of the actions of a second term Obama (chas v'shalom) unfettered by any concern about getting reelected.
ReplyDeleteAviva (Chicago)
Romney for the US, Israel & the world. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 4 more years of what we've got would be a shondel. The more secular Jews are likely to vote for Obama, continuing a Democrat loving tradition since FDR and thinking it furthers "Tikkun Olam", IMHO.
ReplyDeleteRomney. Obama is a evil Muslim out to destroy. Although I am very displeased with Romney's views on a 2 state solution, he may change hopefully. I sat out that the last few elections for this reason but Obama is so evil I will vote for the less evil. Anna, Ron Paul is an antisemite and hates Israel I don't know how anyone who is not an anti semite could vote for him?
ReplyDeleteRomney is who I voted for. Obama has proven his dislike of Israel and his love for radical muslims. In my opinion we will be a 3rd rate country if Obama is reelected.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, Texas
we really deliberated this at home. we decided, in the end, that short of doing a write in vote (we would both vote for Allen West from Florida, but are quite sure he would not accept that job), we could not, in good conscience, vote for either candidate. Obama will bring it all down around his ears much faster, but Romney is just as much a bought and paid for member of the CFR and upstanding upholder of the NWO, or even more so. so, we are not voting. we are, however, betting on some provocation allowing Obama to extend this term as a result of something dramatic.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should watch Dinesh D'Souza's video film 2016 Obama's America. Very sobering.
ReplyDeleteThis Anon101. Shalom Alechem to all. I am only voting for Romney because Obama must not win. Jews outside of Israel, must wake up and start preparing to leave for Israel. Everything takes time but Hashem is causing more extreme weather. Look at Jewish history in the last 100 years, every time a country's economy goes bad, the Jews get it. Don't fool yourself. It will happen to YOU, Gd forbid. Start your Nefesh b Nefesh application, start selling your stuff you do not need. Pray with tears to leave your home country to get to Israel. Time is running out. I am stuck in the US and preparing to leave as well. Keep praying with tears to Gd, I am. Check with your life insurance to see if they cover you in Israel. Anything else I learn about aliyah, I will tell you, bli neder.
ReplyDeleteI'm not voting. The US Presidential election process is rigged and it's already been decided. The populace only has a say in the primaries when we vote for the electorates.
ReplyDeleteRepublican's received my vote this year. But, since I believe in Hashem and He rules the world, He will place in power the next President. My role is to seek Hashem and His ways and not my own.
ReplyDeleteI agree, it has already been decided by elites who the next prez will be. Unfortunately, it's Obama, no matter who we vote for.
ReplyDeleteObama makes a better Gog than Romney. If I were Hashem, I would make Obama run for another 4 years, so that the plans of Gog and Magog will be fulfilled, which results in the teshuva of Am Yisrael. That's the only way...
ReplyDeleteRomney, because he's not a Muslim, not a communist, not a Jew-hater. Hashem is in charge but we have to make our histadlus. "Action is the main thing"...Lubavitcher Rebbe.
ReplyDelete10rainbow said...
ReplyDeletethe world cannot take another of o's 4 years. the school syllabus is including homosexuality and all the rubbish which morality and sanity would not allow. except for the mosiach we will not have a perfect leader. we can only choose, G-d willing the lesser of the more harmful. until the mosiach comes.
dov, when romney was going for a place, in the presidential race, it did come out in the www.worldnetdaily.com (maybe they quoted from another source but it was in this site) a former mormon who knows romney well, gave a lengthy interview on why he should not be the pres. and she gave detailed accounts on how they pray. and how mormons were having their own agenda. i dont know if she can be trusted, but she gave details of herself. and i really would not know if this is loshon hara. when i asked a rav of mine from wisconsin, he sort of implied, can anything be worse that what they have now. atleast he is definitely against same sex marriage, abortions and all. until the mosiach comes, we have to make do with what we have.
ReplyDeleteIn Missouri over 160 years ago a governor of the state signed an "extermination order" against Mormons. The hatred against this purely American Church runs deep in America amongst many Fundamentalist Xtians. Jews never faced in America what the early Mormons experienced in Illinois and Missouri. What they faced in America, we faced in Russia and the Ukraine. They found their homeland finally in Utah. So they cloistered themselves against all the vitriol that could have continued to come their way if they had not found an empty place in America to flee. Of course one might ask what happened to the Ute Indians. I will leave it at that.
ReplyDeletejust one piece of bad news. a politically astute former state governor in the US is calling Hurricane Sandy "Manna from Heaven" for Obama, an obvious reference to Divine Providence working to actually get Obama re-elected. You can decide for yourself. Watch the poll results in the swing states over the next few days. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/superstorm-sandy-obamabarbour/2012/10/31/id/462175?s=al&promo_code=108D5-1
I have openly wondered whether this monster storm was sent to help this happen. If O. is re-elected, the prophetic scenario for 5773 in the Zohar VaYeira 119 which is 100% b'itah will truly unfold. All of the nations of the world will turn against Israel in the year 5773. And then there will be an international conference in the Great City of Rome, Maryland?? to drive us from being a nation in the world. And upon this conference G-d will pour out fire, hail, and meteorite stones. I can't see Romney participating in such a conference if he were to win. It makes no sense, but perhaps stranger things have happened.
There is a growing belief that Mossad was behind 9/11. It's bubbling below the surface. I think that will catch fire and things will get ugly. Jews in America are in more danger than they realize.