Thursday, April 6, 2017

What does The Geula Look Like

HT: Rahel

This video was from last year, but it was brought to my attention by Rahel on FB :

Rabbi Shimon Kessin - [brother of Rabbi Mendel Kessin]  ..."What does the Geula look like when it starts---at the moment of initiation"? In order to answer this question, he discusses a concept called "Bread of Shame."


  1. The shock moment for me was when he said, "Gan Eden is a halfway house!" He tells us that the souls in Olam Ha'ba are screaming for the time when they can return to this "world" when it is transformed to Olam Ha'ba, when we are like Adam Ha'rishon before the cheit. Wow!

  2. Devorah, this video post is such a precious gift!!! I just sent it to my rabbi in Israel, with whom I've been working for over five years via Skype. There are all kinds of different learning and mentoring relationships now, and it's been such a privilege to share your R' Kessin(s)' posts with ny rabbi in the midst of all his sharing with me. Thanks ever so much! May you and your family have a great Pesach week...

  3. Rachel, I have a feeling they are twins, but I'm not 100% sure.

  4. Yes, they are twins. AND they are both psychologists.


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