Sunday, June 25, 2017

Islam, Isis In The End of Days- Will Islam Take Over The World?

Rabbi Yehoshua Zitron



  1. Regarding what he says about learning from the nations persecuting us what we need to correct...

    No one should ignore or make light of the charges made by the Islamic enemy that Israel is the little Satan while America is the big Satan. This is a hint to the Americanization of Israel which is a huge tragedy for us and an existential threat as well.

    Rabbi Lau makes mention of it in an interview which apears on Ynet today.

  2. Interesting Shiur. Interesting that jews in diaspora think that Israel the most dangerous place to live, jews from Israel think opposite. :)


  3. persecute not prosecute

  4. I have a feeling that the Rav is going to talk in his future video in this series about learning from Yishmael while we are in exile what we are lacking including mesirus nefesh for Hashem, tznius, etc.

  5. Israel needs to divorce America ASAP and become as self-reliant as possible. When I go to Eretz Yisrael today, what do I see? I see islands of holiness surrounded by oceans of Americanization. Tel Aviv might as well be San Francisco: hyper-consumerist, little regard for morality or community life, young people are mostly frivolous who lack any faith in HaShem.

    Even from a geopolitical standpoint, America right now is the equivalent of the German Empire before World War I (not II, I) in the sense where all of its allies apart from Israel and the EU (which is coming undone as we speak) are quite weak and dependent on it. Japan, South Korea, the Gulf Arab states, Egypt, Turkey, Colombia, etc. would all fall apart without American financial and military backing. If America wants to keep dominating the world at the point of a gun then so be it, but keep Klal Yisrael out of it.

  6. Thank you Devash for the link to Rabbi Lau’s remarks. More than very interesting. For me, the speakers style is irritating, i find his speed necessitates repeating. For information to be ‘digested’ one needs to chew it first. But he acts like a juicer and pours the info into you. This seems to be the ‘new way’ of delivering Torah to women. This also occurs here in Israel. Not my style.

    Nevertheless, Devorah, its a very good video for readers. Nice choice.

  7. Anonymous 4:13 pm - You're absolutely right!


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