Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Secret Behind the Vision

Chevlei Moshiach - the birthpangs of Moshiach - from the Holocaust until now.

The vision of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ;  the secrets behind his global mission to bring the Redemption, and why it is taking so long; our obligation to teach the nations.; the millions of ''Noahides'' in the world now.

Rabbi Alon Anava


  1. Seifer Chasdei Avraham says, “Today, we are living ‘Chevlei Moshiach’ - the birth pangs of Moshiach, this is neither the beginning nor middle of the period but rather the last chapter of the Chevlei Moshiach.”

    Between Ashrei and U’Va LTziyon during Shacharis, we say Lamnatzei’ach... Ya’ancha Hashem B’Yom Tzara”, Hashem should answer us in our day of pain. The Vilna Gaon says that there are 70 words in this perek corresponding to the 70 years of the suffering the Jews will experience before Moshiach reveals himself. This period is called ‘Chevlei Moshiach’ - the birth pangs of Moshiach" [Siddur HaGra, Lamnatze’ach, Likutei HaGra ( and Yahel Ohr 2:119:2].

    In our current exile, where did we suffer the most the ‘birth pangs’ of Moshiach? Approximately 47 years ago, the Steipler Gaon said the following (Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum, page 83):

    “We are very close to the coming of Moshiach since we underwent most of the ‘birth pangs’ of Moshiach during World War II with its dreadful suffering...” (See Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum, page 142).

    World War II ended in 1945. Rabbi Alon Anava says that if you add 70 years to the end of the war - 1945 - it comes out to the year 2015. Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein explains, “The Geulah is not a moment. Rather, it’s a process.” As the Zohar states, “The redemption is not to happen all at once, but rather a little at a time" (Volume 1, page 170a).

    In 2015, during April, Rav Chizkiyahu Mishkovsky told a gathering at a Lev L’Achim event in Bnei Brak, speaking in the name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, the arrival of Moshiach is close:

    "All the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, even to those who are secular, let it be known that the only way to be saved is through Torah and works of loving kindness and there is no other way'" (

    A year later, in that same month ( Rav Chaim and Rav Shternbuch discussed the problems facing the Jews in this generation... Rav Kanievsky quoted the Talmud (Megillah 17b and Yerushalmi, Berachos 2:4) which states, “In the year after shemittah the son of Dovid will come.” “The year after the Shemittah isn’t over,” he added.

    What is the “year after the Shemittah”? One year ago: 5776. Rav Chaim is saying the son of Dovid will come this year 5777. As the Gemara states, “The tzaddik decrees and Hashem fulfills" (Kesubos 103b). This past July of 2016, Rav Chaim said, “All that can be done is to wait and anticipate the imminent arrival of Moshiach" ( As we say every morning, “By the End of Days He will send our Messiah, to redeem those longing for His final salvation" (Birchas HaShachar “ישלח לקץ...”).

  2. The Noahides cannot change the world. The Jews are the ones charged with that responsibility. A Jew has kedusha, a Noahide doesn't. His kedusha is the thing that repairs the world. The Noahide can repair himself, but not the world. This is my understanding.

  3. Correct, only Jews can do the tikkun, which I learned from Rabbi Kessin.
    But recognition of Hashem as the One G-d is something the world can learn.

  4. Our obligation is to try and bring back as many Jews to Yiddishkeit/Torah. This era is the lowest inasmuch as there is about 70% assimilation and intermarriage in these times. Believe that non-Jews who seek the truth are the ones we should help and do all we can to bring them to know that there is only H'. But, to go out and look for them is risky business. We are a nation that stands alone and should be separate as our Torah dictates. When Moshiach is here, the world will then know there is only H' and that our Torah is the total TRUTH. From what I've always understood, Moshiach Tzdkeinu will be the Moshe Rabbeinu for the whole world and he will be the one to answer all that is questioned.

  5. A lot of people think that way, but here Rabbi Anava is saying that the Lubavitcher Rebbe's vision was to go out and reach them as well. Now I happen to personally remember the little cards that Chabad used to give out to everyone, with the seven laws on them. So I guess what Rabbi Anava is saying is the truth regarding the Rebbe's mission. These days however Chabad does concentrate more on the Jews than on the non-Jews, and that is why Rabbi Anava is making his point. Agree or disagree, the Rebbe was a Tzadik, that is not disputed, therefore his intentions must be correct.

  6. If you think outside the box, by teaching the nations, we may just find that theJews will also be encouraged to learn more. Makes sense to me.

  7. Every person on this earth is here with a purpose. The purpose of non-Jews and people who are not yet Jewish begins with a growing understanding of idolatry. The G-d of the Bible makes it clear that worship of an object or a human is idolatry. That idea can be totally shocking to those who live in families and cultures that believe human beings need an intercessor between themselves and G-d, and turn those intercessors into idols. Jews need no intercessor. We know that, and it's our responsibility to stand on the first of the Ten Utterances. We stand there and we help others, in ways consistent with our personal purposes, to understand where we stand, and why. Noahides are people who have abandoned idolatry. That's a very good thing. That's something Jews should support, as is consistent with the purpose Hashem has given to each of us. That's how I see it.

  8. Sorry, don't buy this. As if we don't have enough problems with our own people's Jewish knowledge, emuna and beliefs, or lack of, we are nevertheless obliged to proselytize non-Jews to become Noachides?


  9. I don't see it as proselytizing, but more to do with making the information available to them. What they then do with that information is up to them.


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