Sunday, August 19, 2018

Dreams and Mazal

I put this video on the blog two years ago, and it came up on my FB feed today.... I watched it again, and it's really a stand-out lecture.  If you didn't see it previously, take the time to listen now.  There is so much information here: about the soul, it's structure inside our bodies, it's journey as we sleep, testifying in the Heavenly Court, how to protect your soul while your sleep, all about your dreams and how to know if they are real or just nonsense, why you may feel like your are falling when you wake from a dream... and so much more.


  1. Wow, this sounds very timely, since we are coming before HKB”H very soon.
    I also recommend Rabbi Mizrachi’s two videos on “Is there life after death”. Amazing and soul nourishing.

  2. Crazy question....rav anava talks about krias shema and how it protects the body from klipa and evil spirits entering it....however he doesnt say what a person should do to het them does sayong krias shema the next night remove the klipa that entere2d the nights
    you disnt say it

  3. Having a kosher mezuzah on the door of the bedroom and the rest of the house also protects

  4. B"H

    Absolutely bizarre how I sent this video to a friend of mine this morning after a discussion on dreams, before I saw it posted on your blog.

  5. I have published dreams of Moshiach from my children before on different geula blogs. They were uncanny retelling of many prophesies of the future age of moshiach and beyond. They came from a child who was before the age of true understanding but was very verbal and explained all the details in a few hours. I later had a little older child (aged 10) retell Yechezkel's prophesy of Hashem's throne and the future Beit Hamikdash.

    Now, I have a new dream from an older child (aged 17) who first dreamed when she was 7 of her future brother being born (she knew his name which we, the parents, already picked out.) Her new dream prophesized my upcoming pregnancy and birth of a new baby girl, dreamed a few days before I even knew I was pregnant. She ended up telling me the dream hours after I found out. Of course, I delivered a girl, as she foretold. The pregnancy was a miracle in itself, I never expected it and I was very nervous of the extreme high risk situation the pregnancy put me in. I knew her dream was sent as a comfort to me so I wouldn't have to worry during the pregnancy. Everything she said in the dream came true.

    There are true dreams out there. Ones that contain no nonsense although they still might have one element to them that is not accurate entirely. Sometimes they are dreamed outside of Israel but I found most ones are dreamed in the land of Israel as our spiritual side is more open to it without the klipot blocking us.

    I also had a dream the night I conceived. I dreamed of a new baby besides me but I assumed it was nonsense until I realized I was expecting and then went back with the dates to see when it coincided.

    These dreams were Friday night/Shabbat morning, dreamed right before waking and we were all left with good feelings and a sense of a real message. The children's dreams were dreamed three times each. These, I learned, were all signs of a true dream vs. a nonsense dream. They have also had bad dreams of bad premonitions but I don't pay them attention because a dream in which you wake up scared is most likely from an unpure source. We hope the bad dreams won't happen just like bad prophesies. They aren't promised to come true like good prophesies are.


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