Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mad World

Art: Mike Worrall

This is for me, and everyone else who's feeling the same way right now.

"A king was informed by his chief minister that there had been blight on the crops that year. They were affected so greatly that anyone eating the grain would become insane. "But" said the minister, "there is no need for us to worry. I have set aside enough grain from last year's harvest for the both of us that will last until the harvest of the following year."

The king shook his head. "No," he said. "I will not allow myself any privileges other than those shared by my subjects.  "We shall eat of the same grain," the king continued, "and we shall both go insane together with the rest of the population. But here is what we shall do. You and I will mark our foreheads with an indelible imprint, so that when we go insane, I will look at you and you will look at me and we will know we are insane."
[Rebbe Nachman of Breslov]


  1. Yep, that just about sums up how I am feeling.

  2. Somehow makes me think of global warming

  3. so many of the images with which you adorn your posts, Devorah, are insanely cool, eerie, beauteous...a treat illustrative, and a treat apart

  4. This calls for forward thinking!
    We need your great R”H Honey Cake recipe.


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